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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. My bladder finally required relief. A quick run to the bathroom followed by a squat wetting in the bath was the perfect relief for my quiving pee musles. My poor little penis got another soaking though. 😛 Luckily he loves it!
  2. Showered about 3 hours ago. Pulled on a lovely fresh pair of these, then peed through them like a waterfall about 2 hours ago. They've since dried very well, and I have every intention of power pissing through them again within the next 30 minutes as my bladder is already very full! Feels so good holding a full bladder even though you've already wet once, and have no intention of using the toilet again for the rest of the day.
  3. This alone is absolutely incredible! I'd be so so happy with a girlfriend that did that for me! 😮
  4. You're a very lucky guy! Those leggings look incredible as well! Such a great little wetting. 😄
  5. So this is something I've always puzzled over. In the world of wetting, I often find that rewetting is extremely sexy. Very naughty, and very kinky! I do it quite frequently, and have never really experienced any negative effects at all. Specially if I wear nice comfy quick drying underwear. I have seen on other pee sites it's a really quite sought after niche. As a lady, is it uncomfortable to wet & rewet? Is it the hassle of having to be careful where you sit that puts you off doing it? Or the risk of side effects of wearing wet panties for longer periods of time? Or, a
  6. Well, after the 5th wetting I didn't bother with a 6th. I just got on with my evening as if it had been a totally normal day. Because I was totally dry I opted to just take my joggers off and climb into bed with my now dried briefs, then fell asleep wearing them. Was exciting waking up this morning and pulling my waistband away to admire my pissy little man! 😛
  7. 1 - Car Wash Wetting – 09:30 So today I decided to have some fun! My housemate is away for the weekend again, and I had recently treated myself to a few pairs of new underwear. These ones were specifically picked for their wetting convenience. I decided to opt for a pair of briefs, so that they had less material to stay wet. I also opted for a pair of sports style breathable mesh ones. They are made of polyester, and as such absorb very little liquid. I woke up at 6am and began drinking as soon as I got up. Plenty of water to make sure I stay hydrated throughout the day.
  8. This weekend my housemate is away and I have a weekend to myself. One of the days I want a fun re-wetathon. I am wondering whether anyone has any suggestions for places to wet, things I should try and do around the house / in the garden while wet or wetting. Any suggestions on what clothes to wear while enjoying myself? 😄 I'll write up a full post about it at the end of the day to let you all know how it went. I'll try and do live updates as well. 🙂 Cheers, Joe 😄
  9. Well, my bladder filled lovely and quickly. I had a nice full bladder after only about 2 and a half hours. My boxer briefs were near enough dry, but my pissy little penis was far too excited not to be soaked again! I just rushed upstairs, pulled my joggers off, jumped into the bath, squat down and let my entire bladder flood my boxers, bathing my pissy man with warmth again! I stayed there for a minute or two letting the drips subside, shook about a bit, then put my joggers back on. It feels so naughty just redressing as if it's totally normal to ignore soaked boxers clinging tightly
  10. Happy New Year to you too lovely! 😄😄
  11. Afternoon All, I decided today to go for a new year walk. I wanted to enjoy the fresh air, and treat myself to a little wet fun while my house mate is away. I woke up pretty early this morning, (around 9am). I only stayed up till 12 talking to a few friends online, then went to sleep. As soon as I was up I began drinking plenty. I peed at about 09:30, and then at 11:00 as well, making sure to get myself to a nice dilute pee colour. I then drank plenty, waiting another 2 hours until 13:00 before I left the house. I already needed to pee quite a bit as I was really getting through
  12. First I'd put on a lovely leather skirt, a pair of lovely thin panties, and a pair of cute little ballet flats. Then I'd drink absolutely loads all day, and just pee through my panties down my beautiful legs over and over all day. 😛
  13. To be clear, I finished my cleaning after that wetting at about 13:00. Then quickly grabbed some food from the fridge and sat down to watch a film that I've Just finished watching. Full bladder, and excited little private area that's hopeful for another naughty soaking! Where to do it this time though? 🤔
  14. Got carried away cleaning. It felt super naughty at around 12:30 I hopped into the bath while cleaning the bathroom. The toilet being only about 3 feet away. I pulled my jeans down, squat, and just emptied a huge flood through my tight boxer briefs for the 2nd time while just staring longingly at the toilet just in front of me. I then pulled my jeans back up, and continued with my cleaning of the bathroom. 😄 My naughty wet little man all excited as to what had just happened. 😛
  15. Lovely first soaking! I hurried out into the back garden, pulled my jeans down and squat down. I tipped my hips forwards as far as possible, pulled my boxer briefs up tight and just released. I have a lovely little wet patch on the front of them now. 😄 But I just pulled my jeans back up and now I have some cleaning to get on with in the house. I'm sure they'll dry in no time. 😄
  16. Planning on a lovely relaxing rewetting day of a comfy pair of boxer briefs like these. First soaking will probably be at about 09:30 as I've drank loads already this morning. (Never do my morning pee through my boxers).
  17. Had a lovely dream last night! Came home from a night out with a beautiful slim girl. She was wearing an extremely sparkly pencil skirt, high heel booties and little panties. We both came home bursting and she asked where the toilet was. I jokingly ran in first, and in the few seconds I was joking around I saw her start loosing control. She started peeing through her panties with it splashing down her legs. She grabbed my hand and shoved it between her legs and told me to grab tight. So I did, and after a few seconds the flow slowed, then stopped. It was too late though, her panties
  18. This sounds like an interesting game. It's basically never have I ever, but instead of getting drunk you get more and more desperate until you can't hold it any more! 😄
  19. And another one. @Sophie Tina & Mel continued with their business meeting, glancing out the door at Laura, Abbie, and Jess working hard at their workbenches, waiting for Abbie to become extremely desperate. "Lets give it 10 more minutes, then we'll go out and ask her to demo how she makes some of the garments. You'll probably get to witness first hand as she rewets herself!" Suggested Tina. Mel looked excited at the idea and agreed to hang around to witness another soaking. Abbie was already panicking. By this point her bladder was on the verge of loosing control
  20. Lovely post! 😄 Have a lovely holiday period! 😊
  21. Sounds good! Enjoy! 😄 I won't be online to see what happens, but will have a read later. 😄
  22. That's quiet a while! 😮 Are you getting really full? Perhaps a nice big drink will help. 😄 That sounds good!
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