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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Well it sort of does matter. We have a set of site rules for you to comply with for starters. You can find them here.
  2. Don't worry - it was more general awareness. It seems a lot of new members expect this to be a one-to-one chat site, which is possible. But at the same time it's missing the opportunity to exchange with a much wider audience. So apologies if it felt I was pointing a finger.
  3. Remember the kids' game of 'I spy' - Just choose an object starting with each letter and pee on it. So for example - an Apple, a Brick wall, a Carpet, a Door.... or whatever you choose.
  4. Obviously we don't know quite what you've already done, what you're into and what would be impossible for you. Plucking a couple more ideas at random though: - A pee in the workplace, somewhere other than the toilet. Obviously we don't want you to get caught and fired, but perhaps there's some options depending where you work. - A pee whilst partaking in some sports activity.... cycling, running, swimming for example. - Tied in with the sports one - a pee in the sauna (perhaps if you use a spa or hotel gym, through shorts for ease?) - I'm a fan of the peeing in high pl
  5. Firstly @willinglywet I want to give you a big high five on overcoming that negativity. You're absolutely right - why should you not enjoy eating and drinking. So what if it adds a couple of pounds (and I'm talking as you were about a small gain with no ill-effects on health). Sadly though the world of advertising and marketing seems to dwell on manipulating insecurity, or actually creating insecurity where it didn't already exist. Frankly it's something I hate, whether it be the over-perfect images used in advertising, the implied expectations or the false worlds portrayed to the easil
  6. Why would you not just enjoy and participate in the content posted in the forums. We're a forum based community. Currently just in the Pee Talk & Questions and the Real Pee Encounters & Experiences topics there are over 60,000 posts. That's what this place is all about - not a one-to-one chatroom.
  7. Full disclosure here - no peeing was involved. Sorry, and nobody is more disappointed than myself. New Year's Day, and we made a family trip to go and visit the in-laws which is about an hour drive. As timings worked out we hadn't eaten, so stopped to grab a sandwich on the way and because of the public holiday we stopped at the motorway services (still wincing about the price). That's where I ended up parked in the fairly quiet services car park with wife and son in the car for a few minutes whilst we ate. I was parked facing away from the building and in front of me was a most
  8. Hi and a huge welcome to a really friendly community - looking forward to getting to know you a little more. As you browse around you'll get an idea what's on the site, and who's who. Do shout up with any questions along the way.
  9. Happy 3rd Jan Birthday to @Peexxtimexx @denis @Sean @MatureSwiss
  10. I know I sound like a stuck record - but the quickest and most effective way for people to get to know you, and for you to get to know other people isn't to 'PM me'. I'm not just speaking to to Lamepeeidiot there, but everyone mentioning it. We're a forum and a community - that's a very different thing from a chat site. That's why we have whole topic areas called 'Real Pee Encounters & Experiences' for example, so people can share equally with all. It's like the difference between posting an ad in a newspaper versus phoning up people at random, one at a time - the newspaper ad
  11. That doesn’t sound very lame, quite the opposite.
  12. It’s ok - the tone of the comment was much milder than two others I’ve previously removed. But in the context of those previous comments, this one has no place here either. 😉
  13. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - you’ll find the site full of experiences, pictures and sights - enjoy finding your way around them.
  14. @Ms. Tito - You are entitled to your opinion of course. Just as anyone else is entitled to free speech. Their free speech may offend you, and we sympathise. But the topic matter here is the fiction which @BeneathMyWillow has been kind enough to share. If you have something positive to say then please do so, otherwise out of respect and appreciation please stop using this thread as your platform for hate speech.
  15. Hi and a huge welcome to the community, I know you've been exploring around and hope you're enjoying the site. Just to pick up on two points though... It's worth a good read of our site rules as a new member. We don't encourage people seeking meet-ups, there's that risk that the site gets over-run by people posting possibly false profiles trying to go beyond the boundaries of what we are - an online community of friends. Also when you mention messing, if you mean 'other than pee' then that's off limits here. Sorry that sounds a bit negative and unwelcoming - it isn't meant to be
  16. And normal service is resumed as promised, so Happy Birthday @Brutus @DesperationDesire @odinloc @murphdurph65 @gold5555
  17. Hi and a huge welcome to you. Hope you're finding your way around, do just shout up with any questions though.
  18. Hi and a huge welcome to the Community - sounds like you'll fit in just perfectly.
  19. @Ryan12 -first of all WELCOME to the community. @Kupar isn't wrong at all in what he says in that we can easily guide you to the right place if needed. You've asked about posting versus sending PMs... I sort of compare it to advertising, where obviously it's more effective to post an ad in a newspaper or TV than it is to pick up the phone and dial each person you want to tell. So PMs are useful when you're friends with people, chatting one to one with someone you already know, but putting details into a post are a much more effective way to share. One extra point is that we like
  20. Well it's the first of January, and the list of users declaring their DoB as 01/01/... is off the page, which is quite understandable. Many of us like to keep a few degrees of separation between lives here and elsewhere. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.
  21. ... and it was the best £100 I've ever spent. Lovely to meet you. Nah, I'm just messing there - actually dreaming more like, it sounds an absolutely amazing experience for both of you. Glad you got to fulfil that bucket list moment and even more glad you've shared it with us. It's definitely still parked on my bucket list - first step I guess is to get myself invited to parties 😉
  22. It's easy enough to pick up a cheap plastic jug from the supermarket or local store if you don't want to pee in one from your kitchen. Let us know how you get on... Once you start it may get addictive seeing how much you can hold and measure.
  23. Wow - what an amazing and closely run awards... Firstly I'd like to say a huge, huge thank you for the awards of Best Forum Contributor and also Fiction Award. I must admit when the awards were announced, I did allow more than a little wee to leak out. The benefits of a black dinner suit of course. That wasn't the only thing that gave me a warm feeling. Looking at the nominations, it's great to see lots of new names in there from year to year. I'm still a relative newcomer compared to a lot, but new names coming in shows just how alive the site is, and growing. As @Sophie touched on -
  24. Happy Birthday celebrations - and NYE - to @WWE pee @AlexWolf20 @jursi204
  25. And there's your avatar pee dancing perfectly again with the beat there @Sophie
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