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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. I have not measured after holding as long as I possibly can, but there is the result of a week's detailed intake / output measurement in this (geeky) post. The second chart is probably most interesting. I concluded that I have a small bladder. My wife has a larger one.
  2. Wow - quite an awakening! I hadn't read that before @greedyneedygirl - thanks for sharing it again.
  3. What an amazing, honest and interesting account of how your interest in pee and sex began @Simpfan. Everyone's early life experiences are so different, and it is a privilege to read yours. Thank you.
  4. Dear Wet Carpet It’s been a while since I found my inner pee domme, and a willing slave, and I thought you might like to know how I’ve been getting on. You may remember from a few issues ago that I managed to turn the tables on my overbearing boss at the garage when I discovered his weakness for pee. There was always the risk that he’d find a way of getting rid of me, but it was clear he was hooked. After I’d peed on him in the inspection pit, I’d just walked away and driven home. The next day at work was … interesting. He was very nice to me! I didn’t know how to react at first – it
  5. Welcome from me too. As @gldenwetgoose has said - enjoy the forums and I hope you have a great time here.
  6. After resting a sore calf for a few days it was good to get out again this morning for 10k (46:28) with no ill effects. I think I also benefited from some exercises I have been doing to increase hip mobility following a free online mobility assessment by two gorgeous ladies at a local sports injury / physiotherapy clinic (part of a local council virtual fitness festival thingy). If anyone wants a copy of the exercise plan for hip mobility let me know - though I am sure you are all capable of looking up such things yourself 🙂 (By the way, the pigeon stretch is bloody impossible - I always foun
  7. Oh. That is a tough choice. Second from left I think - but very close call.
  8. Perhaps it is time to invest in those leather trousers you always promised yourself @Alfresco 🙂
  9. Always had an open bathroom door policy at home growing up and in our family now. But that's just toilet peeing.
  10. Oh my. She is absolutely gorgeous! Pretty much perfect❤️
  11. You do keep finding them @Sophie ... and you do seem (to me) to have a 'type'! (Or two, or three, actually.) And very nice they are too 🙂
  12. Oh yes - that's it - spot on. The standing up thing. A very honest account of an embarrassing situation. I lived it with you while reading it!
  13. It's great not only that you exist, but that you choose to tell us about your experiences, with all their nuances. I think it is easy to forget that we are all humans, with a tangled mess of history, emotions and needs. The very best contributions on this site, in my opinion, are those that are honest, and give context. That's why your posts @Simpfan, for instance, are so treasured. Thank you. And I hope things are happy for you now - from your recent posts, that seems to be the case ❤️
  14. Wow! Sounds like you really needed that. Wonderfully described too, and the illustration is a bonus 🙂. I love reading about these experiences - thank you!
  15. Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do I guess! Thanks for sharing the fun around 🙂
  16. You joining the community has been wonderful for many, many people - me included. Thanks @Eliminature 🙂
  17. That's a delightful picture you paint there! Thanks for sharing it 🙂
  18. A lovely account of a fun day - thank you 🙂. Two minutes and 10 seconds of relief ... and wetting too. Wonderful!
  19. Well, I suspect both. Though the ones by the 'proper' publisher were just for grown-ups, rather than being x-rated.
  20. Contains basic references to female wetting and peeing including public peeing. Also golden showers and M on F. Contains some stylised images. Older UK members might remember the original Ladybird 'easy reader' books. A few years ago there was a brief craze for adult version of these books, covering topics like 'The Husband', 'The Hipster' etc. As far as I know, there wasn't one covering pee fun. I thought there ought to be, so I wrote it. The illustrations in the original and later books were always drawn rather than photographic. So those in my book are intentionally filtered. Move
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