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Posts posted by Kirby23

  1. I can get behind this! I am a fan of women of pretty much all shapes and sizes. Like others have said, when searching for pee content, I don't discriminate too much - the activity generally turns me on more than what the participant looks like. But I still like to see their face and body - a close-up of the privates peeing isn't nearly as interesting to me as seeing the whole body, or at least the face.

    But if I had to pick a favorite, I suppose I'd say the "woman next door" type. Like someone I'd see and encounter in everyday life.

    @Bacardi I'm guessing you'd probably tick my boxes too!

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  2. I like this question. We often discuss women's hairstyles and trimming/shaving, but rarely men's.

    I'm naturally a pretty hairy guy, but have trimmed from time to time in the past, depending on how much of me is going to be "on display" and in what context. 

    For many years I was overweight, so I never took my shirt off in the pool. I wasn't significantly obese, but slightly heavier than "dad bod." 

    But I've lost some weight and now I'm almost to the point where I'd consider going shirtless again. Perhaps by summertime I'll be there. If I do, I'll probably trim my shoulders, back, and chest hair.

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  3. Oh! I forgot another one - pee as a cleaning agent. 

    As I mentioned above, my wife likes when I gently rub her butthole once she's getting close to orgasm. So, usually before sex, she'll wipe it so it's clean. 

    She usually pees before sex, wipes front, wipes back, then we'll do our thing. But what I recently noticed, is that she wipes her front and back with the same piece of toilet paper. In other words, she uses her (slightly wet) toilet paper to better clean her bum. After 15 years of marriage, I seriously just noticed this. I don't know why, exactly, but when I noticed this, I found it incredibly hot. Maybe just how she was no nonchalant about it. 

    I asked her if she had always done that, and she said "I don't know, yeah, I guess so." I asked "Is it a matter of simply conserving toilet paper, or do you find that the TP being slightly wet helps better clean your bum?" And she said "I don't know, I guess maybe a little of both?"

    So now I'm curious about this as well. Is this common? Do any of you also do this?

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  4. 10 minutes ago, peeslut420 said:

    Not exactly pee-related, but a friend of mine from high school taught me douching when your period starts tapering off will flush out the residual and essentially end it a few days early. So it makes sense that peeing in her would have the same effect.

    Thank you, yes, same basic idea. That's kind of what I was thinking of when I first did it.

  5. My wife and I have been married 15 years, and have a fairly normal, if vanilla, sex life. She's not super into sex, and not into pee, but does what she can to keep me satisfied, including playing along for occasional pee-related stuff. 

    I've written about it here in the past, such as here:

    One of the ways I've recently incorporated pee into our sex life is to find some "creative" uses or applications for it.

    One example is that if she's on her period, I sometimes pee into her vagina before (or during) sex to sort of "clean things out" before we do it. It actually works surprisingly well. I insert, blast my water jet, pull out, and whatever might be in there comes out onto the towel. She rolls her eyes a little, but doesn't mind. And then we can do it, as we normally would, even if she's on her period.

    Another "creative" application is that I sometimes pee during sex to use it as lube. For example, I might pee a squirt or two to help get it in if things are tight at first. This past Sunday, I was fingering her from behind, while she was playing in the front. She was getting close, so I started gently rubbing her anus, as I often do when she gets close (which she likes). I asked if it was ok for me to pee on her butthole to lube things up a little. She said yes. So I peed a good squirt right onto it. The pee dripped down a little into her vagina also, which helped me keep going with my two fingers. Either the squirt of pee directly onto her butthole, or the extra lube for my fingers seemed to have worked, because once I did it, she came almost immediately, and seemed to cum really hard. 

    Does anyone else do either of these things? To me they seem like no-brainers, but I never seem to see or hear anything about these "methods."

    Does anyone else do anything creative with pee during sex? I'd be interested to hear others' stories.


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  6. I mentioned above that I have a handful of different niches, depending on whether I'm the one participating, or watching (e.g. on Pornhub or whatever). 

    Here's what I enjoy watching:

    My niche: Women peeing during sex. My favorite scenario is that a guy and girl are doing it (PIV, eating out, etc.), and the woman says "I need to pee." And the guy says "Just go" and the woman pees, either during PIV, or in the guy's face, etc.

    What makes it enjoyable: the visual, how it sort of comes out in spurts along with the thrusts. It's especially enjoyable if it's "nonchalant" rather than either party making too big a deal of it.

    What makes it less enjoyable: when the whole thing is masqueraded as squirting. Or when it seems forced, or over-acted. 

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  7. I have a handful of different niches, depending on whether I'm the one participating, or simply watching (e.g. on Pornhub or whatever). 

    Me as a participant:

    My niches: peeing inside my wife during PIV, watching her pee. I would love to have her pee during sex, but she never would.

    What makes it enjoyable: the feeling of peeing inside my wife's vagina is almost indescribeable. It's like a 30+ second orgasm. The warm, wet sensation feels amazing. It almost always makes me cum almost immediately afyer peeing.

    What makes it less enjoyable: wifey tolerates it, but doesn't really enjoy it. So we don't do it very often. I just wish it was something she could enjoy as much as I do. She doesn't really like the feeling of being "filled up." She said it feels like I'm stretching her out like a water balloon. Cleanup afterward isn't the most fun, but we manage it. We usually use 2-3 towels on the bed, or do it in the bathroom. 

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  8. For me, the worst I've ever had to pee was getting off of an airplane. It was about 15 years ago, so I don't remember all of the specifics.

    I was on a work trip, and was arriving home. I don't think it was a long flight, perhaps 90 minutes, or similar. I probably had a can of soda on the flight. But I recall feeling like I needed to pee, then not being able to get up and go before they turned on the "fasten seatbelts" sign prior to landing.

    As I also recall, there might have been some sort of delay between landing and getting to the gate - plane traffic, or whatever.

    What I do recall is that as soon as we were allowed off of the plane, I made a mad dash for the terminal restroom.

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  9. Congrats, sounds great!

    I've tasted my wife's pee - only on rare occasions - once in a while she allows me to lick her dry if she needs to pee during sex. She'll pee in the toilet, I'll say "Don't wipe," and she comes back to bed and I lick her. 

    It's usually only a few drops, and never tastes like anything. She's usually well hydrated - maybe it would be a different story in the morning, perhaps. 

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  10. Yes. I've shared some of my experiences here previously. For example, see this thread:

    In short - my wife, although she is not into the fetish at all, allows me to pee inside her during sex if I want to. It doesn't do anything for her, but it doesn't bother her either, and she knows I enjoy it. 

    So occasionally I partake in this activity. The problem is that when I'm about to pee inside her, I usually get so excited that it's hard not to cum. So sometimes I start peeing, and essentially cum at the same time. It was a pretty confusing feeling at first, but I've sort of gotten used to it now.

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  11. 32 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

    I peed in the shower with him. I couldn't pee right after we were done cause after I cum it takes a while for me to pee if I need to go before the orgasm. 

    I have been doing well with drinking lots of water recently so my pee is very dilute. I don't think husband noticed that I peed in the shower with him lmao. Or maybe he did cause I didn't go when we were done. Who knows. 

    Nice! My guess is that he probably didn't notice. It's hard for me to see it when my wife pees in the shower, even when I'm specifically looking for it.

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  12. 4 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    ...I did cum, way earlier than expected and there was such a mess. We had to shower together right after word

    A couple follow-up questions - when you say "there was such a mess" - when you came, did you pee? If so, how did your husband react to that? That might help you better guage how he'd react to the concept of pee as part of sex in a more general sense. 

    Or, if not as part of the act, did you pee once you got in the shower with him? And if so, how did he react to that? 

    I guess what I'm asking is that you mentioned that you had to pee during the act. When did the much-needed pee actually eventually occur? If part of the act, or part of the intimacy directly afterward, would be interesting to see how he reacted as a way to guage his reaction in a more general sense.

    Like others have said, you obviously know your husband best, but this new experience gives you a little additional insight.

  13. My wife and I pee in front of each other with the door open, no big deal. I honestly can't remember exactly when in our relationship we started the habit. Maybe around the time we started having sex? 

    My wife pees with the door open in front of our kids too, but I don't. That probably has to do with the fact that when she pees she's sitting down, so there's really nothing to see. Versus me, when I pee (standing), I'm more "on display" and don't think that's appropriate in front of my kids.

    I've seen girls pee with the door open at parties when I was college age. Not all the time, but definitely a few times I recall. I didn't make a big deal of watching though, I didn't want to be thought of as a creep.

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  14. 56 minutes ago, Starks2010 said:

    Creatively and humorously.  Tell her how beautiful she is and bet she pisses (sugary beverage of your choice) pineapple juice.  In a perfect world she’d say something like why don’t you drink it and find out. 

    Leave the toilet seat up all the time to where she complains.  Maybe say something like why use that cold hard toilet anyway when you can use me?  

    Ha, not trying to throw shade, but these lines 100% WOULD NOT work with my wife. She'd probably threaten to divorce me if I ever said anything like that. Just goes to show that everyone is different. What works for one may not work for others. 🤷‍♂️

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  15. Every situation is different. In general, however, I'd say that communication is key. You're going to have to talk to her and "feel her out" on the topic.

    The way I approached it with my wife may or may not help you in your situation, because everyone is different.

    For example, my wife is close to asexual. Sex is not something she craves or desires in the least. We still do it fairly regularly, and she "tolerates" it because she loves me, but she has no sex drive or desire of her own. So, in our situation, I have to be grateful for the fact that I'm getting anything, and I know not to push it too much. So I approach the topic very cautiously.

    I know others' relationships with their spouses and sex lives are very different than mine. Others may be able to employ a "quid-pro-quo" approach, for example, offering something their wife likes, in exchange for something they like (like pee play). That's not an option for me, because there's nothing my wife craves sexually. So I have no leverage.

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  16. On 2/10/2024 at 2:36 PM, Likepeefun said:

    Anyone else experience this and feel totally turned on but also frustrated that they can’t do or say anything?

    Totally. Especially with my coworker/friend "M", who I mentioned earlier in this thread.

    We would often talk about relationships, sex, etc., and it would often get me turned on, but of course I couldn't do anything about it. 

    For a while she and I were talking about squirting. I was trying to get my wife to do it, and "M" was trying to learn how to do it as well. We called it "project towel," and we would give each other periodic updates.

    One time she told me "I have an update," and proceeded to tell me that over the weekend, her boyfriend and she had been drinking, and were fooling around. She said "I tried to squirt, and I peed all over him, ha!"

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  17. 16 hours ago, DoctorDoctor said:

    Her experiences may be biased, because women may have shaved or groomed differently knowiing that they are going to have their pussy examined.

    Maybe, but I doubt it. Perhaps a female or two can weigh in, as they'd be more experienced on the matter than I. But my impression from talking to her was that women would generally "come as they are," without any special preparation. 

    In fact, she often saw patients who were there for ingrown hairs, painful bumps, etc., which were often the result of months (or years) of shaving. 

  18. For me personally, I wouldn't say I have a lot of experience, but there has definitely been a few instances I can think of.

    I've peed, together with my wife, at various places - at night while camping, behind the car at an event if there are no bathrooms nearby, and while hiking.

    Same with my ex-wife - outdoors many times, in the pool, etc.

    But I can only think of a few times I've peed with/around a girl who wasn't my S/O at the time, all in college, at parties, etc. My friend "S" would pee anywhere, she didn't care. I've told stories about her here before.

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  19. On 1/25/2024 at 10:48 PM, PeeOV330 said:

    I'm so mad at you about this haha

    The first one is more of a missed opportunity and a bigger fuck up but this second one, it just is a mini dream scenario that fell perfectly into your lap, such a waste! I feel that regret with you.

    @PeeOV330 Ha, I know. There's more to the story, I was performing in a band at the party, and we were in-between sets. I was just trying to quickly get in and out of the bathroom before we were set to go back on. So I think I was more in the "gotta be professional" mode than looking for sexy times. If it was after our set was finished, I might've been thinking differently.

    The only other thing I can say is that I was only about 21 (maybe 22?) at the time, and pretty inexperiened with dating, relationships, signals, etc.

    Things would probably be different now. Although I'm married now, so I'm not going to do anything that would constitute cheating.

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