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Everything posted by Alfresco

  1. More likely loving the view but saying he was scared of the dog to give him an excuse to stop and watch until you had hold of the dog.
  2. Very hot experience, but is there any chance that she was testing you to see if you would stay loyal to your fiancé?
  3. Seems somewhat harsh to arrest a 10 year old for peeing in a car park!
  4. And sometimes a floor drain, and usually a bin......
  5. And @Emilaze, did your aunt also pee by the car or anywhere else in the park?
  6. So the moral of the story is be careful, stay safe, respect other people and listen to anything they say - leave if they are not happy, don't do anything to intimidate anyone and don't go being intrusive or filming. If you happen to see something from a distance or whilst walking past then all should be fine, but if you are an idiot and intimidate people or be excessively intrusive to someone who is trying to be hidden then you are probably asking for trouble.
  7. That's great to hear. In water parks, there is absolutely no need to visit a toilet to pee. The opportunities are endless. I also don't think it is just pee fans who bypass the toilets, many others pee anywhere out of convenience. When I have visited water parks, I have always thought that there are far less people going into the toilets than you would expect for the number of people in the park. When in the normal theme parks, there are continually people entering the toilets, but in water parks it is far less. I've said this before, but at Blizzard Beach I saw a young lady readi
  8. I have peed on water rides at theme parks - Khali River Rapids at Disney's Animal Kingdom being one. I got wet anyway, so I just peed on the raft. Everyone was getting off the ride wet, so nobody was going to be bothered that I had wet trousers. It was warm there and I soon dried off.
  9. This is definitely worrying that (as far as we know), he didn't actually commit the crime of oral rape, but the police, jury and court found him guilty. Also very worrying that just a girl deciding to call the police and make the accusation would be enough to potentially get the person in prison until charged. There are some other factors in there that need to be considered though - The key one being that his attitude was horrendous and even if he didn't commit oral rape, he did harass the girl significantly. If a person instead is polite and maybe enjoys the view discretely, then the
  10. Definitely a lovely experience @Sophie and as ever from you - beautifully described. And I agree it seems pointless putting clothes on to take them again off seconds later. I also think it doesn't make any sense to use the toilet if you are going in the shower anyway. Far easier and more enjoyable to just let it happen whilst showering and savour the experience. My wife isn't into pee, but she still bypasses the toilet if she is going into the shower, just seeing it as a convenient and sensible thing to do, but I get more enjoyment out of seeing it emerge from her and colour the wate
  11. Yes, I've seen that. She mentioned the peeing in the shower on a lie detector show I believe.
  12. Absolutely if you have a train full of passengers stuck for that long then people are going to pee. They will either be forced to pee on the floor, probably in view of others unless people hide each other, or they end up wetting themselves, or in this case some people could get down to the tracks courtesy of the driver, but it was a multi coach train and people who weren't near the front were bound to end up peeing on the floor. I guess some might have had containers that they could use, but certainly not everyone who needed to pee. I agree with your comments about using every inch of
  13. Elizabeth line had trains stranded for hours on Thursday due to overhead power line damage. According to reports, the driver was letting people off the train to pee on the tracks, but some people peed on the train floor. Rachel Riley and James Blunt were among the stranded passengers. Would love to have seen if Rachel had to improvise. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/trapped-passengers-urinate-train-elizabeth-line-delay-135139414.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAMVmcYcnm4Ppa_KaIW614Nau0-KvhE5VVdXyWcxsTdX60OrSOmwLEHc70oUjq9h3WFrZ
  14. Fabulous story @Knockonthedoor. Loved the setting, the build up, the details, the tied bond of both having to respect and keep each other's secrets, the revelation that they both enjoyed it and the promise between them that more would develop.
  15. Only in as much as putting my hand in puddles left by ladies outside and then maybe licking my hands. I can't imagine ever being confident enough to go up to a random girl and asking her to let me play with her pee.
  16. @weequeen, I love your attitude to peeing places around the college. A few people have mentioned peeing in the sinks, but they were mostly in their own rooms - you peeing in the sink in the communal toilet area in front of others takes a higher level of confidence and bravery. The fact that your actions led to others adopting that method makes it even better. What gave you the idea of having a dog bed to use as your toilet? Did others thing it was strange for you to have a dog bed in the room and did they notice it being wet or smelly? i also love that you peed multiple times on t
  17. I could make use of that! It is so easy to go off line when tapping a thread. I don't have anything fancy. I just put the tap in the tailstock and rotate the headstock chuck but leave the clamp loose on the tailstock so it slides along as the tap pulls into the work piece.
  18. When I was a lot younger, I stayed a friends house overnight. I woke up needing to pee. I was staying in a downstairs room and the toilet was upstairs. I didn't want to wake everyone up by going upstairs, so I put my dick between the bed and the wall and peed down the wall without knowing what was under the bed. I presume it just ran down the wall and soaked into the carpet, but nothing was ever said, so I presume I got away with it. At work, I was working in an office in a different town and I needed somewhere quiet to do some calls. I went up to another floor that, at the time, wa
  19. In the UK, there is no national law prohibiting public urination. However, you could potentially be prosecuted for "Outraging public decency", "Criminal Damage", "Exposure" or even being "Drunk and disorderly" depending on the circumstances. Having said that, some towns have local bylaws which prohibit public urination and unfortunately these are becoming more common. If caught peeing in public in a place with a relevant bylaw, the likely penalty is a fine and possibly being presented with a bucket and mop to clean up (yes that does happen - to try and embarrass the person). If yo
  20. You said that as if it were totally outside of your control...... Hope you enjoyed it. I also peed in the woods this lunchtime, but it was on a pile of fallen leaves rather than a stream.
  21. Big shame that she lost her job over it, but she enjoyed herself first. I just hope that any references don’t ruin her chances in future. If she applied to me for a job and I had a reference which said she was sacked for inappropriate behaviour, I would ask what that behaviour was - as different people consider different things inappropriate. If she admitted what she had done then I would hire her straight away and tell her that I didn’t see that as inappropriate and she would be welcome to do that on my job.
  22. That’s good that you both now know what’s happening. You know she is watching and enjoying the view rather than being offended and she knows that you are aware of the audience and don’t mind. Interesting that she knows the other neighbours have seen you peeing - they must have talked about it. I wonder how those conversations started? “You’ll never guess what I saw the other day…..” “Oh that? Yeah he does it all the time”. I wonder whether they have admitted to each other that they enjoy the view? Maybe you could hint that you wouldn’t object if she returned the favour sometime.
  23. Fantastic instalment @gyrate. The details are brilliant and the way Feli has changed from being disgusted about peeing on self cleaning surfaces to pissing, spitting and anal where it isn't self cleaning is fabulous. Thank you.
  24. Today I went to an appointment in a town about 30 minutes away. After the appointment I decided I wanted to pee somewhere more interesting than the car park, so I went for a little walk. I am glad I did. They are building some new shops (stores) with apartments above them. The buildings are finished but the shops are yet to be fitted out. As I walked along, I noticed that two of the doors to the new stores were open - not just unlocked, but open. I figured people were working in there, but there was no light which seemed weird. I carried on to the end of the quiet pedestrianised stree
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