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Everything posted by jmatthews1995

  1. Forced myself to hold it until 2:30 which was 2 and a half hours from the 2nd wetting. I was absolutely bursting! I've been drinking so much! I ran to the bathroom, pulled my jeans down, sat on the toilet and just a torrent of pee exploded through the tight boxers I was wearing! Heavenly relief and a 3rd wetting for my pissy penis! I dabbed my boxers dry again. Pulled my jeans up and now I'm sat all damp again loving the wettness as I watch TV.
  2. Drank so much this time! My bladder is filling so fast. 😄😄
  3. I love going about my day to day life with a little warm wet private area and a little damp patch on my jeans. I'm having to make lunch now which feels extra naughty. Just casually chopping up spring onions for some fried rice with my damp boxers nestled tightly against my pissy private area. 😄 Love it!
  4. Was absolutely bursting about 10 minutes ago. My boxers had basically dried and my naughty little private area was craving another soaking. I got up from my gaming chair, instantly felt the desperation and so I had to grab myself tight and hurry to the bathroom. I pulled my jeans down as fast as I could, steppng out of them as spurts of pee were escaping from my quivering penis. I dived into the bath, squat down and released an absolute waterfall of warm pee through my boxers for the 2nd time today. 😄 The relief was heavenly and the warmth felt wonderful around my excited p
  5. Went out the back of the house. Pulled my jeans down. Dropped into a squat and released a good 40 second flood of pee through my tight boxers. With my hips tilted forwards mostly just the front got wet which is good. I pulled my jeans back up, came back inside and now I'm sat with a huge mug of tea and a pint of water at my computer ready to fill my bladder again. 😄
  6. Freshly showered and dressed! Ready for a wetting day ahead. 😄 Will be soaking these lovely comfy boxer briefs in about 5 minutes. 😄
  7. Woke up extremely early this morning (happens often working 6am-2pm shift). I did my morning pee as usual, then drank tonnes of water at around 7am. It's now 2 hours later and I have a lovely full bladder. I'm going to shower desperate, then get dressed into my boxer briefs. Pee myself through them, then start the 12 hour countdown until I can pull them down. It's going to be a fun wet day today! 😛 Probably a lazy day where I have to carry a nice thick towel around with me for wherever I sit. 😂
  8. I want a rewetting contest with a lovely girlfriend. First one to take off their underwear loses and has to clean up the other!
  9. Nice outfit, and a beautiful figure! 😄 Thanks for posting on here. 🙂
  10. Well, it's been an awfully long week. I've finally just got home at 17:00 having had to do 4 hours of overtime today and I am in the mood for a relaxing wet weekend! I plan to indulge in wetting & rewetting as much as possible ahead of next week in which I am away for work for the whole week. 😕 Any fun suggestions & naughty wetting ideas would be greatly welcome. 😄 Joe
  11. Incredible pics! Were those the ones you wet in earlier as well? 😮
  12. Be careful! We don't want you getting in trouble!
  13. Incredibly sexy!! 😍😍
  14. Sounds like the perfect place for relief! 😄
  15. It's been such a long week! Visited 3 supplier companies (Wed, Thurs, and Fri......So much driving!) and had a meal out with friends this evening! Just got back from the meal out, I had drank 3 pints of lager shandy. I arrived home bursting to pee, ran to the bathroom and just jumped into the shower and just released, flooding my boxers and jeans. What a fantastic end to an incredibly tiring week. Can't wait to indulge in a in a day of Saturday spurts tomrrow! 😛
  16. Filled, flooded standing in the garden while cleaning the BBQ. Absolutely soaked my boxers, shorts & sandals again! That makes..... 6x Leaks 1x 15 Squat wetting 2x Full standing wettings. I think that's it for today sadly! I probably need to clean up before having to go out and get some shopping for food. 😞
  17. Bladder is filling very quickly. Shorts & boxers are nice and dry ready for a rewetting. 😛
  18. Gonna build up a full bladder for a full rewetting rather than little leaks. I fancy soaking my sandals again. 😄
  19. Moved into the shade. Too hot in the sun. Slowly drying down there now. Released two little spurts over the last 35 mins or so. Just enough to tease my pissy penis. If I've counted right that's now 6 x Little leaks 1 x 15 second squat wetting. 1 x Full standing soaking ruining my sandals.
  20. Couple of nice cold beers to help fill my bladder up nice and quick. 😀
  21. Watering the hedge plants I felt the urge to just release. Of course I had no reason not too! I relaxed and just allowed myself to flood my tight boxers and sports shorts! It flooded down my legs and splashed all over my sandals. I think these ones maybe ruined. Good job they were old! I'm not relaxing on the sun lounger letting my shorts dry in the sun!
  22. The last little "spurt" got a bit out of hand and I let a load go when squatting down to pick some weeds out of the garden bed. I decided not to stop and basically peed my shorts for about 15 seconds making the grass nice and wet beneath me.
  23. Just chilling on the sun lounger reading a book. Big glass of chilled water with me all day to keep my bladder topped off nicely. Got to keep it nice and dilute! Since the first post I've let another 3 little spurts go as and when I felt like I wanted to feel the naughty wetness. The cool breeze in the shade is helping to dry out the comfy sports material. 😀
  24. It looks like today is going to be a lovely hot day here in England. I have already showered and got my nice sports mesh boxers on and a pair of black shorts to keep nice and cool. At about 09:30 I went outside to relax with breakfast and let my first nice warm spurt of pee out into my boxers. I was sat on the garden chair at the time. In weather like this and the clothing I have chosen they dry very quick. It's also very difficult to see the wet patch so if I decide to go in the front garden at any point, I doubt people will be able to see. I intend to spend the day in the gard
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