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Everything posted by Eliminature

  1. Great little contest! And like Bacardi, I wish I could take part - standing, though! Hopefully Mrs Kupar will feel confident enough to have a standing pissing contest with you, sometime. I usually beat Mr E for distance, but he bests me on height!
  2. If I'm in the water, I just pee in there through my swimsuit. If I'm out of the water, I like to stand and pull the crotch aside to send one of my signature arcs of pee against a wall or similar. I'm certainly not going to wrestle with it trying to take it off when it's wet. Except when I get changed back into my regular clothes, obviously.
  3. Not this again. Newbie male wants to meet up with complete strangers - women only, of course - to get his jollies. Change the record. Get this into your heads: this is NOT a dating or hook up site and the limited amount of female members aren't going to meet you in person for pee play and sex. Why? Because you could be anyone! I'm with you, @gldenwetgoose. Thanks for explaining this, yet again.
  4. No no, I'm an exhibitionist and you're a piss fetishist. I like to be watched, so that would be quite alright! (I'd have to draw a line at being touched, though! Unless it was necessary or non-sexual, obviously.)
  5. As a general rule, I prefer to stand. That said, I didn't hate this particular pee in a squatting position. We'll have to see if the opportunity arises again. If it does, I'll certainly take it! If not, you'll have to be satisfied with my standing pees! 😉
  6. Squatting openly on the grass whilst students were milling around felt great, but I must admit, I prefer to stand.
  7. I wish I'd been there to share the moment in the woods. Very arousing. Peeing where you know someone else has peed is always sexy and fun.
  8. About two hours later (the coach was really delayed), we were finally making our way home from the bus station of our home city. I needed to release some more fluid. This time, I did it the normal way - well, normal for me, I guess. I found a diacreet corner, lifted my dress and released an arc of frothy pee against the wall whilst standing. It pooled and snaked onto the concrete below. When my bladder was empty, I had a little shake, dropped my skirt back into position and we walked on.
  9. Yesterday, Mr Eliminature and I were waiting at the bus station in a city with a famoua cathedral and a university and we'd been drinking some local ale. Not a problem, we were going to use the loos before getting on the coach back to our own city. Unfortunately, they were closed. Well, the coach was delayed (I'm actually going to complain about that) ans untrackable for over an hour. Mr E was getting increasingly twitchy and desperate - something which happens a lot as he gets older. I encouraged him to find a discreet place to go outside. He came back several minutes later lookin
  10. To answer the initial question: I'd probably say through the flies of trousers - assuming they are the classic style modelled after men's trousers rather than a specially made trouserfly for the female form.
  11. I doubt you'd get away with that whilst wearing a minidress! 😂😉
  12. I don't have a penis, by the way! Just in case anyone thought I did! 😉
  13. For what it's worth, I lurk on sites related to another fetish of mine (male and female feet, if you must know), and the pattern is much the same on there. Hundreds of horny men to every shy woman brave enough to admit her fetish.
  14. Firstly, I'd say those initial estimates are far too high. I know this is not what you want to hear, but I really think you're thinking with the wrong head here. The true number is probably more like five percent than fifty. Please understand that not only are women not generally encouraged to explore and develop their arousal, a lot of this is internalised too. Many women will not even admit to themselves that they have a fetish of any description (not necessarily to do with peeing, any fetish), the internalised disgust and horror is too strong. How many women have a pee fetish? There's no wa
  15. Yes I do. I stand to pee, even though I'm female and pee in the sink every day. There are few photos of me doing so in the Eliminature Peeing Standing section. The only reason I waited tondo it so long is because I thought I wasn't tall enough.
  16. I have to wonder, how does he fit that into his underwear and trousers? Not that he appears to wear them that often! I'd love to pee on your cock, Sexy Andre. Don't worry, it would just be a warm, pleasant tickling sensation - and I wouldn't get my pee on the rest of your beautiful body. Just aim my stream at your glans, first the top, then the underside. Then you could aim your stream at my clitoris.
  17. Mr Eliminature is cut, which is supposedly rare for European men. It had to be done as a baby because of medical reasons, so I am told. I've asked him many times; does he mind? Does he miss his foreskin and each time the answer is "No." For the record, he wasn't circumcised because of my Judaism. I wasn't born when he was circumcised; he's a few years older than me. I had an ex with phimosis once who absolutely hated his foreskin. I tried as much as I could to reassure him - foreskins, male genitalia generally, is really not my field of expertise! Everything was fine when we used a
  18. Damn! I wish you were aiming that stream between my legs... What does that enormous beast of a cock look like when it's erect? And when you ejaculate?
  19. No, I only did it rarely. I was a teen at the time. I've never lived in a property with a garden as an adult. I did always do it in the same place, though. Remember, this being England, the grass was probably well watered from rain, anyway. I did notice that the grass was slightly longer and thicker in that particular area, though. Much to my surprise. I was, like you, expecting it to be withered. It wasn't.
  20. I'd have to choose the free one with the cameras. I simply don't have that kind of money. Purely a financial situation for me. I'd have to suck up any voyeurs who would post my footage to the internet and trolls who would shame me for it.
  21. Yesterday, Mr Eliminature and I were at an 'alternative' pub where there was also a record fayre. We sourced quite a few vinyls for our collection. After two beers (albeit the second one was non-alcoholic), I was actually fidgeting in my chair - don't ask, this doesn't usually happen. It was because Mr E was still sourcing records and I had been left to guard the recently acquired ones; but I knew if I didn't go soon, the beer would make a reappearance on the pub floor and I would be walking home wet from the waist down. I quickly made my way to the ladies' lavatory (they were both
  22. A golden shower whilst making love sounds so sensual. I'd love to do that myself, or have Mr Eliminature do it to me.
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