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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. Lunch eaten and boxers rewet with another few lovely little leaks whilst cooking and eating. 😋😋 I fancy a gaming session for a few hours now. Got a few beers lined up and a load of water. The plan is that as an when my bladder reaches bursting point I will release a nice big leak to reduce pressure. I'll keep this up until the wet patch gets too much on my folded towel and will then go and power pee through my wet boxers sitting on the toilet. It might be a few hours until that happens, it depends how much my boxers, jeans and towel can absorb. 😃😃
  2. Well. It's been just over an hour since my last leak. The wet patch is now just a slight damp patch and I've changed from my work trousers into a pair of nice jeans. I'm going to cook some lunch and enjoy a few extra leaks. Hopefully the dark jeans do a good job of not getting too wet! I'll have to sit on a towel to eat lunch I think.
  3. I enjoy it. Specially when I get to be naughty at the same time. Since I first posted I've let two more big spurts out to rewet my naughty cock. I'm loving it. I am prepping a patch to grow vegetables so it's okay to do when cold. It feels so nice the contrast in temp when the hot spurt sprays out and tickles me down there. 😄😄
  4. There's something rather exciting about working out in the garden while letting little warm jets of pee go into my boxers. It's quite cold out, and I'm wearing black work trousers. Each little spurt is just another naughty tingle of warmth around my penis. I've been at it for about an hour and a half now (started working at 09:15ish) and you can barely see a damp patch but my boxers are clinging damply to my pissy penis. 😄😄 I love teasing myself and have every intention of continuing for as long as I can. 😁😁
  5. Only a slightly damp patch now. 😄 I'm sure my little fella will get soaked again some time later. 😄
  6. Couldn't hold it any more. Ran to the bathroom, penis quivering with desperation. I pulled my joggers off and quickly dived into the shower. The instant I was squatting my bladder released and a huge wave of relief overcame me as a waterfall of pee flooded through my tight sports boxers. The warmth felt amazing and it feels so naughty have just ignored my need to clean up. I've just pulled my joggers back on, and now I'm sat on a towel playing PC games ignoring my pissy penis. 😛
  7. Can't hold much longer. Think I'm gonna squat in the shower and let it flood through my boxers then pull my comfy joggers back up over the wet boxers. 😄
  8. So, I'm absolutely bursting to pee! I have 0 intention of using a toilet. I really feel like just giving my tight boxers a lovely drenching then neglecting my pissy penis by refusing to change them for the rest of the evening. Any naughty suggestions how I should wet my boxers. I have a house and garden to myself! 😄
  9. Dare I suggest rewetting? 🙊 You could wet you skinny jeans in a squat position with your hips tilted forward. That makes a nice neat wet patch. Then just go about your day as if nothing happened. Just totally ignore the wet patch as much as possible while refilling your bladder. Then, do the same again once it's full again. 😋 Your bio also says you like Nonchalant so this could be very much nonchalant. Just do it as your doing your normal tasks. Pretent you don't have a toilet when you need to pee and just drop into a squat when you can hold it any more and just pee through
  10. Hi! Welcome to the site. Hopefully you enjoy it here and stick around. 😄
  11. D5. Right at the point the water meets the steep back. Seems to make the least splash.
  12. I've decided I'm going for record amount of hours with pissy privates this weekend!!! I'm so excited for it!
  13. My 3rd wetting (2nd rewetting) was an easy descision to make. All I did was walk out into the back garden, drop my work trousers and squat. I then power pissed for about 40 seconds, savouring the rewetting warmth once again. It's been one seriously pissy weekend for my naughty penis so far and I don't see it getting any less naughty from now on! 😛
  14. Today I dug out my pair of tight swim shorts that I took with me when I went to Romania and rewet in all day. They are comfy, dry fast, and are lovely and tight! I have opted to wear them as my underwear today, just because I can, and because it reminds me of my day I spent indulging in some serious rewetting when I was away in Romania. That story can be found here! It was heaven! - Anyway, this is what they look like (well, very similar). And this is what I've been up to so far today! I woke up around 8am still wearing my briefs that I wet in yesterday. (I fell as
  15. Update - Woke up, lifted the covers and remember that I fell asleep wearing the same sports briefs I had peed through 4 times the day before. 😲😲 Now I just want to soak them again! 🤣 So exciting!
  16. Couldn't hold any longer. This time I decided to try something a bit different. I went outside wearing just my briefs. I stood in the dark and pulled my pissy cock out. I pointed it towards the grass and started power pissing a lovely arch onto the grass with my legs spread. After about 20 seconds, I snapped my brief back over my cock and let it just continue peeing full force through the front of my briefs. Eventually the flow subsided and I walked back inside. I've grabbed a towel and now I'm sat at the desk again on the towel just in my wet briefs and a tshirt. They'll dry re
  17. I'm getting really rather full again! I've had 2 pints of beer and a couple of big glasses of water so I'm sure it won't be long before my poor bladder wants to give up and my naughty penis gets yet another warm soaking!! 😋😋
  18. Well, I had to go again! I had drank so much and filled my bladder so fast! This time, I just went to the bathroom, pulled my joggers off, jumped into the bath, squat down and released! The material instantly became soaked and the pee flooded through it, splashed onto the bath and down the plug. I quickly pulled my joggers back up after the drips had subsided, and I'm sat chilling playing a PC game again now as my damp briefs dry. 😄 I've also got a few big bottles of my favorite beer so I'm sure a 4th wetting will happen later!
  19. I'm already getting rather full again and excited for the 3rd wetting!! My naughty little penis just can't help but get turned on when he's forced to keep wetting himself! 😛
  20. Hi All! It's been a while since I've written about an enjoyable scenario I've had, but today I fancied typing one up! I finished work nice and early today due to clocking up some overtime. I arrived back home at 12:30 (Having drank a LOT of water at work!). My housemate was still in, and my bladder was already getting nice and full. I had a shower (I had to do some messy jobs at work today), and by 1pm I was bursting to pee, and ready to head out for my walk. I decided to wear a nice sports t-shirt with a waterproof jacket (It's looking cloudy here!), a pair of waterproof black walki
  21. So hot to think that beautiful little muffin has spent so many days wetting itself and being tortured to hold back full bladders!
  22. Hopefully will carry on with this in the future if people would read more?
  23. About 30 minutes ago, my bladder began to give me signals that it couldn't hold any longer (I was playing a PC game, and still am). I ran out the back of the house, squat and power peed through my tight briefs. The flood was incredible. Such a torrent of pee! I'm now sat at my PC relaxing playing games as my little sports briefs dry after their 3rd wetting. I might go for a 4th, but that depends on when my bladder fills up.
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