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Posts posted by Kirby23

  1. Yes and no. I think perhaps it might depend on what, specifically, you're looking for. 

    For example, if I search for new pee-related content on any of my go-to sites (PH or Reddit, for example), there's always new content. But I have some specific niches I like to look for, such as women peeing during sex, women peeing in the shower, etc., and I find that those search results tend to be the same-old same-old, and new, quality content is few and far between. 

    So I wouldn't say that it's necessarily the amount of pee porn in general, but it might just be that what's out there isn't satisfying your preferences. At least that is the case with me.

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  2. I'm in a similar situation; about 6 months ago I began to improve my health, which involved cutting back on sugar drinks like soda, cutting back on alcohol, and replacing it all with water. In addition to these changes, I've focused on improving my eating habits and increasing my exercise. I've lost almost 30 pounds so far.

    I don't know my total fluid intake, but I'd estimate that I pee 10+ times a day. I wouldn't say I've noticed a change in velocity or force, but definitely in color. It's often either clear, or close to clear. 


  3. I have a backyard above-ground pool, and occasionally buy things for general maintenance and upkeep. Because the powers of the internet know my buying habits, I am often targeted with pool-related ads and group suggestions on social media. Facebook is always showing me posts from "backyard pool enthusiast" groups.

    One of the recent posts caught my attention because it was from a pool owner who had recently installed a full bathroom with flush toilet adjacent to his backyard pool. According to his post, he was tired of guests (mostly his kids' friends) tracking wet feet through their house to use the bathroom.

    It was the comments, however, that were the interesting part. Through 1K+ comments, the concensus seemed to be that it was not worth the money to install such an elaborate setup (they had to dig up the backyard to run pipes, etc.). Comments indicated that people will still pee in the pool because it's easier, or that the homeowner should encourage guests to just pee in the grass/bushes instead.

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  4. I drink a lot and I pee a lot. Between coffee in the morning and soda / water the rest of the day, I probably drink 5 liters / day. I've never counted, but I'm sure I pee at least ten times per day (if not more). I think I pee at least once per hour. 

  5. I can think of two that immediately come to mind.

    The first was when I was younger, perhaps in my late teens. I was on the beach with my family. There were a group of kids a little older than me, perhaps in their early twenties. They were messing around, and one of the boys lifted a girl (in a teal bikini) up over his shoulders, and was carrying her toward the water. As he was lifting/holding her, her bikini bottom wrinkled and came away from her pussy, exposing her lips. As I recall she was "natural" (not shaved), but not very hairy. I was maybe 10-15 feet away, so I couldn't see perfectly. 

    A second experience was more recent - my family and I were at an arts fest, and a young woman (in her twenties) was throwing a clay vase on a potter's wheel. Her legs were spread wide, straddling the wheel. She was wearing short-ish loose shorts, like gym shorts. From where I was standing, I could see right up her right shorts opening, to a clear view of the front of her underwear (plain white, from what I recall). As she worked the pottery and shifted slightly, I could clearly see some pubic hair outside her underwear, along her groin. Not really a "pussy slip" per se, but still definitely tantalizing!

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  6. @JDG I think you're right that it will likely happen outdoors more often, especially depending on whether you tend to be "outdoorsy" in your lifestyle. 

    For example, my family is very outdoorsy, we enjoy camping, hiking, etc., and there is not always easy access to restroom facilities. My wife tries to plan ahead, but occasionally gets "caught short."

    What I've found is that she'll quickly go from "Hmm, I might need to pee soon" to "If I don't find somewhere to go, it's going to come out" sometimes with 5 minutes. So she has gotten pretty good at popping squats on our hikes. 

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  7. @JDG Congratulations on the birth of your daughter! Is this your first? If so, welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood!

    I can relate to a lot of what you've described. Childbirth significantly changed things for my wife, and things have never really been the same since. She has done just about all of the things you mentioned above, except maybe wet the bed. But she still wets her pants occasionally, and has also sprinkled before getting in the shower. Sometimes she'll stand in the opposite end of the shower and pee while the water is warming up because she just couldn't hold it anymore. 

    Like you, that kind of stuff, particularly the pants wetting) doesn't really turn me on, because I generally just feel bad for her.

    Good luck!

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  8. On 5/24/2024 at 5:16 PM, ChrisS said:

    My current apartment has a pool with no nearby bathrooms. It’s a decent walk back to our apartment too. It’s surrounded by concrete decking and then bushes.  I’m very excited to throw a pool party and see where people pee! 

    I think to kick it off I might make an announcement like “sorry there aren’t any bathrooms here, if you need to pee please go in the bushes” and then pee in the bushes myself to demonstrate. What do yall think? Would people think that super strange or be chill about it? Are there better ways I could phrase it?

    If it were me personally, I would not say or do anything, and just let nature take its course. Personally I think it woukd be super weird if you "demonstrated" what you want people to do. I would definitely not do that.

    Even making an announcement is probably unnecessary, since it's a communal pool. I suppose I could understand if it were your own pool - you could say something like "Guys, please don't pee in the pool, it messes with the chemical balance" (or whatever). But since it's a communal apartment pool, and you're not responsible for maintaining it, you wouldn't really have grounds to make such an announcement.

    So, again, if it were me, I woukd offer plenty of drinks, and just see what people do.

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  9. I've tasted my wife's and my own. If my wife needs to pee during sex, she'll pee in the toilet, but sometimes she agrees to not wipe, so I can lick her clean. Hers is almost always diluted, and never tastes like anything. 

    I've also tasted my own. One time recently I peed on and inside her pussy during sex. A few minutes later I gave her oral. I could definitely taste my own pee, but it wasn't offensive in any way. Perhaps a little salty is all. Mine was diluted as well, I drink a lot of water.

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  10. For me personally, it is something I began doing with my wife a little more than a year ago, and has turned into a nice little sex "enhancement" since then. 

    I've peed in my wife's pussy, and on the outside (clit, butthole, etc.). At first it was just because I needed to pee while we were having sex. Now I generally make a point to drink water and save some pee for sex. We both like the "extra wet" feeling and enhanced lubrication, whether I do it inside or outside.

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  11. Interesting question / topic. Like @Alfresco and others, I've brought up the topic with my wife, who occasionally indulges, but doesn't share the kink. She also doesn't like to talk about it, so I rarely bring it up, unless the topic arises naturally.

    I have several close male friends with whom I get together regularly. We all have wives and families, but rarely (if ever) talk about sex. In the right circumstances, I suppose I could see the topic of sex arising in one of our conversations, but I'd never bring up my kink, even among my closest friends.

    Similarly, I have a close female friend "K," with whom I've discussed sex-related topics. We haven't discussed kinks/fetishes, but we've gotten close. For example, I know her masturbation habits, I know a few of her sex "moves," etc. I suppose if the topic arose naturally, I could see easing very gently into the topic with her, and see how it goes.

    So given that I have no other outlets (other than this forum) to discuss my kink openly, yes, I would admit to some "loneliness" around it. I definitely wish I had someone IRL with whom I could share stories, experiences, etc., like we do here.

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  12. Just wanted to come here to say that the wifey and I have done this (used pee as lube) again (a few times) since my original post a month ago. 

    The last two or three times we've had sex I have peed a little onto her pussy/clit/butthole area to lube things up prior to penetration.

    The most recent time she was laying on her back, and I was fingering her while she was playing with her clit. She commented that things were getting a little dry. I said "Do you want me to pee a little?" She said "I don't care, sure."

    So I grabbed the two sex towels, placed them under her butt, and spread her legs. I asked "Can you spread your lips open?" She did. I positioned my rock-hard penis an inch or so away from her vaginal opening, and let out a little spurt of clear pee (I drink a lot of water). I aimed another little squirt at her butthole.

    I slid a finger into her, then two. With my other hand I rubbed her butthole, and she resumed rubbing her clit area, and within a minute came really hard. Then I put my penis in and came within 4 or 5 thrusts. 

    Those that have read my previous posts know my wife is not into pee - at least not as a kink like we are. But am I crazy to think that she might be getting into it, at least a little? She hasn't asked for it specifically, but she seems to cum hard everytime I incorporate pee into our sex life.

    Am I just reading into it and projecting my kink onto her?

    Is it possible that her saying "It's getting a little dry down there" was her subtle way of asking me to pee on her privates?

  13. 21 hours ago, Carb0nBased said:

    ...In the former case, just peeing together in the bathroom is unlikely to be particularly sexy in any case.

    ...And just LIKE seeing someone naked, I imagine the main factor is how familiar and desensitized two people have become to each other.... if you're together for years, after a while you're likely so used to the other person's nudity--and similarly how he or she pees, that some pees are likely to just feel "normal". There will always be SOME sexiness but not the way it was earlier in the relationship...

    Great points. Speaking only from my own experpences, even after being married for a long time, seeing my wife naked is still sexy to me. 

    When she pees in the toilet in front of me, it does pretty much nothing for me. Probably because it's essentially a daily occurrence. But on the rare occasions when she pees somewhere other than the toilet (e.g. outside), it's still sexy AF for me. Probably because it doesn't occur much. But if it was an everyday thing, yes, the novelty would probably wear off before long.

  14. For me I think a lot of it comes down to being carefree and nonchalant about peeing. I've been with my wife 15+ years, and while pee doesn't bother her much (e.g. touching it, etc.), it's definitely not a turn-on either. She is somewhat uptight about peeing - for example in our 15+ year relationship she has only popped a squat a handful of times (on a hike, etc.).

    My ex was a lot more easy-going and open about peeing - she'd pee anywhere, didn't matter. She also drank a lot, which meant she peed a lot. Unfortunately the ex and I never really exployed watersports much, I don't really think I was as into it back then as I am now - or at least not as open about it. I do recall that she would occasionally pee a little (leak) during sex, which was definitely a turn-on for me. We'd usually lay down a puppy pad or a towel before doing it, and it would often be pretty wet by the end.

    So I guess my ideal partner would be open and nonchalant about peeing, not afraid to pop a squat when the need arises, or to pee during sex - either as part of the act, or just because she had to go. 

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  15. On 6/20/2022 at 2:58 AM, oliver2 said:

    A fairly even mix of “take it off”, “pull it to one side” and “pee in the pool/shower” is about what I’d expect. I’d expect “pee through it when not in the water” to show up occasionally on general principle, though I don’t think I saw anyone say that

    I can answer this on behalf of my wife, who wears one-piece swimsuits. 95% of the time she'll pull the suit gusset to the side, but maybe 5% of the time she'll just pee through it.

    I've asked her about it, and she just says it depends on how desperate she is, and whether the suit is already wet.

    So for example, if she's desperate, and the suit is already wet, she'll just pee through it rather than fumbling around with moving it to the side.

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  16. We often talk about peeing as part of sexual acts. But I am curious what others' experiences have been with regard to peeing together with your partner or significant other in a non-sexual situation. 

    For example, my wife and I pee in front of each other at home with no second thoughts. We've peed together outdoors when camping, hiking, and similar.

    She pees regularly in the shower, and back when we used to shower together, she would still pee in the shower, even if I was in there with her.

    My ex was similar, we would pee together anytime the need arose. 

    So for those of you with any relationship experience, past or present - have you peed / do you pee together with your partner?

    What are common situations where it occurs?

    Was it casual / nonchalant?

    Was it still arousing, even thought the peeing itself was non-sexual in nature?

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  17. On 5/8/2024 at 5:13 PM, DoctorDoctor said:

    ...Trust me, if you want to get a man a gift, give him a BJ, no need for messing with shopping or picking the right size.

    I didn't mention in my post above, but my wife IS NOT into BJs. She thinks it's disgusting, and it triggers her gag reflex. So, unfortunately, I haven't had one in 15+ years 😪.

    I definitely miss it.

  18. Excellent question @DoctorDoctor, very provocative!

    For me the answer is yes, and no. I am a middle-aged male, married for 15 years to a woman who I still adore. We have sex once a week, usually on Sunday nights. It's very routine, but also very comfortable. The sex itself is almost always the same, but still satisfying for both of us.

    It begins with me massaging her for between 15-30 minutes. It usually focuses on her neck and back, and eventually moves down to her butt and privates.

    Sometimes she stays lying on her stomach and begins rubbing herself, and sometimes she turns onto her back and I go down on her.

    Usually she cums before I insert, but sometimes if she's 80% - 90% of the way there, I'll insert and we cum together. Once in a while (maybe 1/5 times) she's not able to cum.

    We do about 50/50 missionary vs. doggie. That's about it.

    My biggest sexual desire is that we could incorporate more pee play. We do some - she doesn't mind me peeing in and on her, which is relatively new. I've written about it a lot here recently. One of my favorite new things is that she lets me pee on her butthole, clit, and vaginal opening while she or I (or both) play. She won't admit that she likes it, but somewhere deep down, I think she might.

    But she's never been willing to pee as part of the sex act. That's definitely one way I would feel more fulfilled.

    But all in all I feel fulfilled and satisfied.

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  19. I think it's natural for the kink (or other interests for that matter) to ebb and flow, to wax and wane, to change over time. 

    I go through times myself where I feel not as into it, but then usually I'll see or experience something that brings me right back.

    I definitely agree with others that it has a lot to do with the porn/visual only aspect versus the "real life" aspect. 

    Watching a video online is a COMPLETELY different experience for me than seeing or doing something pee-related with my wife.

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