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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Oo - I didn't realise you could sort inbox messages. (Probably because I don't get enough to need to do it <sniff>.)
  2. I think there are many real life experiences on this site 🙂 of a very wide variety. Whether all those stories in the 'real life' topic are genuine is almost impossible to say, but I am prepared to believe that the vast bulk of them are. There's also the separate 'pee fiction' forum topic; again, there's a really broad range of styles in there, and a range of writing quality. (Remember many members don't have English as a first language, so I always cut them a lot of slack.) Some of the stories appeal more to me than others - I'm sure it's the same for everyone 🙂 But there's enough conte
  3. Good to keep your hand in, so to speak 🙂
  4. I'm sorry to hear that @mcdky. AT least you know you're among friends here, and far from alone in being unable to mention it.
  5. Cache cleared. Both chat windows visible, as are 121 chats. But they were immediately before too. I will keep you updated. Thanks for your efforts on this Admin.
  6. Ah - that last one is Wifey, isn't it? Lovely 🙂
  7. Though she doesn't confirm those rumours here, she's pretty forthright about her attitude to sex / life in general. https://www.dazeddigital.com/music/article/32498/1/shirley-manson-truth-seeker
  8. Nice to meet you! There are lots of people to interact with here - and as Goose says, browsing around and commenting on people's posts is a good way to start interacting - I'm sure you'll find lots of people who share your interests: there are *lots* who love desperation for instance! On the drink thing, there was a topic on this recently:
  9. Thanks for posting Kev. Sounds fun. I'm looking forward to hearing more.
  10. Great story! How civilised you both were, and yet the situation is hot at the same time 🙂
  11. This, my friend, is superb. The first four minutes sound like Thomas Traherne poems set to music by Genesis; the next five minutes is just simply wonderful, creative complex jazz-inspired rock instrumental - almost Jethro Tull, but with more complex polyrhythms. And the lead vocalist sounds like a Norwegian Al Stewart ... and that's no bad thing. All in all, it's sublime. Thank you!
  12. That is a creative one - and an interesting answer to a question posed in another thread:
  13. I see a pattern emerging: a desire for more naturalistic videos that are 'real' and where the actors are genuinely into the kink rather than being motivated by money or a desire to show off.
  14. 🙂 You'll find that the ladies who are into men peeing will be appreciative I'm sure!
  15. I think I would probably try to do the 'nonchalant peeing' video thing as naturally as possible. There are some good ones out there, but I agree with others on PF who have pointed out that the acting often detracts from the loveliness of the nonchalant peeing itself. Much as I love the Dixie Comet videos, the dialogue is a little stilted. I think my film would be in documentary style. I envisage enlisting the help of @Paulypeeps to get a group of like-minded friends together, and having a film crew following them for a day. This would include some scenes in a house as they plan an afterno
  16. Go for it! Stories, pictures, videos - you'll have an audience 🙂
  17. Hmm. That's a tough one. When I was 16 I wanted to be a research scientist - something in low-temperature physics, or optics maybe. My Dad was a proper scientist so I had him as a role model I suppose. When I'd finished studying though, I'd gone right off that idea and wanted to be a journalist - but I wasn't aiming as high as you - science writer, or engineering writer maybe (in the days when hundreds of trade magazines had an editorial staff of more than just the editor / ad manager they have these days). I ended up in academic publishing then PR so I suppose I did write for a living. I
  18. Thank you both! No agenda behind my questions really. Just curious 🙂 (And in case you're interested, we used to call them pikelets when I was growing up, but I tend to call them crumpets these days, and I honestly couldn't decided between the marmite, jam or butter-only options: it depends on time of day and other context I think.)
  19. Two questions from me also, if that's OK @Sophie. First, what do you call what's in the picture - crumpet or pikelet? And second, would you prefer them with butter and marmite, or butter and jam? or not at all?
  20. You keep finding these amazing photos of Danielle - thank you 🙂
  21. Resourceful ... and satisfying I should imagine! More than makes up for having a long conversation with a guy from finance. Possibly 🙂
  22. Have things moved forward at all for you and your wife since your first post?
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