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Everything posted by mickymoist

  1. Just gorgeous @puddyls such a naughty girl 😃
  2. Taking advantage of the tiled floors on holiday https://www.erome.com/a/lGmph3Ha
  3. Welcome aboard, you'll find lot's of lovely people and great posts here 🙂
  4. Lazy little pee on the sofa watching the cricket 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/cqxhmbE1
  5. Me too was watching in bed with a coffee and it definitely cheered me up 😁
  6. He is class, I love this one, not normally my sort of stuff but a great song
  7. Another on stage moment this one from the fabulous Lesley Manville, also reveals how mischievous Judy Dench is 😄
  8. just made it up, it does have a nice ring doesn't it 😄
  9. 😁 I've so had this problem, come home from a walk out in the cold, the resulting shrivelage meant that when I was sitting on the toilet the pee went neatly between the pan and seat and ran down the outside 😁
  10. Often don't hold it at all, just let it do its thing 😁
  11. I'm with you here, unless I'm staying over obvs, then am mortified if it's properly toxic 🤣🤣
  12. It really is a struggle to do that 😁 but what a great band they were 🥰
  13. I listen to the radio when I'm showering, got one of those bluetooth waterproof speakers stuck to the tiles, and of course I always pee in there 😄
  14. Normally one go for me, unless I'm having fun with it and letting little spurts out on purpose 😄 Although I will, without fail, find more in my bladder when I'm cleaning my teeth regardless of how recently I peed, that usually goes into the sink.
  15. Pretty much every time I swim in the sea I pee, i think it's the law 😄
  16. 5 years for 'in a bed neither of you own' if you rent an apartment that's harsh! 😃 35 for me, most of my crimes were a long time ago, can I get off with time served?
  17. I've peed out of the bedroom window in the middle of the night, I live on a terraced street and it made quite a noise on my car which was parked underneath 😁 https://www.erome.com/a/hWbzNRGP
  18. My favourites are lazy lie in pees, I'll often wake early, have the first strong pee of the day on the bath mat, or in the sink. Then I make some tea and toast, go back to bed with that, listen to the radio and read my kindle, when I need to go again I just relax and let it go.
  19. 😂 I use this all the time too
  20. It is 😃 its also very funny, thanks for the heads up @Kupar
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