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Posts posted by Kirby23

  1. On 2/21/2023 at 6:27 AM, oliver2 said:

    @Kirby @Johnboy777 Out of curiosity*, why? Is it because someone might see your dick, or just habit of whipping it out to pee, or because you like the different “feel” without the warmth in your swimwear, or something else?

    Ta! 🙂

    * read: obsession, kink, etc

    I can't really explain it other than that I have no desire to "wet myself" into my swim trunks, even if under water.

  2. 15 hours ago, PissDude said:

    I generally don’t. If I’m talking to a woman and she brings up something piss related, I nod and smile and don’t push...


    ...otherwise I’ll just sneak off here or to some pictures and videos I’ve saved when I get a chance. I tried to explain it to my ex-wife, but she started using it against me.

    Fantasies work great in your own head where everybody else has to obey your rules and is eager to please you, but they don’t work well in reality when other people with their own opinions and free will and biases are involved.

    Man I can relate to all of this.

    The "nod and smile" must take such restraint!

    My wife is similar, which is why I have to seek out other outlets, such as this forum, and the sort of discussions I refetenced in this topic.

  3. My friend "M" and I were discussing squirting one time. I don't recall exactly how the discussion topic began, but we were in a situation at the time where we were both "experimenting" with our respective partners, and reporting results to each other. We nicknamed it "project towel."

    She kept getting close, but when it came time to "release," she was having trouble doing it. So she was trying to get more comfortable with peeing around/on her boyfriend, as a way to get over the hump of squirting - e.g. the "mental block."

    I pressed for details, but unfortunately she was reluctant to give much. The one story she told is that one time she was lying on her back while he was vigorously fingering her. She wasn't close to orgasm, but the way he was fingering her made her feel like she had to pee. He wouldn't stop, so she peed all over him. Apparently he didn't mind, and they had a good laugh.


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  4. 8 hours ago, oliver2 said:

    You can get portable, inflatable hot tubs which cost quite a lot less...


    This is what I have - a "Saluspa." It's ok, all in all. Not terrible, not great. It's on the small side, really only two adults fit in it. My wife doesn't like how the whole tub moves around with any body movement - not like how a "rigid" tub is. It gives her the feeling of motion sickness, which is one of the reasons why we never seem to stay in it very long. 

    Since the tub has "give" to it, it's not firm enough to sit on the edge. So it would be difficult for her to sit over the edge to pee, even if she wanted to. 

    We're thinking about upgrading to a "real" hot tub.

  5. My wife was a labor & delivery nurse for 13 years. She had 12-hour shifts, and would occasionally (not often) not be able to pee at all during the shift if things were particularly busy. 

    In fact, we were just talking about this a few nights ago. I asked her how she was able to do it, and she said she tried not to drink anything.

    That definitely wouldn't work for her lifestyle now - she drinks 8 quarts every day. And although her bladder size is immense (she easily holds 1 liter), her ability to hold has diminished since she had kids. 

    • Hot 1
  6. I can contribute to this, only based on my experience with my wife. We'll call her "Mrs. K".

    Mrs. K has a pretty pronounced G spot. It's easy to feel and easy to find with my finger. I'd say it's probably only maybe 1/2" in. It might be 1", not exactly sure.

    She definitely enjoys when I touch it just right, but I have to work my way up to it. I can't just go in "guns blazing" and expect a favorable result. 

    As I work my way up, I use light pressure, circling motions, and the "come hither" gesture that is so often recommended in squirting discussions. I also don't focus all of my attention only in that one spot, I move the finger in and out, and around, while I'm using my tongue on her clit and labia. 

    She usually pees before we have sex, so very rarely does the "Stop, I need to pee" conversation happen in the middle of foreplay. Once in a while, however, if I'm too aggressive on the G spot, she'll ask me to stop, saying it's too much, or it doesn't feel good, or I need to ease back.

    Once she's close to orgasm though, all bets are off, and she likes it more aggressive. I can push, drag across, and "come hither," and she likes all of it.

    She has never squirted, but sometimes there is some clear wetness after she orgasms. In fact, during our most recent session, she orgasmed hard, and I noticed more "glistening" than usual. Although I'm often somewhat aggressive with my tongue, so it could've been my saliva.

    I'm still holding out hope that someday she will squirt, but I feel like if she hasn't done it yet in our 15 years together, she's probably not going to. But a man can dream!

  7. As has been mentioned here previously, boating definitely comes to mind. Most recreation boats are small (don't have toilets), and people often drink alcohol while boating. Seems to me to be a perfect recipe for interesting situations.

    My wife has a close friend who, together with her husband, owns a catamaran. They're on the boat nearly every weekend in the summer. Sometimes it's just the two of them, but sometimes they have other friends join them (we haven't been invited yet). My wife's friend has mentioned in the past that they spend the whole day out on the water - they'll pack a lunch, etc. I've asked my wife "They're drinking all that beer - Where/how do you think they pee?" My wife didn't really know, but supposed they probably get in the water to pee, or just do it over the side. I asked my wife "What will you do if we're invited?" She said "I don't know, probably try to hold it." 



  8. I have done this, but as a man, my general preference is not to pee in my swimsuit if I can avoid it. If I'm somewhere where it won't show (lake, etc.), I pull my penis out (under the water) rather than going in my suit. 

    • Agree 2
  9. As Kupar mentioned/linked, I started a topic about this a few months ago, and I've been adding to it occasionally, almost like a journal of my own experiences in this area - what has gone well, difficulties encountered, etc. 

    I LOVE this topic, it's probably my favorite aspect of the kink. I enjoy watching videos of it, and "peeing during sex" is probably one of my most searched text strings.

    I've had some success finding these types of videos, especially on Pornhub. There are some content creators who seem to specialize in it. One user that comes to mind is "jetsfan1983" (or similar - going on memory on the username). Nerdy Faery also did a video where she tried to pee during PIV, but she couldn't quite manage it. Regardless, it was definitely hot!

  10. The next experience occurred Saturday evening. We were having "normal" sex, per the usual routine. Through foreplay, I'd managed to get her to come really hard. So I think she was in a more uninhibited mood.

    I mentioned to her that I still wanted to try emptying my full bladder into her (rather than just a few spurts). I had drank a whole bottle of water prior to going to bed, so was beginning to feel it. I asked if we could try doing it in the shower stall. She said "We've tried in the shower stall before, and we can never get the angle right." But I managed to convince her that we should try again. 

    So she agreed, and we went to the shower stall. I asked her to bend over, and attempted to insert from behind. But unfortunately she was right, and it really wasn't working. I could get my tip to her entrance, but couldn't get it in. I tried a few more things, but it really wasn't working. I asked her "Can you try peeing?" I stood there holding my tip to her entrance, but nothing happened. I don't think she wanted to, and I didn't really want to push it. 

    So I said "I guess you're right. This isn't going to work, let's go back to the bed." She laid down, we did it the normal way, and within a short period of time I came (no pee involved).

    Last night we were talking before bed, and I thanked her for trying, and for being a good sport. 


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  11. Two more recent experiences to add to the thread. This past Thursday night I was in the mood, but my wife wasn't. Occasionally when this happens, she's willing to give me a handjob. I asked if she would, and she said ok. 

    I mentioned that I kind of needed to pee, and asked her if it would be alright if I peed while she was giving me a handjob. She said I guess so, just don't get it on me or the bed.

    So I laid on my back, stripped down, and got our "sex towel." I was immediately hard with anticipation. She started rubbing me, and I began to relax and concentrate. It wasn't too hard to start the flow - I let out a small spurt. I had to be careful not to shoot it into my face or anything! It ran down my shaft, and onto her hand. The wetness acted as lube. It felt amazing. I asked "Is that ok?" She said yes. So I concentrated, and let out a little more as she kept stroking. 

    It didn't take long, and I came. It was really intense and pleasurable, and I thanked her.


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  12. Here's another interesting one. My wife and I have just started watching "Succession," and last night we watched S1E3. There's a scene where a man and woman wake up in the morning after a night of sex. She goes into the bathroom, and sits on the toilet to pee. It shows her from the side. When she finishes, she pulls up her underwear without wiping.

    My wife noticed, and remarked "she didn't wipe."

  13. On 1/29/2023 at 9:13 PM, Bacardi said:

    For $168 I could probably buy myself like 10 pairs of jeans and leggings all together and sew zippers into the crotches of them and make my own. God damn.

    Ha! Love this comment. I'm both frugal and an Engineer, so I am an avid DIY-er, and I love solving problems myself rather than spending money unnecessarily.

    I'm a guy, but am an avid outdoorsman (camping, hiking, etc.), so am fairly familiar with this problem for women. My wife HATES peeing outside; she has to pretty much get naked from the waist down, so she will more often suffer rather than exposing herself or risking a mess. Maybe she needs something like this (or Bacardi's DIY version)!

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  14. 10 hours ago, MonsterKane46 said:

    I'm not familiar with the show and whether or not it includes nudity but the underwear may have been done to avoid showing her ass on camera coz...

    Yellowstone has what I'd call "light" nudity. Sideboob, butts, skin, some sex, etc. The scene I'm referring to showed the female character (Sarah) pulling on her underwear from a front view. She adjusts them by slightly pulling them down, and it very briefly shows the top of her bare public area (but not genitals).

    1923, which is a spinoff of Yellowstone, has a female peeing scene in the first episone. In a scene which takes place in Africa, a female exits her tent to pee at night. She's shown squatting (in the dark), and peeing noises are heard. Then (no spoilers)... something bad happens to her. In this particular case, the peeing is necessary to the plot development/advancement.

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  15. When my wife gets close to orgasm, once in a while (not every time), she likes when I play with her butthole. I'm not allowed to put my finger in, just gently rub the outside. But the problem is that it dries rather quickly, and I don't really want to lick my finger (or her butt) to re-moisten it. So one of these times I'm going to see if she'll let me pee on her butthole for lube. That way, if it dries, I can just pee again. 

    She has let me use my pee for lube on her vaginal opening, when a little extra is needed. 

    I've also used my pee to clean period blood out of her vagina one time. It worked like a charm. It was like power washing her from the inside. 

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  16. Some months have passed since my initial post, and things are still going well. Me peeing during sex occurs approximately half of the time now. I don't "force" it, but my wife knows that peeing during sex is an enjoyable feeling for me, so she doesn't mind. She hasn't asked for it yet, but some time may come in the future when she might. 

    To this end, there was one time recently when I think it helped her reach orgasm. We were doing PIV, and she was rubbing herself. She was close (75% - 80% there), but couldn't quite get "over the edge." I asked her if she wanted me to try peeing inside and see if that helped her. She said "Sure, I guess." So I peed a little, and she came almost immediately. I don't know if it was the jet of pee inside that helped her come, or the extra wetness lubing her fingers, or what, but it worked, so I was happy. 

    So far every time I've peed in her has only been a few squirts. Part of it is that I'm afraid to pee too much on the bed (she doesn't like having sex in other places), and part of it is that it's difficult for me to pee inside her without coming. The act is still so exciting to me that it makes me come almost immediately when I do it.

    But I definitely want to try peeing a whole bladder into her. I've asked and she said it's ok, so it's just a matter of the logistics now. I think I need to start sex with a full bladder (and get through ~30 minutes of foreplay with it), or drink fluid before sex so it fills during foreplay. 

    And then i need to get over the other hang-ups - my own performance, and the "mess" part of it. 

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  17. By far the biggest thing for me has been incorporating pee into my sex life with my wife. I've told most of the details in another thread, but I'll provide a recap here. 

    My wife (14 years) is (was?) 100% anti-pee, anti-fetish, full-on kink shaming, etc. She didn't want to talk about it, wouldn't let me watch her, etc. 

    But over the course of 2022, things got progressively better in that regard. We talked about it more, I was able to better explain why it was a turn-on for me, and eventually she let me try it (peeing during sex). 

    By the end of 2022 and into 2023, it has become a fairly regular part of our sex life. I pee inside her about half of the time we have sex. It does nothing for her, but she doesn't mind it, and allows it because she knows it feels good for me. I don't usually pee much, usually a few squirts, then that pushes me over the edge and I come. 

    One time, recently, I think it actually helped her come. I was thrusting away, and she was using her finger. She was 75% or 80% of the way toward finishing. I asked "Do you want me to pee a little, and see if that pushes you over the edge?" And she said "I don't care, I guess if you want to." So I peed, and she came. So I would say there's definitely promise for the future.

    So far all I've been able to manage is a few squirts. Next I want to try peeing a full bladder into her. She said it'd be ok, but the situation hasn't presented itself yet. All of the activity so far has been on the bed, and even with towels, I'm sort of reluctant to try. I also want to pee on her clit and/or butthole, but she hasn't allowed that yet. 

    I'd LOVE for her to try peeing during sex, but so far she won't. She has allowed me to lick her clean after using the toilet. But it grosses her out.

    Meanwhile I'm very happy with what she has allowed, and how far things have come. 

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  18. My wife definitely doesn't mind if I or my son pee in the yard. We live in a residential neighborhood with houses all around, so it doesn't happen often. But, for example, we have a pine tree with low boughs that offer a little privacy. Occasionally when my son is swimming, he'll pee there rather than going in the house. Similarly, when my wife and I are in the hot tub, if I have to pee, I'll just stand up and pee into the mulch vs. getting out and going in the house. 

    I can only think of two occasions when my wife has peed in the yard (that I know of). One was at a hot tub party at her friend's house, with her girlfriends, where she peed through her suit into the grass while walking to the cooler to get a drink. I've told that story here before, in another thread.

    The other time occurred when my wife and I were having a campfire in the backyard. It was a while ago, the kids were little, and in bed already. We'd had a few beers, and we both needed to pee. I figured if we went inside, that'd probably be the end of our evening. It also risked waking one or both of the kids. So I said to her "Let's just pee here. It's dark, no one will know." I went first, scooching to the edge of my lawnchair, and pulling my penis out of my shorts. I quietly let my pee flow into the grass. I said "See? Quiet, easy, done. Now you." 

    Reluctantly, she did the same. She scooched to the edge of her lawnchair, and pulled her shorts and underwear down just far enough so she could pee. She slowly let it flow, being careful not to unleash the full stream all at once, for fear that a neighbor might see or hear something. It was dark, so I couldn't really see anything sitting right next to her. I could see the soft streams just a little as she started and stopped a few times, and hear them quietly hitting the grass below. When she finished, I don't remember if she wiped. We might've had a napkin with us, but I don't recall. We stayed out a little longer until the fire died down, and ebentually we went in. 

    I wish she would do that type of thing more, but unfortunately she's pretty pee shy.

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  19. I've noticed that a lot of movies and TV shows aren't very accurate about depicting characters peeing in what would seem to be common situations.

    For example, getting up in the morning - the character gets out of bed, and simply starts their day, without a bathroom visit. Or after sex, the characters either say "goodnight," or one puts their clothes on and leaves, and no one visits the bathroom.

    In reality, I'm sure the bathroom visit is probably omitted because it doesn't advance the plot. But it still seems unrealistic to me. 

    Recently my wife and I were watching "Yellowstone," and there was a scene when Jamie and Sarah (his new girlfriend) have a conversation in bed, then Sarah gets out of bed, puts her underwear on (which kind of shows her bare pubic area), and heads to the bathroom, then we see her in the shower, where she's quickly joined by Jamie. My wife remarked "Why did she put her clothes on only to get in the shower?" I then said "If they just woke up, are either of them going to pee?" and my wife said "She was probably peeing in the shower when he interrupted her by getting in!"

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  20. On 12/7/2022 at 7:57 AM, jocake said:

    What better way to talk about piss than through a podcast. I don't always agree with what is discussed here, but it is quite fun to listen to.


    Thanks for sharing this! They come across as a little judgmental - primarily the guy, not so much Kiara. But entertaining to listen to on my car ride home from work!

    Now I have to check out some of her videos...

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