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Posts posted by Kirby23

  1. To me the answer kind of depends on the situation. Like others have expressed, the videos that are the biggest turn-ons to me are generally the most realistic. 

    For example, I enjoy watching "peeing during sex" videos, where one or the other partner pees during PIV. To me that's a situation where a little talking can be hot. For example if the woman is like "Oh God, I gotta pee," then a few seconds later some spurts come out. Nerdy Faery did one of these in a shower stall (she had to pee so bad but couldn't do it while the penis was inside!)

    To me it almost seems weird (unrealistic?) if two people are having sex and one just starts peeing with no talking or lead-in. Like it was just for the video, rather than a natural situation that might have arisen unplanned.


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  2. 13 hours ago, PissDude said:

    ...I assume if I met a woman who was into the same thing I am, I’d find a way to keep it related to pissing but not sex so it’s not adultery. I hope. My wife loved me at the lowest point of my life after my divorce and that of all things deserves loyalty.

    @PissDude Man, I can relate to so much of this. I met my wife when I was at the lowest point of my life, going through an awful divorce. She was there for me when I needed it most, and I'll never forget it. 

    That's why when she doesn't understand my fetish (or kink shames me), it hurts, but I don't think I'd ever do anything to hurt her (e.g. cheat).

    The farthest I'll go is talking about it with other women (female friends, etc.). Not about a fetish per se, just about pee in general (funny stories, etc.).

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  3. I've been in a committed relationship for 15+ years with a woman who is very much not into my fetish. So it's something I've thought about from time-to-time. Not in terms of "Should I cheat on her?" but more in terms of "if a situation presented itself, how far would I go?"

    I watch pee porn, I've talked to female friends about pee-related topics, and I frequent this site, none of which I consider cheating.

    But let's say I had an oppourtunity to watch a girl pee. Would I do it? Probably. Is it cheating? I don't know, it depends on the specifics. Is she a stranger? Is it a friend at a party? (etc.)

    I just think it's an interesting topic to mull over.

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  4. For those of you in a committed relationship - Let's assume your significant other / partner is not interested in pee, and/or doesn't know about your fetish, etc. Would you cheat on your significant other in order to engage in pee-related activities?

    Which activities would you be willing to do? What do you consider cheating (where do you draw the line)?

    Are you more concerned with the logistics of it (I'm afraid I'd get caught) or with the ethics of it (it's wrong, regardless)?

    Please feel free to add details (type of relationship, length of time in relationship, marital status, etc.).


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  5. @Bacardi Thank you so much for your candid responses. I hope my questions didn't bring up painful memories for you - I'm so sorry you were kink shamed. My wife used to do this too, saying things like I was "sick" for asking to watch her pee in the shower. But we've been together a long time (15+ years), and she has mellowed out a lot about it, especially recently.

    I'm sure I'm not telling you anything you haven't already thought about, but I wonder what would happen if you tried to "ease into" the topic with your husband. Perhaps it could start with an innocent conversation on kinks in general, and just see where it goes from there. I understand the reluctance though. While on one hand you have the possibility of opening up a new world of exploration with your partner, on the other hand it could backfire horribly if it goes wrong. 

    It's an interesting topic you bring up - the question of "would you cheat on your spouse to engage in a kink you otherwise wouldn't be able to explore?

    I've thought about this a lot. I'm sure there are a lot of people who would. I'm not sure what I would do. For me I don't think it would be worth the risk. I love my wife immensely and would never want to hurt her. I have a great life and wouldn't want to risk throwing it away to explore a kink. 

    But I'm so impressed with your courage and honesty to admit to a willingness to explore. If we can't be honest here, where can we be? I hope someday the stars do align for you. 

    Finally, regarding masturbation, I'm so glad that's going well for you! That's exciting to learn more about your body and discover new feelings and ways of experiencing pleasure.

    Thanks again for engaging in the conversation and for sharing!


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  6. On 8/29/2022 at 3:41 PM, Bacardi said:

    I have had sex with a full bladder while my husband didn't know before. I'm telling you right now it would have been easy for me to pee on him lol. It was a circus level balancing act of holding, enjoying the sex, and not letting him know i was holding, so I dont think I'll do it again unless a miracle happens and I get the chance to have sex with someone who is into it. 

    @Bacardi - Awesome answer. A few follow-up questions. 

    1.) Have you ever explored this option with your husband? I know from your past comments he doesn't know about your kink.

    Why is it important that he not know that you were holding?

    What if you reframed it, saying something like "Sometimes I have trouble finishing because I'm afraid I'm going to pee." And see how he reacts? I know a lot of husbands (even if not into pee) would want their wives to enjoy themselves fully and not let a little mess get in the way of that.

    2.) Have you ever explored your kink with anyone other than your husband (e.g. before you got together)?

    3.) Have you ever tried holding (and releasing) during masturbation? With a toy inside, fingers, etc.? How did it go? Was it enjoyable? 

  7. I want to resurrect this topic to try and get the discussion going again because it sort of got off track.

    How easy/difficult is it for a woman to pee during sex with a penis (or toy) inside her? I'd be interested in hearing from women directly, or from men (e.g "my wife/gf peed during sex, and here's how it went").

    What was the situation? Was it planned or unplanned? Where did it take place? How full was the bladder? (etc.)

  8. I have a new experience to add to this. It doesn't involve showering with a partner, but does involve peeing in the shower, so I figured it was better to post it here than to start a new topic.

    This past Sunday morning my wife and I spent the whole morning doing work around the house, and cleaning. We had both been drinking coffee. Around 11:00 we were finished, and both headed upstairs to shower. 

    I asked her "Do you want to go first, or do you want me to?" She said "I don't care, but I have to pee really bad, so either let me jump in the shower first, or otherwise I'll just use the toilet, and you can shower."

    Of course I always prefer when she pees in the shower, so that was my answer. I asked "Can I watch?" She doesn't usually let me watch. She definitely doesn't understand my fascination, and is often reluctant to indulge me. But this time I think she had to go just bad enough that she didn't really care. She got the water going and ripped her clothes off, and jumped in pretty much as quickly as she could. I'm not even sure that the water was fully hot yet. I poked my head through the opening at the side of the curtain opposite the showerhead. She positioned herself with her back to the shower head, and her front facing me. Her legs were together.

    As she began rinsing her hair, a flow of light yellow liquid began emerging and trickling down the inside front of her thighs. Within a few seconds the trickle picked up steam and started to flow slightly forward. Then the floodgates fully opened, and the stream broke free from her thighs and protruded in a slightly forward arc. It was spluttery and a slightly ragged spray along the sides, rather than a tight stream. After a few seconds it started to wane. I asked "Can you open your legs?" She said "Sorry, show's over."

    It was probably only 15-20 seconds in all, but it was definitely intense, as if she had pushed it out rather than allowing a natural flow. I was very aroused, but she was none the wiser as she continued her shower. I sat and we talked about mundane things for the 5 or so minutes that she showered. 

    My wife doesn't often allow me to watch, but when she does it's a rare treat, so I enjoy it all the more!

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  9. 12 hours ago, Havelock said:

    Can you tell us more about this ritual? When exactly would she do this before sex? Was this on the bed?

    Would she comment that she was going to do this? Would she hold it against her self like a diaper or make a stream you could see into it from some distance?

    How did it become the pee towel or did she always have a "pee towel?"

    It would usually happen after foreplay, just before insertion. Usually on the bed, with a puppy pad or additional towel beneath.

    When I was ready to insert, if she was too full, she would just hold it up to herself (like a diaper), and release a little into it. I guess I don't remember exactly when (how far into our relationship) it started, or what the circumstances were. She was probably drunk the first time, so less inhibited. 

    She generally did keep a towel close by, but eventually this particular one (which was yellow chamois like material) became the "pee towel." It was absorbant and convenient.

    There wasn't really much to see, she would just hold it against herself, quickly pee a little into it, then pull it away, put it aside, or on the floor, then we'd do it. There would be something like a 5cm wet spot on the towel when she was finished.

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  10. My pee fetish at the time hadn't really evolved much yet. One time (still early in our relationship) we were fooling around in her parents' pool (they weren't home) and out of the blue she said "Do you want me to pee on you?"

    Taken aback I said "um, no, why?" And she said that she'd noticed pee porn in my computer's browser history. I kind of lied and said that I look at all sorts of porn, and it's just something I look at occasionally, not a fetish. And that I like watching, but don't really want to be peed on. That part was the truth at the time, although my answer (to being peed on) would be different now. 

    Later in our relationship, she did pee during sex in her parents' pool, Ive written about that here before. But even then it wasn't really "peeing on me," it was more of peeing out of convenience while we were having sex in her parents' pool. I don't remember much about it other than it was neither a turn-on nor turn-off at the time. I remember it feeling really warm against the cold pool water.

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  11. I've written here before about her peeing during sex sometimes, so I won't re-cover that in detail here. 

    She had a small white plastic (dishwashing) tub that she kept next to her side of the bed for peeing into. She would pee into it after sex, during the night, and sometimes in the morning. I remember a lot of Saturday mornings at 6am I'd be half asleep and would hear the quiet tinkling sound of her peeing into the tub, then rolling over and going back to sleep. 

    She slept naked most of the time, so clothes didn't really get in the way. She would kind of half sit on the edge of the bed and hold the tub up to her pussy and pee. Or sometimes she would set it on the floor and squat over it. She'd usually wipe with a kleenex and throw it into the pee tub, or into the trash. Sometimes she didn't wipe though, especially if she was drunk. It didn't really bother me either way whether she wiped or not.

    She never really got any pee on the bed or sheets or floor, that I recall. I think I would have put a stop to it if she did. 

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  12. 20 hours ago, zorro2728 said:

    ...I also have to admit as hot as it is pissing inside a pussy it really gets me going when she pisses with my dick inside her pussy.

    On my bucket list for sure! While I have a lot of recent experience with the former (peeing inside pussy), I have very little experience with the latter (woman pissing with my dick inside).

    My ex did this occasionally, but it was 15+ years ago, so I don't really remember what it felt like. With her it wasn't a fetish thing, more of a laziness/convenience thing. If she had been drinking (which was often), and had to pee while we were having sex, she would. It happened a few times in the hot tub, in the pool, etc., and sometimes in bed. I've written about it here in other posts.

    Early in our relationship she told me "I get very wet during sex," so we were in the habit of putting down towels or a puppy pad. There would often be a puddle when we were done. Some of it might've been natural lube/wetness, but I suspect that she was probably just peeing sometimes though and I didn't totally notice because it was already pretty wet. 

    I didn't have a lot of sexual experience at that point, so I didn't really know any different/better. 

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  13. 12 hours ago, Wetling said:

    I wonder if it would be possible to build up some pressure before it squirted out. If he put his cock deep inside me and pressed his hips against me, could he fill me up with a full bladderload? I'm getting so wet just from imagining what that must feel like.

    Every person's body is different, obviously. That would depend on your internal volume as well as his bladder size. But speaking for my wife and I, I would estimate that her insides held about half of my bladder capacity before the liquid came back out.

    My bladder capacity is about 16 ounces (~500ml), but can expand when full, to 20+ ounces. The day I refer to in my post above, I was full, but not bursting. 

    So my rough estimate is that my wife's insides probably held about 8 ounces (250ml) before it came back out.

    Your situation may obviously be different.

  14. 1 hour ago, Wetling said:

    How could she not have loved this? I guess the warm pressure inside me would get me over the edge in seconds. 😊

    Aww, ha, thanks for the comment. I do wish she would enjoy it more, but at the same time, she doesn't mind it either. She giggles a little, or comments that it feels weird, or whatever.

    I'm holding out hope that she might come to enjoy it in time. And maybe it's never something that she'll specifically ask for, but perhaps she'll enjoy it in the moment.

  15. I'll play. Rather than listing a general "life" bucket list, I'm going to focus only on my "sexual" bucket list. I have no desire to cheat on my wife, so I'll preface this by saying I'd like to do all of these things with my wife.

    1.) Her pee during sex, especially while I'm inside. 

    2.) I empty my bursting bladder while inside her.

    3.) Watching my wife pee in a casual way - outdoors, in the pool, in the shower, etc.

    4.) Drinking / licking from the source.

    5.) "Naughty" sex (outdoors, etc.)

    6.) Anal (I've never tried it!)

    That's probably a good start, I may think of more.

  16. Resurrecting an older thread to share a few similar experiences. 

    1.) One time while browsing "nude amateur" porn, i came across some nude pics of my (female) cousin! I was very conflicted because she's hot, but she's my cousin! Like Alfresco, I now know how much hair she has down below (none!). It was a long time ago (probably 15 years ago), so although I see her occasionally at family get-togethers, I don't really give it too much thought nowadays.

    2.) When I was in college, I stumbled across a "strip tease" video that my college rommate's girlfriend had made for him. These were the days of VHS tapes, mind you. It was on a tape with a movie or something. I didn't feel too guilty about it, and enjoyed watching it every now and then. It was amateur quality, but to me that made it all the hotter.

    3.) My wife is a Nurse Practitioner, and for a while she worked in Women's Health (OB/GYN). Because of that, her friends often ask her personal medical questions. One time a friend of hers had a specific medical problem with her vagina (it was a mild distension, I think). The friend texted a photo of the issue (a photo of her vagina) to my wife. I wasn't trying to be nosy, but I definitely got a quick glimpse of it before my wife deleted the photo.

    I just consider all of these occurrences dumb luck, and I've never felt guilty over them.


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