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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. Thanks. I have been using open office writer. I wonder if the spell check isn't that good. The very first post was done on notepad, then I changed after that one to the writer to keep it neater as I was typing it up. Enjoy yourself 😄 And I like the sound of the naughty idea you've come up with! 😄 I better turn this thread back into the story again soon! 😄
  2. Hi! 😄 Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy it here.
  3. Thanks guys! 😄 I'll make sure I don't fall into that trap when I write in future. I do see what you mean!
  4. Rushed home from work. Stressing the entire way home as I left work with a really full bladder (I like to do this when I know my house mate is away). I managed to make it home (just). I ran upstairs, quickly stripped off my work clothes and threw on a pair of swimming shorts. I rushed down the stairs and out the back of the house before loosing all control and totally soaking my swim shorts and legs. I've been sunbathing for the last hour or so now. My swim shorts are lovely and dry, and I've been drinking plenty to fill my poor bladder back up! 😁
  5. I will continue with this story at some point. I am interested in peoples feedback. What are you thoughts on the writing style? Do I use enough descriptive sentances? Do I build a character well enough? Is there enough pee stuff or wetting stuff? Are you okay with me leaving the odd bit about feet in here and there such as Tima getting her boots peed in by Laura? Thanks! 😁
  6. Meet Tina, the boss. Note her wet patch after wetting twice to tease the girls. In the story though, she doesn't have tights. Just stunning legs! 😄
  7. I have to say some of the best videos I've seen are park bench ones or things like that. Find a nice quiet park and sit on the edge of the bench. Drop your skirt out of the way and just either pull your panties aside to pee, or if you're feeling extra naughty just pee through them off the edge of the bench. Leaning against a fence is a similarly sexy pee. Just casually stood with your legs just far enough apart with a skirt on. Then just relax and let it spray down between your legs. Squatting to tie your shoe laces and peeing through your panties under a skirt, or even through leggi
  8. Having both relieved themselves, Jess and Abbie were working hard at their work benches. Their focus now was to hit their numbers and distract themselves from their soaked panties that were clinging tightly to their pissy pussies. Laura, on the other hand, was in agony. By this point, she was sitting with her legs double crossed, and her hand pressed firmly into her privates. She was regretting her choice of light blue jeans. The wet patch was sure to show very well on them. Tina was watching her closely, knowing full well Laura was hardly working. She had decided to let events unfol
  9. It had been 20 minutes since Jess had lost control, and nearly an hour since Tina had power pissed herself in front of the girls. Abbies bladder was now right on the verge of loosing control. She could feel herself sweating due to the desperation and could feel her pee muscles spasming uncontrollably. She glanced over at her two friends. Jess was working hard, looking like she was trying her best to ignore her soaked privates and feet. The concentration on her face looked the same as usual when she was tackling a difficult garment at work. Abbie was amazed to see just how casual she seem
  10. @wetwulf (Here it is). Jess was first to begin her work. She sat slowly threading her sewing machine, watching closely as the builders carried the last toilets out from the bathrooms. Abbie slowly walked back in and settled at the machine next to Jess. She leaned over and whispered to her friend. "Jess, I don't know how I'm going to do this! There's no way I'll be able to hold all day. I already need to pee quite a bit" "Me neither." Replied Jess, while threading her needle. "I'll either have to pee on the floor or in my panties at this rate!" "How can Tina expect us to be
  11. It was a normal Monday morning. Jess, Laura, and Abbie arrived to work at their garment factory as they usually would, and sat themselves in the break area. Jess grabbed their 3 mugs out of the tea cupboard and began to brew up 3 cups of tea. Each enjoyed theirs slightly differently. Laura enjoyed a strong sugar free brew, Abbie loved a milky sugar free, and Jess loved a strong brew with 1 sugar. It wasn't long after they had settled themselves down with their teas that Tina, the manager arrived into the break area. "Morning girls!" Her voice instantly over powered the 3 of them. Tin
  12. Distract yourself as much as possible. Find something you really enjoy doing and focus on that. I love gaming with a full bladder. When I'm engrossed in a good game it's easy for me to totally put a full bladder out of mind. As each game finishes and another game starts, that's when the sudden urge for relief returns!
  13. On another slightly different note (I'm into wetting). I can't imagine how much less of a hindrance it would be to enjoy wetting if I was just wearing a skirt and thin panties! It's difficult as a male to enjoy wetting in anywhere public as the entire front of your trousers often gets soaked so only very specific clothes can be worn to get away with it and hide it. Popping a squat in leggings, panties, tights, fishnets under a skirt and just letting the flood go as you pretend to adjust your shoes, or sitting on the edge of a bench and creating a little waterfall would be incredible I wou
  14. Couldn't hold it back any longer!! I ran to the bathroom, dropped my joggers and peed through my boxers sat on the edge of the bath! Pulled my joggers back up, grabbed a towel, and now I'm sat gaming on my leather chair and towel with a soaking wet private area! 😄
  15. Well I'm absolutely bursting!!! Any good wetting suggestions for resoaking a pair of already peed boxer briefs? 😄
  16. Annoyingly, even though I have been working from home all this week I got very little change to enjoy wetting as my housemate has been coming and going depending on his wokr schedules. Today I have been a bit naughty so far in the sense that I wet my tight polyester boxer briefs about 11am and then haven't changed since. I plan to do more naughty pee fun soon once I've got my bladder nice and full. I'm about 60% of the way there and need some naughty ideas. My little penis is already quite excited having already been made to wet himself once and then been refused clean up! 😛
  17. I've gone! I couldn't hold it any longer! Lovely soaked boxers now! Just sat myself back on my nice folded towel and will carry on gaming while they dry, then cook some food! 😄
  18. It won't be long now! Absolutely bursting! I don't post pictures though. Never have done and never will be brave enough to I don't think.
  19. Between games I flick back to this forum rather than using the bathroom. I dunno how much longer I can hold on!
  20. I've decided my favourite new hobby is desperate gaming. I drink loads of water and tea, begin gaming, and refuse my bladder relief until I can't hold or it's hurting too much to hold. Then, I rush to the bathroom like crazy and usually end up releasing it entirely through my boxers 😛 I am currently in the super desperate nearly wetting phase of this fun.
  21. Just wow. You're really treating us today! 😮 Enjoy your sunbathing! 😄
  22. Hi Styx. Welcome to the site! 😄 I'm sure you'll find plenty of fun ideas on here. 😄
  23. Hi Keri. Welcome to the site. 😄 I'm sure no one will laugh when you make linguistic mistakes. I hope you enjoy it here.
  24. Now that looks like a lovely way to spend an evening in the sun! 😄
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