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Posts posted by Kirby23

  1. For me personally, I don't have much experience with straight-up golden showers, but I do have some semi-related experience. 

    About five years ago I had a nasty case of athlete's foot. Nothing helped it - I tried all the creams, etc. Finally, lacking any other ideas, I asked my wife to pee on it, as I had heard that can sometimes work. I had also heard that it was an old wives tale, but I wasn't about to tell her that 😉.

    So for a few consecutive mornings, she agreed to pee on my foot in the shower stall. It wasn't really sexual... a little weird if anything. On one hand, it was kind of hot to watch her stand there and pee on my foot, but on the other hand, it wasn't a sexual act, and she wasn't particularly enjoying it.

    Remarkably, it worked! After a few days the athlete's foot got significantly better.

    So now if I ever get a bad case of athlete's foot again, hopefully she'll be willing to oblige!

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  2. On 11/15/2023 at 6:51 PM, MRJH22 said:

    Interesting topic. When pee comes up I will keep it casual whilst trying to get as much information without being too pushy...

    My sentiments exactly, I think this is a good approach, and I've had success with this approach. 

    Because most people just look at pee as a bodily function rather than a fetish, sometimes it's the topic of a funny story, an embarrassing anecdote, etc. And then the delicate balancing act begins...

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  3. I was raised Catholic, but have distanced myself somewhat from the church as an adult due to the church's backward stance on things like LGBTQ+ rights, women's rights, and more.

    I am both religious and spiritual. My family and I still attend services semi-regularly, usually remotely (rather than attending in-person). It's a habit we got into during COVID, and it's now too convenient to do it remotely versus going back in person. 

    The reason we still attend is that our local church has a priest we love, who is very progressive, and teaches that we should "Love thy neighbor" no matter what. None of this hate-oriented BS that the more fundamental religions spew.

    As for my kids - it will be up to them to decide what they believe, and what they want to practice. My daughter (teenager) is agnostic. She only sees the hate and trouble caused by organized religion, and is wary of it. My son, a little younger, hasn't really expressed what he believes yet. 


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  4. I'm currently reading the "Silo" series by Hugh Howie. It's three books - "Wool," "Shift," and "Dust." It's kind of a distopian sci-fi series, set in the not-too-distant future, where people live in an underground silo because the outside is unsafe.

    I'm currently about halfway through the third book, "Dust." The series is REALLY good - really compelling. 

    The book series came out about 10 years ago, but has recently been made into a TV series, "Silo," on Apple TV. I'm looking forward to watching it when I finish the third book. 

  5. On 11/2/2023 at 8:37 AM, LovesToWet said:

    I am not into reading but on the odd occasion I will give it a try. The last book I read was called 'A Man Called Ove' and I loved it. It has since been made into a film starring Tom Hanks but I haven't seen it yet as I don't want it to take away from the book. The main character, Ove, I found really relatable and can see myself I'm him, just younger. 

    I haven't read the book, but just watched the movie ("A Man Called Otto"). Was really good!

  6. On 11/2/2023 at 8:36 AM, Maclir said:

    I have just finished a book by Ken Follett, 'The Armour of Light', the latest in his  'Kingsbridge' series.  I like those semi-historical novels.  A few months ago, I reread Isaac Asimov's 'Foundation' series, now seven books.  My tastes are eclectic 

    That's next on my reading list! I have the audiobook queued up and ready to go as soon as I'm finished with what I'm reading now. Ken Follett is one of my favorite authors - I loved the Kingsbridge series.

  7. My wife and I recently started watching the series "1923," which is a follow-on story to the series "Yellowstone." In the first episode, one of the main characters is introduced, Spencer, who is a WWI veteran working in Africa as a big game hunter.

    He is hired by a tourist group to hunt a leopard which has been stalking their camp. In one part he pees on the outside of his tent, to attract the leopard (so he can hunt it). Later in the episode, he is staked out at night, waiting for the leopard to make an appearance. A pretty, young blonde woman is shown exiting her tent, and she then pops a squat in the tall grass just outside her tent. This, of course, attracts the leopard...

    It doesn't really show much of her peeing, but you can hear the sound. We usually watch TV with the closed captions on. In this particular scene it said "(Peeing)". That was funny to me, because usually captions are a little more formal. For example, it often says "(urinating)" or similar.

    This was also interesting because the peeing was actually part of the plot (e.g. peeing in the African wild attracts predators).


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  8. On 9/28/2023 at 12:58 PM, Bacardi said:

    I have had an orgasm with a full bladder plenty of times. Most of the time I lose the need to pee for an hour or two, or if I'm made to pee right after it take a lot of work 😅 One time I managed to pee while I was orgasming, and i found it it to be harder as well. Took a lot of concentration. But I peed on my hand as I did lol.

    @Bacardi This sounds amazing. Was it pleasurable? Enough that you'd want to attempt it again?

    What you describe is similar to "squirting," which obviously generates a lot of discussion (and controversy) because there's always the debate of whether or not it's pee.

    So it sounds like you've successfully achieved it, at least that one time.

    I'm just always interested to learn more about it, especially from women who have experienced it first-hand.  

  9. 21 hours ago, overcaffeinated said:

    It's entertaining to me that the "polite" act in these circumstances is to pee somewhere in the yard.  Being polite myself, I use this to my advantage any time I'm spending time with friends who have a private pool or hot tub

    I love this! Such an interesting / astute observation!

    This reminds me of a situation my wife was in, of which I told in my discussion thread to which I linked above. But I'll retell it briefly here. 

    Several years ago my wife attended a hot tub party at her friend's house. It was all women, and drinks were free-flowing. The host asked everyone to please not pee in the hot tub. She said they could go in the house, or in the grass, but just not in the tub. 

    But the hot tub was in the way back yard, a bit of a hike from the house. My wife said she didn't really notice anyone get out and walk to the house. She said at various times people would sit on the edge of the tub to "cool off," but she suspected they were peeing. 

    I asked her "What did you do when you needed to pee?" She said that she didn't want to be so obvious, and so she peed (down her legs) as she was walking to the cooler where the drinks were. I asked "Do you think anyone noticed?" And she said "No, it was dark out and I was wet anyway".

    She said that as the night went on and everyone had more to drink that some people became more obvious, but no one cared or paid any attention. 

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  10. Since this topic has morphed somewhat from pools to hot tubs, here is a link to a similar topic I created (about hot tubs) that generated a lot of comments and activity:


    Based on the comments, it doesn't seem unusual, especially among friends, for a host to say something like "please don't pee in the hot tub, here are some other options instead (grass, bushes, etc.)"


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  11. On 10/10/2023 at 4:35 PM, Tem1986 said:

    I got to do this multiple times, but have not had the opportunity to do this for years…she said it was fun and she said it felt good and had would get off, but did not like that it would not all come out and then would run out of her later that day or even the next, and it was like she would pee her pants (not a lot, but some) and have no control over it…but she never complained of discomfort other than her not fully emptying…

    @Tem1986 Thanks for the feedback and insight, I appreciate it. Based on your comment, I asked my wife if leaking afterward has been a problem. She said no, not really. She said once in a while she might notice a small (e.g. coin size) patch of wetness on her underwear the next morning or next day, but that's it. 

    Most often when I pee inside her, most of it comes out there/then onto the towel. But the rest comes out into the toilet when she pees directly after sex. I don't know, maybe she sits there an extra minute to ensure her vagina is empty as well as her bladder.

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  12. On 9/28/2023 at 11:00 AM, Mitch11 said:

    ...Can anybody enlighten me as to what would happen as a woman with an extremely full bladder has an orgasm ? I understand that she might hold on because she wants to but that she might also not hold back. If the latter, do her orgasmic contractions help to power the expulsion of urine or interrupt it ? This seems to be a very niche interest I've got here but thanks in advance for any answers.

    @Mitch11 I think what you're describing here is essentially what's generally accepted as "squirting."

    There's obviously a lot of debate as to whether squirting is really peeing, but the general consensus these days seems to be that squirting is an involuntary expulsion of urine at the time of (or directly preceding) orgasm. 

    I have not been with a partner who "squirts," but occasionally my wife gets really wet when orgasming, and I suspect that some of it could possibly be a little urine leaking out. I'm not sure though - it has never squirted out, even when she has intense orgasmic contractions. She almost always pees before sex, so I don't know if she ever has a full bladder when we do it. 

    My ex would sometimes pee during sex, but not as part of orgasm - usually just out of laziness or convenience. We would put a puppy pad or towel (or both) on the bed before we do it, and if she needed to pee during sex, she would usually just let some out. She often had trouble orgasming, and didn't want to stop sex to get up and go all the way to the bathroom to pee. So she found that she could pee while we did it, and woukn't risk losing the orgasm she'd been building up to.

    Sometimes I noticed, sometimes I didn't. But there would often be a puddle or wet circle on the pad/towel when we finished. But I don't think I ever noticed it shooting out of her in a "projectile" sort if way.

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  13. I have a lot of experience trying to mix pee and sex (and orgasm).

    I've written about a lot of it here:


    @likewetting - I have a lot of similar experiences and feelings as you. As a male it can be really difficult to mix these sensations. To summarize it succinctly, my body sometimes gets "confused". 

    I like to occasionally pee inside my wife during PIV. This is now fairly normal for us, and she lets me do it whenever I want. I don't do it every time, only maybe 1-in-3 times we have sex. I've been doing this for about a year-and-a-half, so I've gotten pretty good at it, but occasional difficulties still happen.

    It's a really delicate balance. The fuller my bladder is, the better it feels. But if I have to pee too desperately, sometimes it's difficult to maintain an erection enough to pee inside her. 

    The second-to-last time I was very full. And I peed so much inside her that she "filled up" and she said it hurt. Like I had filled her vagina and stretched it like a water balloon. 

    The last time, as soon as I started peeing, just a small squirt, I came. It was essentially like peeing and cumming at the same time. And since I wasn't trying to cum, and tried to hold it bsck, it wasn't very enjoyable. My penis sort of hurt - like a dull ache - after I came. She hadn't come yet, so I just ended up feeling sad and disappointed. 

    But when it works and feels best is when I've warmed her up good with foreplay, and I have to pee, say, 3/4 of a full bladder. Enough that it feels good, not so much that I'm desperate. Then I insert, and thrust in-and-out "normally" until she's close to cumming. Then I pee. I can do it squirt by squirt, or all at once. I just have to be careful not to cum. The warm wetness, as well as the act of peeing inside her while balls deep feels AMAZING. Sometimes she cums right then. Other times I use the pee as a sort of sloppy lubricant to rub her pussy and/or anus with my fingers while thrusting in and out. That combination is usually enough to trigger her orgasm, then I allow myself to cum. Ideally at the same time as her. 

    But what I've described above takes perfect "choreography," and I've only managed ot a few times. 

    Hope this helps!


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  14. I like reading Reddit for pee-related content. Especially r/Sex. It's interesting to me because the posters to r/Sex are usually not pee-fetishists, just "regular" people who occasionally post about pee-related things.

    Some topics commonly discussed are things like "Who has tried golden showers?" or "My boyfriend has a pee fetish and I'm not sure what to do."

    But by far the most common pee-related topic is "Is squirting pee?" It has sparked endless debate, and there's no general consensus (among commenters) as to the answer. 

    But to me, the best, most entertaining (and sometimes arousing) answers are along the lines of "Who cares if it's pee? If it feels good, it's not a problem"

    I cited some specific comments a few weeks ago in a post here:

    A little while ago I was on Reddit again and found some more interesting pee-related comments - see attached screen shots. 

    Who else enjoys reading pee-related content on non-pee-specific sites?

    What are some favorite topics?

    Favorite sites?






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  15. On 10/21/2023 at 6:20 AM, Moore007 said:

    When I have pee-sex with one of my female friends she tend to get UTI and fungus afterwards. I get affected with rash and burn a few days afterward...

    I would be curious as to what specific acts you and she are regularly pergorming that you feel may be causing this? "Pee sex" is a very broad spectrum, and can cover a lot of activities. 

    Generally speaking, urine is not dangerous when it comes into contact with skin, even in sensitive areas. Urine is 95% water, and the 5% that is not water comprises body waste, such as excess minerals, nutrients, etc. 

    The most common cause of UTIs in women is when dirt or foreign matter is introduced into the urethral opening. So, for example, if you were to finger her anus, then place that same finger into her vagina, that would be a recipe for an infection - be it vaginal or UTI (or both). 

    Consulting with a physician is definitely recommended. But I would also recommend exploring which other activities you're performing that could also potentially be causing this. 

  16. 2 hours ago, vitbloo said:

    Kirby23, I truly hope this will develop further for you guys and maybe your wife'll start enjoying as well. But I totally get it - if it's not someone's cup of tea, it's not like we can just "change their mind"....

    Unfortunately I think that's a no-go. She allows me a few occasional indulgences because she knows how much I enjoy it, but it definitely doesn't do anything for her. In fact it grosses her out and any time I "lick her clean" she has trouble masking her disgust. 

    She's not a very sexual person in the first place - she wouldn't care at all if we never had sex. So the fact that she's not really interested in sex in the first place, coupled with a more specific activity that actively grosses her out definitely doesn't do anything for her. 

    • Hug 1
  17. My wife is not into the pee kink/fetish, but indulges me from time to time. One of the ways she indulges me is that if we're in the midst of foreplay, and she has to pee, she'll occasionally allow me to lick her afterwards. 

    She will pee in the toilet, and I'll ask "Can you not wipe, so I can lick you?" She'll roll her eyes, and sort of "waddle" back to the bed, and then I'll go down on her.

    During our most recent encounter, she actually allowed me to lick her directly at the toilet. I followed her into the bathroom, she peed, I asked, and she stood there in a high squat position, and I licked the drips off of her folds. 

    In all of these times, there was barely anything there, and it had pretty much no taste. She drinks a lot of water, so her pee is usually very dilute. I also don't think she tends to drip/splash much - it's usually a very small amount of extra wetness than there would be if she wiped as usual. 

    She has offered to pee in a glass for me, but I have no interest in that. I told her I would be interested in drinking from the source if she would ever be willing to allow that, but I'm not sure that she ever would. Meanwhile, I'm just happy that she allows this little bit of extra indulgence for me every now and then. 

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  18. My wife is usually pretty quiet during sex (our kids are just down the hall). But I can almost always tell when she's getting close, for all the reasons mentioned above. It's definitely a build-up, and when she finally comes, she might say "Ok" as a sort of release. 

    I usually do announce when I'm coming, just out of habit, I guess.

    Sometimes if I'm trying to "synch up" so my wife and I both come at the same time, I might ask her "are you close?" But usually I try to keep the talking to a minimum because if I talk too much, she might lose it.

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  19. I found out through a friend that a friend-of-a-friend's wife does amateur porn (probably onlyfans or similar?) as a side hustle. 

    I looked the friend-of-a-friend up on Facebook, and his wife is indeed attractive. I definitely would've looked up her porn, but I wouldn't even know where to start. For example, I know her name in real life, but not her online name/persona. 

    So I just kind of gave up. 

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  20. Ladies who have had a man pee inside your vagina - have you experienced discomfort from being "filled up" too much?

    Here's the background / story:

    My wife does not share my pee kink, but she puts up with a lot for my happiness. One of the things is me sometimes peeing inside her during sex.

    It started a little more than a year ago. I wrote about the first experience, along with subsequent experiences in the "Real Pee Encounters" section:

    So after a year, and me peeing inside her many times, this has become a somewhat normal part of our sex repertoire. I do it maybe 25% of the time we have sex. It's an extremely pleasurable sensation for me, and essentially neutral for her. Sometimes it helps her orgasm. Not from the feeling inside, but from the extra wetness. 

    I usually only pee a little - a spurt or two to help me slide in, a few spurts once I'm inside, etc. By then I'm usually ready to cum and end up coming before I'm finished peeing. 

    But once in a great while (maybe 4 times total) I am able to release my entire bladder into her insides. We've done this twice in the shower stall (from behind), and twice in the bed (missionary) with 2 or 3 towels. I usually pee a little, thrust, pee, thrust, etc. When I pull out, it sloshes out onto the towel.

    One time recently I peed A LOT into her. It was my entire bladder capacity, and I was FULL to almost bursting. I had planned ahead, drank a lot of water, and even had to let a little out to relieve the pressure during foreplay. 

    While we were having sex I held myself all the way in, and released the entire amount without moving. I had to go so bad, and it felt so good, i just kept peeing and peeing. I held all the way inside, balls deep, without pulling out, sort of creating a seal. Meanwhile, as I peed, I was filling her vaginal canal like a water balloon. 

    I finished peeing, held for a few seconds, and then came. It was one of the most pleasurable feelings I've ever encountered. 

    After I pee inside my wife, and the sex is finished, I often like to talk, as a sort of after-care. To make sure she's ok, etc.

    She always says she can't feel it when I pee inside her, only when it's coming out. But she said this time it was different, this time it hurt a little from being filled up so much and being stretched out. I asked if it was pleasurable at all for her, and she said no.

    So now I'm a little gun shy, and not sure exactly what to do. I have since peed inside her a different time, and she still came. In fact, she came while I was using my finger to rub her butthole, lubricated by my pee, which had sloshed out. It probably wouldn't have worked so well if it wasn't lubricated with my wetness.

    So have any of you ladies experienced the discomfort from being filled too full? What did it feel like? Was it an unpleasurable experience? Did it make you not want to do it again? Curious to hear your thoughts. 

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  21. On 10/5/2023 at 11:47 AM, windy55 said:

    One time when my now ex-wfe and I were having intercourse, she groaned that she had to pee. I encouraged her to continue to fuck and to just release her bladder....

    This is one of my all-time favorite pee scenarios. This happened for me a few times with my ex. I've told stories here before, but I'll provide a quick recap.

    My ex-wife was a heavy drinker (the main reason why she's my ex). Because she was a heavy drinker, she always had to pee. Early in our relationship, as we started having sex, she warned me she gets really wet during sex. So we always put down a puppy pad, or towel. Sometimes during sex, I would notice things felt really wet down there. We never really discussed it much, just chalked it up to her anatomy. I was also pretty inexperienced with sex at the time, so didn't know any different. 

    But looking back on it, I think she was often just releasing little pee spurts while we had sex, just to relieve the pressure. 

    After we would finish, there would usually be a 6" wet spot on the pad or towel. But sometimes more, like 12"-18" (likely a full bladder). She would just say "Oh, I came a lot!"

    One of the first times she peed openly was one time we were having sex in the swimming pool. I was stood by the side wall, and she had her legs wrapped around me. She was acting uncomfortable. I asked her if it was the position making her uncomfortable? She said "No, I have to pee!" I said "Just go, I don't care." She did, and I remember feeling the contrast of the warmth against the cold pool water. 

    At the time my pee kink was in its infancy. I knew that watching women pee interested me, but I wasn't really a golden shower guy. It wasn't like "Oh God, my wife is peeing on me, this is so hot!". It was more like "I don't care if she pees during sex out of convenience if it makes things more comfortable for her. It's just warm water anyway."

    So (later in our relationship) once she knew I didn't really care (It was kind of neither a turn-on or turn-off), if she wanted/needed to pee during sex, by then she was more open about it. During sex she might say something like "hold still a minute, I need to pee." And then I'd feel a warm wetness down there. It didn't happen all the time, just once in a while. It didn't matter if my penis was inside her, she could still (usually) pee with it in. It was just easier for her if I held still.

    She also liked holding a mostly full bladder during sex. Sometimes it was difficult for her to orgasm (probably due to her drinking), and she found that she was able to cum more easily with a mostly full bladder. So she would hold on purpose during sex. But then if the pressure was too much, she would let a little out. Sometimes she would announce it, sometimes she would just do it without announcing it. But always on a puppy pad or towel - i don't think it ever made a big mess.

    My wife isn't into pee stuff at all, and would never pee during sex. So, unfortunately, the experiences I've described above are now a thing of the past. 

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