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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. I will see what strings I can pull behind the scenes lol. Although even if we got every woman here to respond I'd wager that the final answer you're going to get is every person, whether man, woman, or what have you, is different and there's no real reason or factor you're gonna be able to pin point as to why they do or do not pee with their friends.
  2. You guys are having a very serious conversation about this and it is entertaining me greatly lol. Should I see if I can get more girls to respond to this thread to sort of help confirm or deny these scientific theories you fellas are coming up with?
  3. I have had sex with a full bladder while my husband didn't know before. I'm telling you right now it would have been easy for me to pee on him lol. It was a circus level balancing act of holding, enjoying the sex, and not letting him know i was holding, so I dont think I'll do it again unless a miracle happens and I get the chance to have sex with someone who is into it. I know when I have my period and I use my cup sometimes it presses against my urethra from the inside and it both makes it difficult to pee and makes me feel like I have to pee real bad all the time. Maybe when you are i
  4. I just checked and on Chrome Mobile it says it's secure.
  5. No I loved it! I am a bit more shy and reserved in real life but it was nice to see what could be. And, tbh, I've never had sex with a girl before but have always wanted to try. So, really, you made that dream somewhat a reality for me! Thank you! And, by research do you mean you stalked me 🤣
  6. Okay. I gotta add Sweden to my list of places to visit, and I have to learn how to speak Swedish! Thank you for sharing with me!
  7. Oh my god oh my god I LOVED this. Bestie, you don't know me but this is a lot like me irl lol. I am a very excitable person especially with our friend @Kupar around 🤣 thanks so much for writing this. And excuse me while I....er....have some time to myself 👀
  8. Hey handsome! If you don't mind me asking (and don't feel pressured to answer just for me, please), but where abouts in the world are you taking these? What country is this? I need to make preparations for when I run away from my home in America and come live with you 😆 but more accurately I am just curious.
  9. I wouldn't be comfortable peeing in view of my friends, male or female. I don't even like peeing in front of strangers in a bathroom, don't like people hearing or even knowing I have to use the bathroom. I am just a shy girl lol. If I'm not peeing I'd probably allow myself to stand a bit closer to a friend who is peeing, but I cant say whether or not I'd be turned on. It would depend on where they are peeing I guess. If it were in the hallway of a hotel I probably would be because I love naughty peeing, especially on carpet 😎 but if it were somewhere else like in a bathroom or outside it
  10. Water! I do not drink much else than water. Sometimes I dont feel well and want something with a taste so I'll go for tea, or if I'm out of the house ill occasionally grab a soda. If my period is coming I'll become a sugar machine and grab some sodas to keep at the house, but any other day I always fill up on water.
  11. Yeah I agree with this. "Bizarre" has such a negative connotation, and I try to be as open minded to sex as I can. As long as whatever is being practiced is happening consenually between one or more adults I wouldn't think of it as bizarre. Perhaps "not to my tastes" would be how I'd personally describe something I'm not into instead.
  12. When it comes to porn, I enjoy reading more than watching. I have some favorite stories that I'll always go to when I'm ready for an O, but I do from time to time get a hankering for visual stimulation. There are a few videos that I seem to gravitate to, and I don't usually like to fish for new content if I don't have to. Most of the time if I look for something new I end up picking through videos and finding some that aren't to my taste and I just get exhausted after a while and head back here for a story haha. But my favorite videos give me give me great audio and visual stimulation an
  13. I've witnessed this and it's so entertaining to me lol. It can sometimes blow up like a balloon!
  14. It's dangerous to go alone, take this: 💛 And welcome!
  15. Just trying it out I'd wager between 25 and 30 percent. Trying it and having one or more partners enjoying it would probably be a little bit less.
  16. Big [Dick] Energy by Latto. I don't have much of a little waist but I sure do have a big Ole ass 😁
  17. Yeah I don't really drink too much at work. Mostly because they don't allow drinks in my department. Only on my breaks or if my manager isn't around do i have a drink with me on the floor. No I've never had an accident.
  18. I do this every shift lol. I hate using bathrooms other than my own. If I really have to go, and I'm talking I have to be so sure I won't make it through the door of my own house and down the hall to the bathroom, then I use the single stall toilet in the break room. I really do try to hold it tho. I hate public bathrooms!
  19. Last i checked there are several near me, a few of which are regularly active in my state. I'm too shy to say anything to them so it's just gonna have to be a missed opportunity 😬
  20. It really depends on a lot for me. How much I've eaten, what time of the month, what I've drank, etc. Even who I am talking to lol. Usually around the time I'm ovulating and when my period is on its way through the end of it my body retains water like a mother fucker. So I can drink and drink for hours and not feel full at all. When I'm not retaining water it's like a few sips of water will run right through me and I'll be peeing a few sprinkles every half an hour or so. I have drank roughly the same amount of liquid for roughly the same amount of time and been at a level 9 or 10 (sometim
  21. My bladder wakes me up whenever it wants me to be up and I hate it.
  22. I love this 😍😍😍😍 thank you so much for sharing friend!!
  23. Most recently it's been my bath tub and a plant that had died on me. They've all been fun and I wouldn't trade them for the world. But I've also peed on my bath mat and in my dirty laundry in the distant past, and wanted to include them because they were a lot of fun!
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