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Ms. Tito

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Everything posted by Ms. Tito

  1. Soda baybeeeeeeeeeee I'm surprised my piss isn't just dust
  2. My sis and her friend (I was worried I couldnt get into the club, the friend arrived while I was mid-pee), I didn't drink anything but sodas, and I peed standing.
  3. I had a dream where I saw some women squatting to pee at the side of the road and one was standing to pee on a tree, and they all mysteriously wound up naked and in my car so I offered to drive them home until we entered The Backroads (basically the Backrooms but for roads) so we got lost.
  4. I peed in an alleyway two weeks ago tonight before entering a club!
  5. I am attracted to Miss Kobayashi from that Dragon Maid anime and she's as flat as a board. That doesn't stop her from being hot at all.
  6. Peed on the beach twice just now. Love a nice late night outdoor pee.
  7. Just this past night while playing a late night party card game with friends and family.
  8. Public urination is the right of all poor and oppressed proletariat, especially when it's on Thatcher's, Reagan's, or Yeltsin's graves. Also worker owned piss porn co-ops.
  9. Society's BS idea that women shouldn't pee unless it's in a toilet, that's why. Well and the obvious problem of not being able to aim as easily.
  10. This futa is 6.5 inches.
  11. You and @beachmomwould get along nice.
  12. I do feel a certain way when anime has moments of piss teasing. And don't even get me started on the copious amount of piss hentai I've read, watched, seen, etc.
  13. It's one thing for someone to suggest that you pee in a bottle if you're desperate, or even offering one to you, but asking to collect your pee in a bottle? Idk man.
  14. Same. I would only use the men's if the women's was otherwise out of order.
  15. I guess Leah Thompson. Or Sophia Urista. But Leah Thompson in 1985.... god damn..
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