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Posts posted by Kirby23

  1. 5 hours ago, Peefun said:

    It sounds like you've set a precedent for future pee-play: she's willing to try new things that please you even if she doesn't necessarily enjoy them. I would encourage her to continue with a conversation telling her how much you enjoy it, that you appreciate her support of your "kink", and would like to reciprocate and do something new that she might be interested in experimenting with. Ask if there's any sort of fantasy she's thought of, no matter how extreme, that you could help her experience. Tell her that nothing's off limits since she's acquiesced to your request, then make a huge effort to do whatever it is that she suggests. Hopefully that encouragement will help her to continue to let you enjoy pee play with her, and might contribute to a far more adventurous sex life overall. 

    I've had three different girlfriends who were into pee play during sex, and both of them enjoyed having me pee on their clit - they found the warm pee stream to be very arousing. They both also enjoyed when I peed inside them, describing the pleasurable feeling as similar to having someone cum inside them.

    Thank you for the kind and encouraging words! Unfortunately my wife is not a very sexual person. She doesn't really desire sex, and acquiesces to me because she feels it's her "wifely duty." 

    I've made many offers in the past of what you're describing, and she's not interested. Ironically, the only thing I'd be able to offer her sexually is to do it less often. 

  2. I think friends of the same gender peeing together is obviously fairly common, and not a big deal. 

    I've had a few instances where I've either peed with or near friends of the opposite gender.

    For example, I (male) have a close (female) friend "M". One time M and I were talking on the phone and from the other end I heard a flush. I asked her "Did you just pee?" And she said "Yep!". I've peed while on the phone with her too. 

    Another female friend of mine ("S") and I used to pee outside with each other at college parties. I'd keep watch for her and she'd keep watch for me. It wasn't really sexual, just out of convenience. I was always respectful, and never tried to steal a glimpse at her naughty bits, although I probably could've if I tried. 

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  3. 25 minutes ago, LickerLover said:


    And thanks for the update.

    Maybe the next time or two you don’t pee during sex - she will start to miss it, and then perhaps she will start requesting it (one can hope and dream).

    Maybe! She's not really the type that asks for what she wants during sex; I always have to take the lead and ask things like "Do you like what I'm doing? Does that feel good? Do you want to change positions?" (etc.). 

    But I guess anything's possible!

  4. 6 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    Nicole Kidman admitted to actually peeing on Zach Efron in the Paperboy. Oprah Winfrey claimed her peeing scene in Beloved was real. And there's mixed accounts regarding Kate Winslet in Holy Smoke. She said she genuinely peed in one take, but it didn't show up as dramatically as they wanted. So they ended up using a prop pee bag in others. There's some dispute over which take made it into the finished film?


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  5. 10 hours ago, Carb0nBased said:

    Does she even have an issue if you ask her to open her legs so you can see her go in the toilet? or only when she's peeing in less conventional places?

    Yes, I don't think she'd let me watch her closely when she's going in the toilet. It creeps her out. I probably asked once or twice at the beginning of our relationship, but have since given up trying. It's just not something she's into and/or would allow. If I really pushed she might let me, but she'd be extremely uncomfortable, and that would ruin any pleasure/satisfaction I might get out of it.

  6. 16 hours ago, InsertName said:

    Oh sorry! Lol I thought you were trying to gauge if she genuinely couldn’t or if she was making excuses. 

    What if you do start smaller. Will she let you brush your teeth in the bathroom while she pees? It is a “normal” peeing experience for her physically and doesn’t put a ton of pressure on her if, for example, you’re casually at the sink with your back to her seemingly not really paying attention 

    Yep. She's comfortable peeing in front of me in a situation like that. It's when I try to watch that she gets skeeved out, like if I ask to watch her pee in the shower, or outside while camping, for example. 

  7. I'd be interested to hear of others' experiences with accidental or unexpected nudity sightings (particularly female) in real life. 

    A few times that come to mind for me:

    Once I was at the beach, and a young couple (probably about 18) were kind of play wrestling with each other. The girl was wearing a bikini. She was Asian, and very thin, perhaps 100 pounds. The man picked the girl up into the air, and as he went to grab her, he sort of pulled her bikini bottom to the side, and I got a full view of her cute little dark bush, and as her lifted her, of her pussy lips. She sort of giggled, and placed the bikini bottom back where it belonged. I don't think she knew she flashed me. 

    Another time, I was at a wedding, and one of the guests, a decent-looking girl who was about 30, was literally falling down drunk. She fell on the grass outside, where the reception was being held. Trying to regain her balance, she spread her legs wide, and I (along with a few other guests) got a full view of her crotch (no underwear). She was blonde, and it was fairly dark out, so I couldn't really tell if she was shaved, or might've had blonde pubic hair. But she definitely had meaty lips, because I still remember seeing them clearly. That same girl had sex outdoors with a random dude later on, ha. 

    Anyone else have sightings like this?

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  8. 1 hour ago, InsertName said:

    It can be difficult to do. For me, personally, if I super gently brush my fingers against the labia minora near the urinary opening it can irritate/stimulate it enough to start. Additionally, good g-spot stimulation can help. 

    If she’s not into it, it will be that much more difficult for her. Are you sure she is comfortable doing this and that you’re not ignoring her trying to avoid it without hurting you? Have you started slower such as her peeing in the same room as you, then with you watching her stream, then with you touching her while she pees, etc?

    If she isn’t comfortable even peeing around other people then she’s going to have a much more difficult time doing it when there are all sorts of other types of stimulation, subconscious training to not do that during sex, and additional pressure to pee on demand. Personally, even after finishing a good fuck (or similar) I have a hard time peeing because the muscles or nerves or something are still freaking out (in a good way). 

    Thanks for the help and insight. As a point of clarification, with my wife, I'm pretty sure it's a non-starter. She's not interested, I'm pretty sure that's that. I wish she wasn't so firm on not wanting to try, but she's made it pretty clear it's not going to happen. 

    So the question I posed initially wasn't really "How can I get my wife to do this," but more along the lines of one of a purely academic nature, just to hear of others' experiences, who have been successful in this area.


  9. To get the ball rolling - my experience in this area in real life (other than porn) is only with one person, my ex. The first time she did it was in a swimming pool. We were having sex in the water. We'd been drinking a lot of beer. She told me she had to pee. Not really wanting to stop, I said "just go."

    She had a bit of a hard time getting started, but as long as I held still (my penis was still inside), she was able to go. She had to push hard to start. She did a few "spurts," then was able to establish a stream of sorts. It was mostly dark out, so I couldn't see anything, but I could feel the warmer water surrounding my crotchal region. She was giggling as she was going, and the whole act triggered my orgasm. I came inside her, pulled out, and when I pulled out, she peed a lot more, emptying out the remainder of her bladder.

    That was toward the end of our relationship (things were already going south by then), but there were a few more times that she peed during sex afterward; not because of a kink or fetish, but mostly out of convenience.

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  10. On several occasions, I've asked my wife to try peeing during sex. The idea doesn't interest her. And she'll say something like "Besides, I don't think it's even possible."

    I know it's possible, because I've seen it in lots of videos, and my ex did it a few times. I've told some of the stories in other posts).

    So here's my question - for couples that have done this - how easy/difficult is it for the woman? I'd be interested in hearing from women directly, or from men (e.g "my wife/gf peed during sex, and here's how it went").

    What was the situation? Was it planned or unplanned? Where did it take place? How full was the bladder? (etc.)

    Thanks in advance for your info/stories!


  11. On 8/25/2022 at 11:20 PM, LickerLover said:

    Patiently waiting for updates 

    Hopefully there is an encore performance soon.

    Good luck - we’re all rooting for you!

    Thanks! No update yet, we haven't had sex since then. We usually do it about once/week, so it just hasn't happened yet. 

    We did, however, talk about it a few days after it happened. I brought it up - I asked her if there were any residual effects from it afterwards. She said that the next day she'd dripped a little more than usual - that there was a small (coin-sized) wet spot on her underwear. But that was it, so I guess not too bad.

    She still wasn't thrilled with the whole situation though. It definitely wasn't a turn-on for her like it was for me. 

    So I don't know how soon I should try this again. It might end up being a once-in-a-great-while thing that she reluctantly allows. We'll see.

  12. On 8/25/2022 at 8:13 PM, Bacardi said:

    Just trying it out I'd wager between 25 and 30 percent. Trying it and having one or more partners enjoying it would probably be a little bit less.

    That's pretty much exactly what I'd guess. 

    It's interesting to think of it that way - looking around at parents at a school meeting, or at my kids' sports games, or whatever, and wondering who has peed on who... haha.

  13. To build on what's been said, and as to the question of whether the actress might pee for real, I think it depends on the budget status of the film, and/or how high profile the actress is. 

    In a big-budget film, and/or with a higher-profile actress, they'd have some sort of special effects bag/rig for her to wear.

    In a low-budget film with a less well-known actress, I'd guess the chances are more likely that the peeing might be real.

    And unless the position/specifics of the peeing are important to the plot, I'd guess most directors would just let the actress do her thing whatever way she normally would. 

    • Thanks 1
  14. There was a recent topic discussing "Percentage of women into piss kink" (or something similar). Along those lines, I've been wondering what percentage of "average" couples (e.g. not people with a piss kink per se) partake in pee play, say once in a while. 

    I'm not necessarily talking about the more extreme versions (drinking, pee sex, etc.), but maybe in a playful way, like watching each other pee, peeing on each other's leg in the shower, or similar?

    My guess is that it's actually higher than we might think. Reading r/sex, r/relationships, etc. on Reddit, for example, pee/piss comes up a LOT, and people are generally pretty casual about it. Almost every day there'll be a post "Do you pee in the shower?" and people might joke about peeing on each other in the shower for a laugh, etc.

    I can't say it comes up a lot in real life discussions, but it did at least once that I can think of - my friend "M" (female) casually mentioned once that one time her BF was trying to get her to squirt, and she peed instead because it was "easier."

    So, let's say there are 100 average couples, say, at a shopping mall, concert, etc. How many have done at least a little friendly pee play? Whether casually, just for fun, or more?

  15. 2 minutes ago, oliver2 said:

    @Kirby23 Do you think maybe people are less willing to pee in private hot tubs than public ones owned by a hotel, sports club or whatever?

    Yes, I'd think so. And in this particular case, the hostess (hot tub owner) specifically asked the guests not to pee in the hot tub. They're all nurses, so she's a no-nonsense kind of lady. Kind of like a "Let's all be adults here, ok" talk prior to them getting in. 

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  16. This is similar to a discussion topic thread I started here a few months ago. My wife and I have a hot tub, and if I need to go, I just stand and pee into the grass/bushes area to the side of the hot tub. My wife always goes before we get in, so has not had to pee while we're in the tub. 

    My wife has attended several hot tub parties with friends (all women). Per my wife, the women generally either a.) Hang butt over the side and pee discreetly, or b.) Get out and pee standing/through swimsuit into the grass. Since it's all women, and since there's drinking involved, these practices are "accepted", and no one really makes a big deal of it. 

    If my wife needs to pee, she does c.) pee discreetly through her swimsuit into the grass while walking to or from cooler. 

    It's usually dark at these parties, so is a lot easier for them all to pee discreetly than if it were daylight.

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  17. My family (wife + kids) and I go camping an average of 1-2 times each summer. We have a medium-sized tent, and usually camp with extended family at a local state park. 

    Our site locations vary, but the bathroom facility might be, say 100-300 yards from our campsite. The campsites are wooded, but we're definitely not peeing outside during daylight hours - not private enough. So during the day we just walk to the restroom.

    During the nighttime, my wife and I usually pee on average, once per night. We have to be quiet/careful so as not to wake the kids. We exit the tent together, and go a few yards from the tent. She'll squat, and I'll stand. I can definitely hear her pee, but it's too dark to see anything. 

    In the last few years, I've made an innovation. I now attach a big tarp to the outside/front of the tent. It's attached to the front peak of the tent, and staked to the ground. So it's completely clised to the outside.

    Ostensibly, it's to provide a dry area so we can take off our shoes/boots outside. But in reality, it's our bathroom. It's just tall enough for me to kneel and pee, or for her to squat. Now if we have to pee in the night (or before bed, or in the morning), we just pee in the tarped-off area in front of the tent. 

    It's definitely more convenient than walking to the bathroom, or risking being seen outdoors. And the best part is that it's much easier for me to see her pee because she's only a few feet from me and can't really hide ;)

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  18. My wife is super not into pee play. I've asked her to try it a few times and it's always a hard no. But one time recently, during sex, I mentioned it, and she said something like "I don't even think it's possible."

    I said "I'm pretty sure I could pee right now. Do you want to see if I can?" (I was inside her at the time). She rolled her eyes, and said "whatever" (or similar). So I tried, and it worked. I only peed a little, kind of a squirt. I asked her if she could feel it, and she said no. It felt weird. It was definitely wetter, more "sloshy." But it wasn't a huge turn-on for me because I knew she wasn't into it. 

    It made a small, slightly wetter-than-normal spot on our towel, but other than that it was somewhat forgettable, honestly. She didn't make a big deal of it, so I didn't either.

    My wife is a medical professional, so has come into contact with bodily fluids a lot - it's not a big deal to her. She didn't have any adverse effects from being peed in. 

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