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Everything posted by PissFanOmega

  1. If it were mine, I literally couldn't care less. I mean, say ghosts were real, and I was one: Why would I care that my decomposing corpse lay six feet under, and the dirt above is being soaked in piss? With that in mind, knowing nobody in my family (literally) has this fetish, it would be considered disrespectful for theirs to be pissed on. It would be a bit ironic for me though: I can't find a chick to piss on me in life, knowing my luck my grave would be pissed on by every desperate goth chick in town. As a ghost, at least I'd get a front row seat. Lol I say goth chick because
  2. Kind of defeats the purpose of a chat room when members don't actually... I don't know... chat. 😕 Despite that, I've wandered in to see what's up with it. EDIT: Which turns out isn't a lot. Not much actual conversation going on, most people that are logged in don't say anything. Also, the reason you see everyone saying "hi" is because the chat rules state that if you don't, you'll be kicked as a lurker or something. Ironic, since most of the active users on there right now seem to be exactly that. At first, I thought it would be a good place to chat about pee-related things, but
  3. You might want to break it up in to numerous pics. That upload is way too large for the text to be remotely legible.
  4. That's not a choice someone wants to give me right now, because if I had the power to change my life from years ago, I would probably choose to give up on it, rather than delude myself into thinking it could get better.
  5. Actually yes. But sadly, even when I'm not picky about what I want, or whom I want to be with, my options are severely limited, so I don't really see much point in talking specifics about it. I do like a certain hair color above the rest. I do like a certain boob size scale. I like preferably shaven or trimmed. I do like a certain body type, and I can't help but be attracted to only a certain point. So yes, I do have a type, and it does go beyond just the few points I've mentioned, but as stated, I'm not going to find her, so it's pretty irrelevant.
  6. Yeah, those vids are annoying. 30 seconds of action isn't even enough to get hard in most situations.
  7. I wouldn't care if some random chick peed herself working out. I'm actually surprised it doesn't happen more often, as far as some people push themselves for a workout. Rare, granted. Of course, I don't go to gyms, so it wouldn't really affect me in the first place.
  8. Mila Jovovich - she'd probably let me too. She just comes off as that type of woman. Leanna Decker - total babe. I would put her at celebrity status as a model (playboy). Can't think of a third one offhand. I don't watch many tv shows or movies.
  9. Please take time to read my full response, I know it's a little long, but bear with me. I couldn't care less about gay content, because it's not something that interests me. I'm sure that may be the case for a great many people on site, but I don't think any of us would care if you posted it. There is a male pissing section on site, is there not? (If memory serves, there is) It could easily go in there, for M/M. Sections for other types that apply to the LGBT community could easily be added, I'm sure. I don't personally visit pages on the site where the content doesn't appeal to me, as we
  10. Yes, I've come forward on two occasions. The first led to ridicule, and even bullying. The second person I told was understanding, and even said she would indulge my interest, although we never got the chance to do so, sadly.
  11. What I love is women who are desperate, but definitely want to piss their pants. I've never seen desperation; being a severe need to piss and little more, as equal with not wanting to wet one's pants. I mean, being desperate in itself is an amazing feeling, and finally losing control can be liberating, and erotic.
  12. Yeah, we reload our last save. Or, if we're in public, we add more quarters.
  13. Damn, I forgot about music when I posted, but that's a definite issue for me as well. If it's barely audible and not fast paced, I'm okay with it. Thankfully, I don't find vids with music very often; I try to watch amateur chicks who are doing it for the thrill, rather than as a product.
  14. As stated at least once by others, one of my biggest complaints is piss-poor camera work. Constant use of zoom (I swear, certain cameras should be required to film porn, and they should all have no zoom feature. That's my biggest complaint of porn everywhere) Movement that pulls away from the action - Seriously, it's like the camera operator either doesn't have a fucking clue what they're doing, or is having a stroke while trying to film, both meanings fully implied. Obscured action, either because of zoom issues, or focusing issues, both of which are the camera operator's
  15. I believe you lol. I would definitely get a camera.
  16. Yep, in a lot of areas that I've heard of, that is indeed a fine at the very least. The problem would be proving the neighbor did it; they could just as easily deny everything, and then it's all 'he said'/'she said'.
  17. Youtube is the PC Culture crossroads of the world. Literally anything that goes against PC Culture, or shows critical thinking, or even alternative thinking, gets deleted. Youtube likes to cover it up under the guise of baby-proofing the site, and other such nonsense, but the truth is, the ones giving Google money to maintain Youtube, are the ones pulling the strings. Sadly, Google is one such corporation that agrees with that censorship, and has taken numerous steps over the years to not only continue that pattern, but also cover it up by purporting to be against internet censorship, when in
  18. I don't socialize offline, so chances are, I wouldn't even know you, and so wouldn't even say 'hi'. It's nothing personal, I just don't talk to people.
  19. 1. Your favourite hobbies? Gaming, Writing. 2. Favourite song, band/artist? Not sure. I'm not a fan of mainstream music noise. 3. Favourite series/movie/cartoon (or all of the three)? I gotta go with Dragonball Z on that one. I don't want to share too much though, because it can be used to identify me, should anyone else I know be on site (wholly possible). 4. Who are you a fan of? Redheads 😍 More specifically, redheads who aren't afraid of the wetter side of life, and perhaps even enjoys it. 5. Your strongest quality, personality wise? I don't
  20. Yes, and your story actually got me out of a rut I've been in for a while now. So, Thank you. In reality, I've never heard anyone that I know, admit openly about liking watersports. In fact, when I was in my early twenties, it was found out by a group of people I knew years ago that I was into it, I was ridiculed, even downright bullied in one case as a result.
  21. I find that the more sheltered an individual, the more likely they have a secret perversion (or five). Welcome.
  22. Okay, so I usually write longer stories, but this one is designed to be short and to the point because I don't know what the character limit is for posts. I hope you all enjoy it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A rush came over Alicia as she realized, among the party-goers in the club, that she had to pee. She flicked her blonde hair to the side, and made her way to the bathrooms. A line awaited her, extending into the hallway around the corner from the bathroom. There was no way she would make it through that, and she knew it. Her tight jeans surely would be her undoing.
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