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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. An hour passed while I read. My panties, tights and ballet flats were much drier, but still clearly damp. My bladder was filling quickly due to the huge amount of fluid I was being made to drink. I ignored it, and just continued enjoying my book. Fast forward another 30 minutes and I was getting quite desperate. It was then that another command from the player came in. The command was to make lunch. I hadn't noticed that it was 12:30 already! Time had flown while I was reading. As I stood up, I paused for a second to inspect my clothes. I couldn't see any wetness on my tights at all. I pu
  2. Hi I'm Rhianna, and today I am going to tell you about a day I recently had. I am a Sim from the a game called “The Sims”. The player controls my day to day life, and I have to obey what is asked of me. The day I am going to tell you about is one in which some very strange things happened! It was Saturday 8am 17th of September. I was woken as usual by my player. I climbed out of bed, and was, as usual commanded to go to the bathroom. I obeyed the player as always. I headed to the bathroom, pulled my pyjama bottoms down, and settled myself onto the toilet. A torrent of pee sprayed into t
  3. Well I got my original post wrong! I was flying out Friday evening. So got in very late last night. Glad to be back, it's been a tough week of work mostly! But I have a few good stories.
  4. That sounds like a fantastic morning! 😄 I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. There is something so exciting about ignoring a full bladder and trying to complete other "more important" tasks. The inevitable soaking having denied yourself relief is the bonus at the end as well! 😄
  5. Thanks! Yeah going out Wednesday! 😄 I am pretty close to a decent town so I'm sure there will be nightlife going on! 😄 I am quite quiet so might just find some nice bars and have a few beers and see if I see anything interesting going on! 🤣
  6. Hello 😄 Welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy it here. 🙂
  7. Had to go! Ran to the bathroom, yanked my jeans down as fast as I could and dived onto the toilet. A total flood of pee poured through my tight boxer briefs on the toilet. I quickly pulled my jeans back up and now back at my desk gaming. My poor little guy all lovely and wet! 😛
  8. Just let out a lovely little trickle to relieve the pressure a bit. The warmth spreading was heavenly! So hard to stop!
  9. Properly bursting! I think these little boxer briefs are going to get another soaking at this rate! 😄
  10. So. I have already wet my boxer briefs in the back garden this morning (story to come). I'm now sat gaming, bursting to pee again in the same boxers. My excited little penis can't wait for those little leaks to start escaping! 😛
  11. So, In what was rather a surprise at work the other day, my boss has asked me to go out and support one of our sister factories in Romania! From the 19th - 23rd I'll be doing 10 hour shifts at the plant. The cool thing is, because my boss is a champion, he has allowed me to move the flight and go out early. (I found a flight cheaper on the Wednesday before and have used a few holiday days). That means from the Wednesday evening to the Sunday evening I have lots of free time in a nice little holiday let that I found last minute! I won't be using my private phone out there (no idea what roa
  12. Anyone got any tips for super quick drying mens shoes. What style etc? When I wet I like to thoroughly soak myself, but then walking around with wet shoes is quite obvious that you've wet yourself. 😂 Thanks 😁
  13. Struggling to stop after the little leaks now. My bladder is too full and the towel is getting too wet! Going to have to get dried up and get dressed I think! 😞
  14. Letting little trickles out and enjoying the little wet sensation around my naked privates on the towel is such a distraction from my gaming! 🤣
  15. So many messy little trickles!! 😛 My little guy is soaked and the towel is pretty saturated! 😛
  16. Feels so naughty watching the little trickles escape the tip of my penis and trickle into a little wet patch on the towel 😛 There is a little damp patch between my legs now! 😄
  17. Bursting now!! Gonna let a few little leaks out to release some pressure!
  18. Probably a good 7 out of 10. Wonder how long my little guy can keep control over my aching bladder! I'm sure little trickles will want to leak out soon! 😛
  19. Drinking plenty to get myself nice and full very soon!
  20. I'm trying something new today. Naked pee desperation. I'm currently about a 6/10 sat naked on a thickly folded towel on my gaming chair. My penis slightly quivering with desperation every now and then. Wonder how long until I leak? 😄
  21. I love the dark patch on my jeans! Got a little wet patch on the towel I'm sat on as well now. 😄 So many little leaks! 😛
  22. As the weather has cooled, I have found myself becoming more excited for pee fun again. The last hour or so I have been sat PC gaming. 😄 The pee I am posting about has been getting released in lovely warming little trickles into my tight boxers every 10 minutes or so. 😄 I love it!
  23. Nice! Welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here. 😁
  24. What a way to introduce yourself! 😄 Welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy it here!
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