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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. 😄 😄 It felt incredible as usual. The warmth spreading around my private area was lovely! Nice! Are you going to leave little puddles everywhere? 😄
  2. I made it to the bathroom. But as I was fumbling about undoing the 3/4 knots I'd done in my joggers I started loosing control. I managed to just about get them undone even after I'd already sprayed a few leaks into my boxers and soaked my private parts. I pulled them down and just lost control in my boxers sat on the toilet giving them a thorough soaking! I've just pulled them off and put a fresh pair on for bed and quickly washed the soaked ones in the sink and put them in the washing.
  3. I have to go! I have to go like right now. Just felt that huge desperation wave!
  4. Not much longer I don't think! I'm so full my bladder is bulging and my muscles are starting to quiver a bit now. Have to keep re-tightening my pee muscles! Nice! A dress sounds great! 😄 Nice and cool too!
  5. How much longer? 😣 I have half a pint left. Then will have water. That's true! Will you make it out there without wetting, or will you loose control do you think?
  6. Yup! My bladder is really rather achy. Just pulsing with desperation now. I can feel my pee muscles spasming now and then. Nice! That sounds like good fun. 😛
  7. Not much I don't thinK! Stopped gaming now so not got as much to distract me! 😣 How fully are you?
  8. Another beer down! Bladders definitely feeling it now!
  9. Maybe just a 6/10 but I intend to just keep going until I'm about to wet myself then see if I can make it to the toilet (hopefully I loose control on the way!)
  10. Definitely! 😄 Game after game just getting more and more desperate!
  11. I'm just drinking beers and playing PC games. There's no better combination for desperation. Lets see how long my poor bladder can hold out! 😄
  12. Hi Peeweesee 😄 Welcome to the forum. 😄 I hope you enjoy it here, I'm sure there will be plenty of things to motivate you to be more naughty! 😆
  13. Yeah. It's quite often I'll forget about a fairly full bladder at work. 😁 The shower was absolute torture. I've managed it before when I wasn't so desperate but this time it was torture. I was determined not to waste a lovely full bladder of pee down the drain though!
  14. At Work It was 13:00. I had already had 2 coffees and a couple of glasses of water at work. My bladder was quite full, and I could have easily peed a fairly substantial amount. Instead, I chose to ignore it. I only had 1 hour left at work (plus any overtime) and a 30 minute drive home. It was time to see just how strong my bladder was. It was a busy day, there has been a lot to occupy me the last few days (and evenings), so today I decided to have some fun and use my work load to distract me from my bladders desperation. I continued working, 13:15 came and went, my bladder a lit
  15. Enjoy! It's so relaxing and naughty feeling. 😁
  16. Even nicer weather today! It's going to definitely be a case of the same again today! 😛
  17. Evening all! Today I got home from work around 4pm. I had been drinking plenty all day knowing I'd be up for some good fun this evening. The weather is beautiful, and I returned home with a nice full bladder. One of my favourite evenings can be spent lay on my sun chair in the garden wearing my swimming shorts. I love the hot weather and have been making the most of it for pee fun as well! I got out into the garden around 4:30pm. Bladder already bulging and pee muscles quivering. I was already wearing my swimming shorts (baggy blue ones) and was ready for some fun. I moved the c
  18. What beautiful smooth curves! 😄 You look great. Thanks for sharing with us as always. 😄
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