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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. Made it through the shower. Want to try and hold out until 6pm. (35 more mins). 😛
  2. I've finally made it home after 2 hours of over time. My house mate is out, my bladder is getting rather full, and I'm in need of a shower. Wish me luck! I intend to force my bladder to save the huge 1.4l flood it holds for a good boxer brief soaking right when I can't hold out any longer!
  3. Tortured my bladder on this one! Absolutely bursting but ran out the back of the house, pulled my joggers down and power pissed through my boxers for about 45 seconds! A serious soaking!!
  4. I'm filling up my bladder so fast ready for my 3rd wetting. 😍
  5. Just playing an old sims PC game as if it's totally normal to be sat there wearing boxer briefs I've peed through twice. Still waiting for my bladder to fill up nicely for the 3rd soaking. 😄
  6. Well, my bladder wanted relief so I had to give in. I hurried up to the bathroom. Pulled my joggers down, jumped into the bath and squat down making sure to tilt my hips as far foward as possible. As soon as I was in position my bladder relaxed and I felt a wave of warmth spread around my penis, soaking it once again. The floor poured out through my tight boxers for about 40 seconds. The pee was very clear due to how much I've been drinking. As soon as the flow subsided I change the squat position slightly, allowed the drips to stop then grabbed my towel and dried my legs and feet before
  7. Really getting rather full again. Definitely ready for my 2nd wetting. The weather has gone very cool and rainy so will have to be inside. Just as my pissy little guy gets nicely dry he gets another soaking. 😜
  8. While I'm filling up my bladder I am trying to work out what the next most enjoyable soaking will be. I love a good rewetting, but I want to feel extra naughty. 😄
  9. Great fun for my first "wetting". I changed into my work trousers (Black rugid DIY ones) and head out to wash the car. I made the rule that each time I dunked the sponge in the water I'd release a jet of pee. The initial warmth and rewarming of each little leak felt lovely. The work trousers aren't very absorbant so quite a few little trickles escaped down the inside of my thighs and got my socks a little wet in my wellies. The first few spurts were hard to stop as I was bursting. Each leak reduced the pressure slightly until eventually I finished my car wash, went round the bac
  10. Showered. ✅ Tight boxer briefs on. ✅ Comfy black jogging bottoms on. ✅ Mug of tea drank. ✅ Pint of water drank. ✅ No we wait for my bladder to fill nicely. 😄
  11. Really feel like indulging in a nice long rewetting day today! 😛😁 Gonna empty my morning pee, then get filling! Already drank a pint of water.
  12. I had a brilliant fun dream last night. I was sat with Nicki (this lady) on the sofa. She was wearing a similar outfit to this and I was helping her hold herself. She next to me and just kept telling me to squeeze her so she didn't wet herself. Eventually she lost it and peed her panties over the edge of the sofa! Does anyone else get dreams like this very occasionally? https://www.xvideos.com/video30134313/48027eyeshclare
  13. 100% It always used to make me need to pee when I was playing. Or at least highlight the fact I had to go at the time.
  14. Ran to the bathroom. Pulled my jeans down. Tried to let just a little leak out. Couldn't regain control and just ended up peeing for like 50 seconds through my tight boxers. I shook the drips out, then quickly pulled my jeans up again over my wet boxers. Now I'm sat on a nice folded towel gaming again with my little wet man comfy and wet between my legs. 😛
  15. Gonna let some pressure out by leaking a bit.
  16. Maybe 30 mins left. I'm super wiggly now, really full!
  17. Just drank a whole 500ml glass of water. That should help to fill me up quicky!
  18. Well, I'm sat playing PC games. My bladder is about half full, I'm wearing boxer briefs I've already power peed through once about 3 hours ago, and I have every intention of giving them another good soaking. 😄
  19. This is so true. I've known two girls that are into horses and I've never met people more casual about peeing than them two. It was very frequent that I'd spend some time down a stable with them and they'd just disappear into the stall and pee into the hay. There's no way they were wiping etc, just pulling tight jodhpurs back up straight over their little wet muffins each time! Very exciting.
  20. That sounds like a great story! I'd love someone I know to tell me something like that. She must have been bursting. 😄
  21. It's a wonderful idea as a bit of a dream, but unfortunately real world logistics etc would be a nightmare! I can't imagine a festival more fun than one where I can spend it with a like minded lady peeing and wetting all weekend. Sadly, it's something that'll probably never happen. Not to mention I'd be far too shy to go anyway! 😕
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