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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Please understand @kitty and mimi - although the site here has a membership of over 40,000 actually there are a much smaller number of members who regularly visit now. And an even smaller number of members who actively engage on the site in replying to posts. Further, our lady members unfortunately make a very small proportion of the membership - so your four separate posts and polls, all fundamentally asking only the ladies to reply about different aspects of squat toilets really have a very small target audience. I don't mean to be discouraging - but it may be worth leaving a litt
  2. Neither of those things alone are trivial, in fact both are beyond the abilities of the majority of us - so huge kudos on achieving either and (kudos^2) for achieving both in one weekend.
  3. Just the simple fact that she is prepared to accept us as credible people (albeit virtual and albeit with this kink) rather than shunning us as a bunch of creepy perverts is a huge positive thing. And we are truly grateful every time someone gives us that. Naturally cautious is good too - highly desirable in fact.
  4. This is a perfect place to start - so 'Hi and a huge welcome to you'. I've just caught a couple of your other posts so I can see you're beginning to find your way around. Do shout up though if you have any questions as you go. Everyone is very friendly and helpful. Welcome!
  5. The birthday honours this time go to: The Birthday Shout Thread Actually a belated birthday, it was 13th August last year that I first posted here and it's amazing that it's covered a whole year. Huge thanks to @Sophie & @Kupar who've assisted too. It seems a little odd to suddenly stop in mid August, so my plan is to continue until the end of 2022 all being well. Plus there are new members have joined during the last year and we can't miss them out can we... Quick reminder that the people listed here are those with a birth date listed on their profile (and therefore showin
  6. Maybe not strictly a porn site, but I was browsing my archive hard drive of pee pictures and noticed the name Picland.to which no longer exists. Similar to Imagefap if I recall, it had galleries of pictures including some lovely peeing pics, many of them good quality and not the usual run-of-the-mill - plus lots of enthusiastic amateur images. I guess now a few years on today's amateurs are all busy streaming rather than photographing. At least I've preserved some of them - like this quick cross section.
  7. Hi and a huge welcome to this virtual community. I mean that completely genuinely - but we do need to explain a couple of things…. Firstly it is lovely to meet you here online - we do get a number of people sadly thinking we’re some sort of pee hook up or dating site. I say ‘sadly’ because we’re definitely not. We aren't just a site with a huge community of ladies waiting to pretend to be interested in you. We are a group of all sorts of people who share the same interest. All around the world, not just in Germany. All ages (but nobody under 18 of course), many married or h
  8. I think I may have shared this sentiment before, but I'll say it again. Absolutely adore the way you're letting us share your desperation and your genius solutions - and love the fact you're not phased by overwhelming urges to pee and the potential embarrassment of leaking. Love the fact that you're able to accept it as part of you and get some naughty fun at the same time as being practical. Huge thanks for sharing!
  9. One from me... A lot of people can relate to one music album or song that defined a key part of their life - maybe the first album ever bought, or a song that was top of the charts at a particularly special time in your younger life. Maybe just a piece of music with particularly meaningful lyrics for you. Do you have such a thing - or more than one example, and would you care to share what it is and why?
  10. Have an awesome Birthday @beachmom @lesful @Bbwhubby @inglin
  11. Before lock down, my friends' band used to have a regular residency slot on Friday nights - I never tired of trying to get them to add this to their set list. It almost worked...
  12. It does seem like of they all turned sideways, so all facing one way with a foot either side may be a better option - but what do I know as a bloke. 😉
  13. Absolutely love it. Perfect, and please don't apologies for what it isn't - we're here to celebrate with you everything it is. (In your initial post you mentioned the back steps to the cabin - is that an option for you, just to gently tinkle sitting on a step? Or is there two much risk of your cabin companions hearing or you being seen?)
  14. ^^^ Or building on that, maybe a gentle cycle ride around the park / cycle tracks / country lanes with an enforced stop somewhere?
  15. I'm sure I speak for a huge number of us when I say how amazing it's been to join you in your cabin. Have loved (and more) being a part of your descriptions. Huge thanks for sharing, and long may it continue! Thanks again!
  16. Guessing the workmen had long finished for the day @puddyls - just us here keeping a watch at out for you 😇 😉 Loving it, and as always HUGE thanks for letting us into your yard.
  17. I know nothing about your circumstances etc, so this isn't one of those 'you must....' posts. If you live anywhere near a big city maybe you could register as an Uber driver - late night post club pickups could sooner or later give the intended result. Her: "Erm sorry, I'm really drunk and I've just wet myself here in your car" You: "That's ok, really don't worry - it's no problem at all" Her: "Are you sure, I've messed up your car, isn't there like a fee or something?" You: "A fee? I guess we can do that - I can drive you for free or do you need some money
  18. Excellent @Ms. Tito - Always a great experience. Can you build us more of a picture...? Were you with a group of friends, and did you excuse yourself from the group or did you all pee? Or walking home alone and decided to cut onto the beach to pee? In the dunes, or by the shore? In darkness obviously.
  19. A huge welcome back to you - great to have you around again! Welcome back.
  20. There are times here when the little Trophy, Heart or Hug icons are so inadequate - like this. I don't want to turn this into one of those circular 'thank you, no thank YOU' conversations. What I will say instead is thank you from the bottom of my heart for all who've given their appreciation and feedback on any of my fiction. It means far more than you can imagine to know it's appreciated.
  21. No worries - you're very welcome. Hopefully you'll be enjoying finding your way around, you'll see most content is in the form of forum discussions. Once you've browsed around a little then the best way to get to know people is to join in a little with posts, adding constructively and positively to what you see. You'll fairly quickly get to know who's an active contributor and who has similar interests to yourself. This is a little different to a chat room site - it can be very quiet if you wait for people to message you, but politely joining in is a good way to approach things.
  22. Hi and a huge welcome to this virtual community. I mean that completely genuinely - but we do need to explain a couple of things…. Firstly I don’t meet your ‘women only’ criteria, but then neither do 70-80% of our wonderful members. That’s really not what we’re about though. The other thing is, it is lovely to meet you here online - we do get a number of people sadly thinking we’re some sort of pee hook up or dating site. I say ‘sadly’ because we’re definitely not. But if you’re happy to get to know thousands of fellow pee enthusiasts from all over the world then we offer
  23. And is it looking like a nice day for a stroll in the park, starting off fairly full and getting more desperate before sitting down in the grass and just letting go? Depending whether that takes your fancy of course.
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