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Everything posted by Paulypeeps

  1. Part way and try to project the stream. I love feeling it land on my feet and ankles.
  2. I rather enjoy just letting it trickle out over my thighs and slowly soaking under me. I also enjoy lying on my back and lifting my knees so that I can pee on my feet.
  3. I love the feeling of just peeing wherever I happen to be when I want to pee. Not just outside of course, I love the freedom to just pee if I can get away with it.
  4. No clean-up ever. Once I have peed it stays where it is. If it is somewhere that pee would need cleaning up I will find somewhere else to pee. I have never cleaned my bed beyond washing the sheets once a week, and never cleaned the carpet. They take the occasional pee well. I guess if you are constrained then public discreet peeing might be an option where clean-up will not be an issue.
  5. I have not done anything naughty, but I have peed a few times. If I am on my own while waiting for the lift I will usually do a little wee under my skirt to moisten the carpet a little. Fortunately it is nice dark industrial carpet so nothing shows. If I am on walkabout round the office I let little trickles down my legs and let it soak in to the carpet. I am not very good at peeing while walking so I usually just pee a little each time I stop. Fortunately my fishnet stockings hide it all. I try not to do too much so the carpet does not get too squishy where people walk. A coupl
  6. There are so many reasons to wet the bed which makes it so irresistible:- 1. Being surrounded by the warmth. When I have just peed in bed I am cocooned in the warm wetness. This feels really nice. 2. The convenience. It is so much more convenient to just pee in bed and let it all soak away in to the mattress rather than get up and use the toilet, or even get up and pee on the floor! 3. Feeling the warmth trickling over my thighs or spraying warm pee on to my feet feels so delicious. 4. Going to bed tired, and thinking that just a little pee won't hurt. A little pee won't hu
  7. I'm pretty much in the 'If I can get away with it then it is O.K.' camp. I will generally not pee anywhere that will cause damage or inconvenience. I wet myself because it is more convenient than using a toilet so I always avoid peeing anywhere that will require me to clean it up. I am fine with peeing on carpet or upholstery because it will soak away and eventually dry, but I try and avoid peeing where someone is likely to sit straight away, but if I cannot stand and pee because it will make a puddle and someone will get upset I will sit and pee on a chair instead - society prefers
  8. For me I like to see the nonchalant. I like to see the trickles of pee running down her legs from under her skirt while she is doing something and just happens to be peeing at the same time. Which pose do I like to do? Well I guess it has to be dancing on the podium in the club, and just peeing at the same time.
  9. I always wear a skirt, and never wear panties. While I could move my skirt out of the way, it really feels like cheating to do it. I much prefer the sense of freedom I get from just peeing through my skirt. I guess it is similar to some people who have tried wearing nappies - wearing a nappy to them feels like cheating so they prefer to wet without.
  10. It is a great place to start public wetting. Just wear black, go to the last house towards the end of a run, and remember to tip up the seat when you leave. No one will notice because you are wearing black, and the seat will be dry again before anyone else sits there.
  11. The cinema is a nice place to pee. I always pee in the seat where I am sitting when I go to the cinema. It is nice to relax and let my pee soak through my skirt in to the seat, and then enjoy the warmth caressing me while I watch the film, and then pee again.
  12. I guess this would have to be in a restaurant while sitting at the table with my work colleagues and manager.
  13. This is something I do to help with ensuring my wettings remain discreet. Before I pee properly I let out a short burst to just initially wet my clothes and the seat so that when I pee properly the seat is already wet and my pee soaks in nicely rather than running off. I don't normally let myself get desperate, but sometimes when I go to the cinema it can be hard to cut off that first spurt after I have preloaded a nice lot of drink beforehand.
  14. I think I might be Lazy - leave it to soak away in to the mattress, never clean up. Or, perhaps I am Sleepy - wet myself in bed before going to sleep when tired after a long night of clubbing.
  15. For me the best thing is just letting it go wherever I happen to be when I get the tingle.
  16. I guess the way I would pursue it is to use misdirection - pee while doing something else. What do you normally do in your RV, or perhaps outside your RV, that you could do and just casually pee at the same time. I guess if you want to pee in the sink, do it while washing the dishes. You are naked a lot, so do whatever you do naked, perhaps yoga, and pee while you are doing it. Nonchalant peeing is fun.
  17. The amount of substance abuse at Glastonbury has got to the point that urine there has to be treated as toxic waste - festival-goers are being asked to use the proper facilities to prevent the environment being contaminated with the residue from cannabis etc. That said my pee is of course very pure, so in the unlikely event that I would attend I would of course just wet myself!
  18. I would be wetting myself a lot more openly - no need to be discreet!
  19. My philosophy is that if I can get away with it then it is O.K...
  20. One of my friends was interested in the fiction that I was writing, and she soon cottoned on that it was written as my experience. I had to admit that it was mostly, and had only been a little bit enhanced. She was very inquisitive of what I did and why I did it, and was just completely accepting of it and did not judge at all. Of course she shared this information with several other friends, but in her open minded way that they had to accept that it was O.K. too. It is nice that I can wet myself openly around my friends now. They still find it a constant source of amusement - but still accept
  21. Technology does make me think. Even if I think I am alone and unobserved I will still misdirect attention while I am peeing so that no one would suspect that it was me that did it if I happened to be seen on camera, either CCTV or covert observation. Clearly when I wet myself in the pub I am almost certainly doing it under the gaze of a CCTV camera, but there is nothing untoward that would grab anyone's attention, and even if the CCTV was watched back because a damp patch was found they would not suspect me of making it any more that the other people who were there. Apart from the od
  22. It is a lot easier to get away with peeing pretty much anywhere when you wear a skirt. It is especially easy when you wear fishnet stockings and a black skirt because as well as just standing and peeing a stream, you can pee down your legs with no one noticing (fishnets just don't show any wet streaks even while you are peeing), and best of all sit and pee through your skirt - being black the wet does not show, and being a skirt with air flowing underneath it soon dries!
  23. I am not really a challenge person so have not been tempted to wet my bed exclusively. I have wet it a bit more than I really wanted to though and had it still a bit wet when I went to bed, which I did not like much. When I wet the bed more than I should I just leave the cover off and hope for the best. I never protect the mattress so most of my pee soaks away. The temptation to just do another wee in the bed is very hard to ignore. All I can do is to pee somewhere other than in bed a short while before going to bed so my bladder is not too full, just full enough to feel nice when I
  24. What is the amniotic fluid surrounding an unborn baby? Is it not a big bag of baby urine?
  25. Colin returns. Part 27 Mum woke us with tea. Before I sat up I stretched and opened my legs wide and peed as hard as I could making the most of taking up a lot of room in the bed. I felt my pee spraying as far as my knees and a few drops making it all the way to my ankles. I kept going until I was empty and then sat up and took my tea from mum. Erica took longer to wake, but she had a similar idea but she raised her knees a little and I saw her move her hips so she could properly spray her feet with her pee as she hissed loudly under the covers. I even felt a few drops
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