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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. Another beer down! Bladders definitely feeling it now!
  2. Maybe just a 6/10 but I intend to just keep going until I'm about to wet myself then see if I can make it to the toilet (hopefully I loose control on the way!)
  3. Definitely! 😄 Game after game just getting more and more desperate!
  4. I'm just drinking beers and playing PC games. There's no better combination for desperation. Lets see how long my poor bladder can hold out! 😄
  5. Hi Peeweesee 😄 Welcome to the forum. 😄 I hope you enjoy it here, I'm sure there will be plenty of things to motivate you to be more naughty! 😆
  6. Yeah. It's quite often I'll forget about a fairly full bladder at work. 😁 The shower was absolute torture. I've managed it before when I wasn't so desperate but this time it was torture. I was determined not to waste a lovely full bladder of pee down the drain though!
  7. At Work It was 13:00. I had already had 2 coffees and a couple of glasses of water at work. My bladder was quite full, and I could have easily peed a fairly substantial amount. Instead, I chose to ignore it. I only had 1 hour left at work (plus any overtime) and a 30 minute drive home. It was time to see just how strong my bladder was. It was a busy day, there has been a lot to occupy me the last few days (and evenings), so today I decided to have some fun and use my work load to distract me from my bladders desperation. I continued working, 13:15 came and went, my bladder a lit
  8. Enjoy! It's so relaxing and naughty feeling. 😁
  9. Even nicer weather today! It's going to definitely be a case of the same again today! 😛
  10. Evening all! Today I got home from work around 4pm. I had been drinking plenty all day knowing I'd be up for some good fun this evening. The weather is beautiful, and I returned home with a nice full bladder. One of my favourite evenings can be spent lay on my sun chair in the garden wearing my swimming shorts. I love the hot weather and have been making the most of it for pee fun as well! I got out into the garden around 4:30pm. Bladder already bulging and pee muscles quivering. I was already wearing my swimming shorts (baggy blue ones) and was ready for some fun. I moved the c
  11. What beautiful smooth curves! 😄 You look great. Thanks for sharing with us as always. 😄
  12. Was great fun! I am trying to think of ways to incorperate it into a normal day as well as a work day. Perhaps things like every time you see a certain brand advertised, or read a certain word on a website / book etc. 😄
  13. Got home bursting to pee. Forced my poor bladder to hold it through a whole shower. Got dressed, went to the bathroom. Let a big spurt go into my boxers and then relieved myself as normal. Damp patch is drying nicely. 😄
  14. Today has been a brilliant day to indulge in my naughty enjoyment of wetting! 😄 It started at 7am. I got up, drank a huge glass of water and had a shower. I got dressed in some comfy black sports boxers, a pair of comfy jogging bottoms, and a nice t-shirt. I love being able to work at home! All the formalities of usual work can be thrown out the window! 😄 I began working at 8am having already drank more than a pint of water. I had made myself a huge mug of tea as well and was sipping through that. I decided to have a bit of fun! I had layed a towel down on the leather office chair a
  15. Anyone else absolutely bursting right now with 0 intention of relieving themselves until they end up a soaked mess? 😛
  16. That's brave! I bet that was incredibly exciting! 😮
  17. Hi All, I love a good wetting now and then (now and then is a serious underestatement). I always enjoy the idea of discrete wetting. Like sneaky ways of getting away with having a wet patch that no one would notice. I am wondering if anyone has any fun ideas, suggestions, or theories of fun ways to enjoy wetting without getting caught? For example, a great one would be sitting in swim shorts on the grass next to a pool, or through a pair of underwear and then pulling your jeans back up and hiding it behind a jacket / raincoat wrapped around your waist etc. Any ideas would b
  18. This sounds like perfectly sneaky fun for someone into pee. I think I'd be the same if I was female. I pee in my swim shorts often enough that I'm sure I'd do the same to a swimsuit if I was a lady.
  19. I decided to pee like normal for my 4th pee. It felt so strangly exciting whipping out a penis that had peed itself 3 times to just pee like normal. My boxers are dry and I am trying to decide what to do next!
  20. So today I decided to really indulge in some naughty desepration and wetting fun! The rules have been pretty simple. 1) Pretend I don't have a toilet. 2) Wear comfy clothes and quick drying, tight boxers. 3) Drink 500ml per hour. 4) No pulling my boxers down. I've had the house to myself all day, and the challenge began after my first pee (and shower) at 10am. (I had drank 500ml at 09:30). For the first 2 hours I was wearing a pair of black sports shorts, my black boxer briefs and a pair of flip flops while I washed the car. At around 11:15 (after drinking
  21. I went in, changed my shorts to a pair of joggers and have chilled watching Tv has my boxer briefs dry out nicely. 😄 Such a nice afternoon.
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