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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. That's the beauty of a fantasy - complete detachment from reality or any consequences. Let's not piss on someone else's bonfire, not without an invitation at least.
  2. Welcome to this online family @Rob010 - we're a virtual community of likeminded friends from all around the world. Always great to welcome new friends in.
  3. Not sure what that means to be honest? Mostly when people post an intro post, it's to engage in open discussion. That's what we're about as a site. What is it you're asking ?
  4. A good way of achieving that is to use the Live Action Thread which can be found here. There aren't any guarantees of people being online at the moment of you holding - but probably more chance than people remembering to message you.
  5. The posts were removed, and yes - in this instance we haven’t yet written to Rick. Partly because we’re volunteers and our time is as precious as anyone else’s. The other factor though - if there was a big problem, a large breach of rules we would communicate that. In this instance a minor point and we didn’t. Once I’m back at my computer I can write to Rick to explain, or if one of my he other staff beats me to it.
  6. Rest assured @puddyls - when dining or just drinking at the Peefans bar, your clothing choices are entirely your own. There'll be no miserable management telling you to cover up, no disrespect or unpleasant hassle. Can't do much to stop you being at the centre of a very, very appreciative crowd though. At least it'll be appreciative respect.
  7. Thinking of you @steve25805 - as you know and as we’ve said in our communications. One a tenuous link, over the last couple of year I’ve had a couple of cardiac CT scans, where during the procedure they inject me with a trace dye which shows up. I think it’s also radioactive. Now at the point of injection it creates a really hot flush that follows the path of the dye being pumped through the body. The point of this whole anecdote is the very cute nurse who told me ‘when we inject the dye it’s going to feel like you’ve wet yourself, but you haven’t ‘. Another of those miss
  8. Geese seem to get a bad rap in general around here... now having a bad boy image isn't always too much of a problem - but you know...
  9. it’s ok - don’t take me seriously, I’m just being lighthearted about it.
  10. Perhaps @kiass on of those times when ‘guys’ can mean girls and, erm, guys. Wiping isn’t exclusive to the ladies, but perhaps more likely?
  11. Sounds great @jmatthews1995 Mine was quite tame… I finished work at 1pm and jumped in my car, then picked up my caravan - all prep’d for a weekend watching motor racing at a fairly local circuit. It’s only 50 miles away, so normally not much more than an hour. But today problems on the motorway meant the first part of the journey took nearly two hours. I pulled off the motorway needing a pee and thinking I’d find a lay-by to stop in. The first point I saw, I pulled in - it was just long enough to get the caravan and car (13m / 40ft total) and actually a bus stop. I got ou
  12. There was that old hurtful stereotype wasn't there - if a guy sleeps around and has lots of partners he's a playboy, a stud and successful but if a lady does the same she would be considered a tramp, slut, or whatever totally innapropriate terms would be used. (You'll gather I hate the thought of that attitude). But I do wonder if it very subtly influences people in being willing to openly discuss sexual exploits and kinks, especially where these are thought of as degrading. I guess there are levels which make it ok to talk about... If the talk in the press is about a President gettin
  13. I must be in an unusually vindictive mood tonight... I'm just wondering if the cold water could perhaps be used as a shock tactic, suddenly unleashing his bladder? I'm wondering about the scenario where he is maybe bound to a chair and maybe blindfolded. As you've said that instructing him to hold generally gets him aroused and erect, maybe teasing him with your presence silently - him aware you're there but completely unaware of what's to happen next. No doubt he'd be erect at what he thinks is the prospect, despite bursting to piss. Perhaps if you keep silent a few minutes h
  14. Hi and a huge welcome to Peefans. Here you'll find like minded people from all around the world. Enjoy yourself!
  15. Interesting how everyone's definition of 'relationship' varies... Friends... friends with (wet) benefits... casual (wet) fuck buddies... No judgement of course. I was thinking about my answer to the question and then it struck me: For many of us who aren't able share this site with our significant other, we're already in effect in that nonchalent pee relationship. It's just a relationship with a buddy we've never met. Right here and right now. On this site there are friends who I'll very often share intimate details with - whether it be sharing exploits or perhaps encour
  16. Yes lol. The perfect theatre show for anyone with Tourets. S-L-U-T
  17. Totally agree - and if you get chance, do go and see a stage show performance of it. The movie is good, but as Scot says - a whole spectacle of audience participation, a narrator who plays straight to the crowd and seeks their very verbal responses. Last time we went to see the live version (at a certain nothern English seaside town famed for it's shenanigans, our son ended up on stage as part of a costume competition between audience members - as Brad).
  18. gldenwetgoose


    Hi and a huge welcome to Peefans. Please not that all posts have to be in English, also if you could edit your profile statements into English too - that would be perfect. Enjoy your time here and please just ask if you have any questions.
  19. As a site, Peefans doesn't have the ability or capacity to host member videos. Instead what you'd need to do is upload it to a third party site and then you could post a link to it here. That's how people do it - the site Erome is one example of a popular site. In the case of this clip - of a girlfriend unwillingly having an accident, we'd strongly suggest having her consent to uploading it though. Obviously a video clip could reveal more about her, maybe her voice as an example. And once a clip is online it's impossible to control where it's been copied and distributed to.
  20. That is ALWAYS my question when I happen to be in a fun mood and happen to be working at home (or am working at home because I'm in a fun mood to start with). Just like yourself, my fun is kept hidden from all including those close to me.
  21. I read somewhere that NASA 'train' astronauts to pee and poo separately, so the pee can be recycled into drinking water. To be honest it doesn't seem too difficult to do (not sure how extensive their training is) - to pee first and then start to push once the bladder is empty.
  22. Fear not, I have a feeling that Su is going to get her shit together, that things will look up for her one way or another.
  23. Yesterday's totally original and spur of the moment joke created and told by my wife (quite out of character lol)... "Why did the toilet paper not cross the road ?" "It got stuck in a crack".
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