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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. Charlotte is always gorgeous. And in these photos she soaks her cute little converse! 😄 Added an image from a different set showing her perfect little feet! 😄
  2. Beatrice from Realwetting has soaked a pair of converse a few times 😄 http://www.pissblog.com/img/beatrice-pissing-jeans/index.html http://www.pissblog.com/img/desperate-shorts-pee/index.html http://www.pissblog.com/img/beatrice-shorts-pee/index.html In the second link, she manages to totally fill one of her converse! 😮 http://www.pissblog.com/img/desperate-shorts-pee/08.jpg
  3. A girlfriend who just doesn't bother wiping after each pee while I know full well it'll be my job to clean her up at the end of the day! 🙊
  4. Sorry if this isn't to everyone's tastes! I have a bit of a foot fetish as well as a pee fetish and I find it super hot when both are combined, whether by accident or on purpose. An example of something that's super hot is soaked Converse! 😍 I am wondering if anyone knows of anything like the below, whether it video or photo sets? 😄 Bonus points if they aren't wearing socks! 😛 Thanks 😄
  5. So, one thing I've noticed is that this forum is very pee orientated, but doesn't touch on the subject of wetting quite as much. Is it welcome here? Or is it something most people aren't as into?
  6. Imagine you are in a relationship with someone into pee / wetting. The challenge is simple. You both get dressed. First one to take their underwear down looses. No pulling them aside! There are so many factors to this. Do you drink loads and keep your pee dilute and endure more pees through your underwear? Do you reduce your intake and have stronger pee? Do you fill your whole bladder and release a huge pee or let lots of little spurts out allowing them to dry quicker? What would you do?
  7. It's 8am. Me and my girlfriend (Wish I had one in real life!) are eating breakfast ready to go out for the day around a city she wants to visit. Shes dressed in a lovely leather skirt, a pair of pink panties, a pair of tights and a some converse. She looks gorgeous. We head out, we have a 3 hour drive. Half way, her morning coffee and big glass of water soon hit her bladder. "I have to pee, can we stop?" she mutters, "It's hit me so fast!" I look out for some service stop signs. "Next services 28 miles, can you wait till then?" "Yeah, that should be okay" she says.
  8. Interesting thought. Imagine you have changed sex for the whole weekend. You have a totally different body and can do anything you like with your fetish for 2 whole days. What would you get up to? I think I'd spend the first day in a pair of panties, fishnets and a leather skirt and spend the whole day peeing through the same panties as often and in as many places as possible. The second day I think I'd spend wetting as many different outfits as possible to see how the feelings differ in things like leggings, tights, denim shorts, jeans etc and all different shoes like ballet flats,
  9. Hi All, I know this is mostly focused on being a pee forum, but I have seen a lot of wetting content as well. Is anyone else here madly into re-wetting? Whether seeing it, or partaking in it? I love a good re-wetting video where a girl pees her panties then just ignores the need to change before wetting herself again later on! I also LOVE doing it when I get the chance, sometimes I've pushed myself to the limit by spending a whole day just letting big spurts of pee out into the front of my boxers and then just going about my normal day all pissy! 😄 What do you guys think of it?
  10. A few years ago when I was in my early 20s, me and a group of friends decided to camp out for a day and an evening and then head back home the next morning. We head out up into the hills near where we lived, took a nice BBQ and a load of drinks, and spent the day drinking and cooking up nice food. It was a fantastic day. The naughty part though, was that the girls had forgotten to bring any toilet paper! Now, I know that the two of them must have peed at least 5/6 times over the 18 or so hours we were up in the hills, each time they would go off into the bushes and pee and then come
  11. Perfect! 🙂 Thank you! At the end of the day, If I post something I will usually show the original content provider etc so people can go and find their full content. I find that screenshots from a video only make me want to go away and buy the vid!
  12. When I was about 19 I was round a friends house. Me and her often used to hang out and play online Nintendo games. She was sat bursting to pee for quite some time next to me. Constantly wiggling, but each time a new game started she'd put off peeing. Eventually she ran off to the bathroom (I raced her as I was bursting as well). I let her go first and stood outside squirming as she peed for what must have been 40 seconds or so of just torrential pee. I was very, very impressed to say the least! She looked so relaxed when she opened the bathroom door!
  13. A while back I was out in town with a group of friends. There was a bunch of guys and girls with us as well. It was a great night. On the way back one of the girls said she had to pee. There was no where that was still open and we still had at least a 20 minute walk back home. Suddenly, she darted off down a side road as we were walking. We all stopped and you could hear a loud pee noise come from in the darkness. Of course we all looked away and let her do her thing. 😄 The thing that surprised me was how fast she appeared back with the group after the hissing had stopped. It was like a
  14. I just wanted to post a peeing and smile picture to the forum thread. It's a great thread, but I am curious as what classes as copyright before I post. Am I okay to post a screen shot of a video if that video is copyright? Thanks 🙂
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