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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Was driving to pick my wife up from work earlier... Had just turned into a twisty cut through country lane and this came on. I didn't arrive late 😉 Ace driving song, although the video doesn't always fit and looks more dated than the song sounds (to me anyway)
  2. Thank you so much for sharing - love it. The fact that you have learned to not feel bad about accidents, but instead to be able to be excited by them is wonderful. And please do not worry at all about your English, your writing is very clear and perfectly easy to understand. We would much rather you share adventures like this, rather than never post anything because you worried about the English.
  3. Happy Birthday - 19th Sept @holyknight3 - Have a great day
  4. Great question... And some interesting answers in this thread from a little while ago >>>
  5. In the words of The Beatles... "They say it's your Birthday, Happy Birthday to ya" @pwpj Have a great one.
  6. Theres also version on Youtube of hime performing in a lot more recently, and sounds identical.
  7. Before my time... Just want to make that clear - but an awesome song (IMHO) and covered so well too.
  8. Yes - I agree with you on that - depends on the degree of fulness but yes, it's very difficult. I'm pretty sure it's part of the way our brain controls our bodies on different levels in the same way as a computer control system can prioritise certain tasks over others. Sometimes we wake up with morning wood where our brain gives us an erection and 'locks' the prostate to help keep hold of an overnight bladder and then there's what you're talking about where the brain decides we need to pee so won't give us an erection, since of course peeing isn't something to be done with an erect c
  9. @Peewee123 & @Simpfan - Your two exes were extremely lucky people.
  10. Hi and a huge welcome to a very happy community - welcome in. Enjoy yourself browsing around and you will I'm sure find like minded individuals across the site. Do shout up with any questions and we'll do our best. Cheers!
  11. Yesterday was a prime example... In work until mid afternoon, I'd had a black coffee at lunch and then a 500ml bottle of juice at my desk. I could easily have gone for a pee before leaving the office, but didn't desperately need to and deliberately didn't. My normal drive home should be about 30 minutes, but there are a few sets of roadworks at the moment and consequently other roads are busy. The journey home mostly wasn't too bad, I could feel myself filling up. The last 3 miles were always going to be the ones affected by the roadworks and I found myself in heavier traffic approachin
  12. Happy Birthday shouts out to @Public P. Boy & @Christian55 today - have a great day!!!
  13. Must admit I'd never heard of it until you mentioned it. Just Googled it now, first hit was a review page and first review mentions the short story "Piddler on the roof". Sounds like a hit. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1176846.Paul_Jennings_Funniest_Stories https://www.amazon.co.uk/Funniest-Stories-Uncollected-Paul-Jennings/dp/0670028908
  14. Glad it seems that way now - and as you say, long may it continue. There’s a certain amount of moderation goes on removing stuff before it gets seen by most people and causes issues, but yes on the whole 99% of users make the site such a pleasure with that respectfulness and love.
  15. You sound like an absolutely amazing couple and it’s a delight to welcome you in… Hopefully you’ll find your way around easily, but do shout up with any questions.
  16. Good question - I’m going to hazard a guess that maybe you’ll get quite a large reaction in one particular direction - and that will be based more on the ‘outgoing and vocal’ personalities of the fans rather than a true spread. In other words, ask 100 random people ‘who’s an introvert’ and ‘who’s an extrovert’ and don’t be surprised if there’s a bias. Anyway, enough speculation. If you’ve read any of my fiction you’ll already know my answer. Very much into the accidental, or at least generally unavoidable pee release (needs must) but absolutely definitely where the lady isn’t humi
  17. Usually for me it'll be something like if I've been in the office - I'll usually be leaving mid afternoon so I have the choice of having a pee before I leave... or if I time it right I'll be feeling pretty full. From my desk the toilets are in the opposite direction - another reason not to bother. Depending on fullness and whether I'm arriving at an empty house I'll either drive the country route home, stopping on a country lane somewhere or perhaps I'll continue to home, parking up on the point of leaking. I don't particularly want to arrive home with wet jeans at the same time as a ne
  18. Definitely can... and you'll find them in https://peefans.com/forum/35-men-peeing-pictures-videos-stories/
  19. How I wish, how I wish you were here We're just two lost souls Swimming in a fish bowl Year after year Running over the same old ground What have we found? The same old fears Wish you were here How can it be 46 years ago today this album was released?
  20. Today I'm going to give the birthday shout to @peefan1000 - have a great day...
  21. Absolutely wonderful. And lovely. The one thing this site encourages us to learn is that anatomy is a wonderful and varied thing. Not to mention the differences in personal preferences. But irrespective of the result, huge kudos to K for giving it a try. Not sure about God, but we definitely love a tryer.
  22. No probs, we're a very friendly place. Easiest way to get to know people is always via posts on the community - you'll quickly learn who is active and not, who has what interests and so on. (Chatbox is ok when there are people on, but that's not always the case. Messages are really only for when you already know people otherwise it's like phoning random strangers for a chat). On the uploads front, the site is limited on space so there is a size limit of 5MB on pictures attached to a post. Trouble is phone pics can be over that as you've found. If it's an iphone and you've got a 'live
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