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Everything posted by PissFanOmega

  1. I know this is an old topic, but I do know of one mainstream game that includes pissing as an act, although not specifically for a scene. Two, in fact. Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude, and Postal 2.
  2. I dreamed that I was fucking this redhead chick, she was on top. About a minute into it, she stopped and leaned back, and just shot piss everywhere. The whole thing didn't last long, but it was exciting to the point where I had a mess to clean up once I woke up, if you know what I mean. Wouldn't mind having that one again, or at least one similar to it.
  3. Bedroom floor. I've always liked going on carpet, specifically.
  4. I used to be a bigger gamer than I am now. I play ps4, but with the way game companies are acting, and with the disappointing crap from console makers anymore, I don't see any point in putting any more money into it. Sony dragged their feet with crossplay, and then offered it for 'select titles' only to make it seem like they're compromising when they're not. Plus the PS4's menus tend to be broken and unstable. Microsoft failed to impress me last generation with their crappy customer service, and red-ring failure rates with the 360's, and then further dropped the ball when XBone came arou
  5. Has no-one actually played this game before? Lots of non-answers and off-topic posts going on. Worry not, I can start us anew, but I will pick a question that's been asked, to get back where it was: I actually have, a few times by now. Huge turn-on. Never have I ever pissed in someone's mouth.
  6. There's a game on PS2: Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude in which you can piss in a lot of different places, even on people. It's one of the ways to bring down your toxicity from drinking too much lol.
  7. So, as I was thinking about going to bed, I had to piss, so I sat on the floor and tried a new approach (I usually stand), what resulted was an intense feeling of pleasure i didn't know I could experience. It was like part of my body was holding it back, but at points, it would push it out of me in long spurts, which ended up making me horny again. So, I think from now on, that's what I'll do. If anyone wants to see the resulting mess, just let me know and i'll post it somewhere.
  8. I personally don't like pissing in the toilet either, I prefer the floor, my pants, the shower, my bed... pretty much anywhere else as long as no-one sees me or finds out lol.
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