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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. @F.W,The offending pic has been deleted - both from the original and from your requote of it. @Havik62, since you are a newbie this is only a friendly heads up. But scat imagery is against our forum rules here so please refrain from posting such imagery from now on
  2. Well in every field we certainly need leaders and a much larger number of followers - and often some middle rankers at various levels who follow those above and lead those below, forming part of a command hierarchy. But those who follow sometimes rise into leadership positions later. And some can lead in some areas whilst following in other walks of life. Character wise, however, there are certainly those more eager to take control than others, even if they do not necessarily know what they are doing. I suppose these dominant types might be considered alphas - at least in a wannabe sense.
  3. Not heard of this before. Will check it out, thanks
  4. I don't think people can be neatly divided into alpha or beta types. Everyone is different, and the degree to which they aspire to leadership varies from person to person. Indeed, the same person might aspire to leadership in some situations whilst being happy to follow in others. I myself might aspire to some measure of leadership in an area about which I am highly knowledgeable or experienced. In other areas where I know a lot less I'd be happy deferring to others and would not then aspire to any kind of leadership role. Does that make me alpha or beta? People are not so easy to categor
  5. Absolutely awesome. We have lots of great writers here but none of them can quite match you for sheer naughty erotica, @lesley
  6. Usually daily though if very busy and tired I might skip a day. On days off if I immerse myself in porn I might do it more than once. I still masturbate substantially less frequently than when younger.
  7. steve25805


    Welcome to the forum.
  8. I can be loud or I can be silent. But my aroma is considered abhorrent. When squeezed out by a surreptitious wriggle, I'll often cause those nearby to giggle. Young boys find me especially funny, though I'm probably best released in the dunny.
  9. You guessed right. After all, a missile doesn't hover but a helicopter can
  10. I'll give you a clue - it's one of those, lol
  11. I can fly but I have no wings. I can soar but I have no stings. I can fly straight up into the sky. Yet when I fail people will die. I can fly fast but need not bother, Because I can also simply hover. What am I?
  12. You are talking about your beloved dog, @Peefreak99?
  13. It seems to me that there is often a left versus right divide on issues as political as this. If it is a message that the left broadly agrees with it tends to think the message is more important than the messenger because it is right, and consequently because it is seen as right, we tend to sing the praises of the messenger and see attacks on him or her because of his or her age or for any other reason as inherently prejudicial. The right on the other hand will often attack the messenger, especially if the message is an uncomfortable one for them. And in general - certainly in the UK
  14. Little brat this and little brat that. The entire OP is riven with anti-youth prejudice. For a 16 year old to stand up for the very planet when the older generations have fucked it up through greed, ignorance, or stupidity, is an admirable thing. Young people speaking out should be encouraged. They are the future.
  15. I like to see the pee coming out on it's own because that is more natural than pulling labia apart. Yet I also like as much to see where the pee is landing. For me as a fan of girls peeing in naughty places, the destination of her pee - where it all splashes down or what it splashes against is actually even more important than source. Though I like to see both.
  16. 1. I first encountered pornography in the late 70s. 2. The pornography was in the form of top shelf magazines. 3. Such pornography was handed arounds amongst friends typically. 4. It was softcore pornography featuring naked ladies in explicit poses but no sex acts. The mags also included more hard core stories, including if I were very lucky the occasional pee scene. 5. These mags were legal, but about the limit of what could be gotten away with in those more repressed times. 6.These early encounters certainly did lead me to seek out further pornography when I was old
  17. As a guy I have often wondered how awesome it would feel to have a lady piss on my dick. I have tried to replicate it by puncturing a peephole sized hole in the bottom of a plastic bottle, then filling it with warm water, aiming as closely as possible for piss temperature. Then I have held it above my dick and allowed it to spray down on my dick. With my eyes closed and a little imagination, it is almost possible to envisage a sexy lady doing it.
  18. Welcome to the forum, @Contra
  19. The warm and wet welcome, lol.
  20. I would like to think that Scarlett Johansson is here drooling over my stories and thinking, "That guy Steve I gotta meet someday so I can piss on his carpet." But alas I doubt the reality of this scenario.
  21. Welcome to the forum, Mark. As Admin says, lots of people from the UK here. Me being one of them. I'm from Plymouth. I look forward to all you have to share.
  22. Welcome to the forum.
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