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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/16/2024 in Posts

  1. I went on a walk through the park with my female best friend today. She has seen me pee many times. I held it until I was desperate, and was about to wet myself. We were sitting on a bench in the back of the park. There weren’t a lot of people around and we weren’t directly facing anyone. So I thought I’d just pull my shorts to my knees and go pee off the edge of the bench. I didn’t warn her and just went for it. Once my pants were down and the hissy stream left my lips, she was like “Omg you literally piss anywhere don’t you?” And I laughed and said I sure do. When my stream slowed down and e
    3 points
  2. I've been pissing in my bedroom again (not in the closet). I sat on my bedroom carpet and released my full bladder a few minutes ago. I just relaxed, and without stopping, pissed it all in one spot.
    3 points
  3. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. You are amazing! Have a good one. 💖
    2 points
  4. Man, I got lucky with some recent experiences. The first was a girl I knew since high school and the second was two friends from the east coast. I wanted to lead by giving you all some background on my desires. I really like when women have to pee out doors and are okay with you watching when theres no sex inherently involved. That’s my jam. With that in mind, the first story is about Poppy, a friend I’ve had since high school. Poppy is from Seattle, she’s a larger girl, but an Athletic build. She generally keeps her hair long. Has freckles and huge tits. Her mom is a first generation im
    2 points
  5. right now as i type this i'm standing in the hallway outside my apartment in only a red hoodie, underwear, and sneakers- peeing myself slowly and just letting trickles of pee run down my leg and onto the carpet ❤️ i'm in heaven
    2 points
  6. We often pee in the toilet with the door open or with the other person in the bathroom. Completely normal for us. Sometimes my girlfriend comments on how loud or long I pee, lol.
    2 points
  7. Huge, huge, huge happy, happy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to: @Wolland66 @Beautifulhiss @cman6000
    2 points
  8. Very nice! And I appreciate the untrimmed pubes.
    2 points
  9. The Football (soccer) tournament in Germany truly is a blessing in disguise. As I was about to leave for the road again a car pulled in a few spots next to me. Two men and a women jumped out of the vehicle. The men went straight to the fence in front of them and followed natures call. The woman on the other hand. More on the chubby side of things. She did not close her door, instead she pulled down her jeans and went into a high squat she grabbed the door as she was somewhat wobbly on her feet. I had a good side view of her big butt and then she started pissing like a waterfall. She
    2 points
  10. Hey guys! This is my first pee video. I did my usual and peed on the floor. I really hope y'all like it, it was so much fun!:) https://thisvid.com/videos/man-pisses-on-floor/
    2 points
  11. Staring contest - You look, you lose!
    2 points
  12. Not much happening in the last couple of days but this evening i was lucky again. It was quite late at night, still the parking area was quit busy 7 or 8 cars there, it was the highway towards Germany and with the Euros there not unusual. I was sitting in my car, scrolling through my phone just about to step out. In front of me was a fenced of building for road service vehicles(i guess) to the sides there was just a fence right a long the parking spots so not much space to walk around. Just as I was about to open my car door a slim figure walked in front of my car. As she made her wa
    2 points
  13. Thank you Sophie. I'm a very lucky man 3 sons and a beautiful daughter. 🥰
    1 point
  14. I think parking decks are one of the best places to not be noticed when trying to find a place to piss. I had a flashback earlier today when I seen a guy trying to hurry up and finish up pissing before I passed through. It looks like he wasn't done yet but didn't want to be caught as he quickly stop mid-stream putting his dick back up. It reminded me of a time when I left a nightclub and realized how badly I had to go myself, I ended up going behind the building in a small alleyway pulling my thong to the side with my dress pulled up slightly. I pissed for almost three minutes! Which wasn't sh
    1 point
  15. My mom. Squating over a toilet is very similar to popping a squat against a very woody bushy area and I was 4-5 years when I learned to piss outside. Done it a couple of times and nobody cared. The worst part is not having anything to wipe with. However.. I knew how to piss standing under around 10/11 and had pretty good aim. Now I can barely piss in a cup for labs.. lol
    1 point
  16. It's probably possible to make a Tampermonkey script to do that with a little CSS trickery. I will look into it later.
    1 point
  17. Carpet pissing, men or women. Especially like peeing on the floor in a hotel room. Or letting someone piss in my car.
    1 point
  18. I've peed in the somewhere else like backyard, garden, garage, flowerbeds, potted plants or cats litter box many times when I go party but I've never peed on the floor directly.
    1 point
  19. I always pee in my hotel room, never using the toilet to pee. Whenever I'm traveling for work or vacation, I save up my pee whenever possible for when I get back to the room. I like carpeted rooms, so I can walk around the room while pissing all over the carpet. I'll do it for days, and have never been charged extra. When I have to go during the night, I'll pee off the side of my bed in the dark, or stand somewhere in the room in the dark and piss, without being able to see what I'm pissing on. I've also pissed on the beds, but without soaking them too much. Some day I'd like to release my ful
    1 point
  20. I was very drunk at a house party once and the home owner refused to open the bathroom door to let me pee in the bathroom sink or shower. I certainly wasn’t going to pee my pants. So I peed on her bedroom floor. And definitely was not the only person to deposit a puddle in there.
    1 point
  21. Believe it or not, I have had the most luck on reddit. I have met multiple women from there and have lived out some of my most intense fantasies. I have absolutely no luck with FetLife.
    1 point
  22. I had a work event today and I was dressed quite fancy too ! I wore a classy formal ish top, a short pencil skirt and stilettos. During the work event, though I didn't touch the champagne, I did empty a bit too many cups of the amazing fresh fruit juices that they had. At that time, I didn't feel the need to pee and honestly I was having such a great time that the thought of emptying my bladder before heading home didn't occur to me at all ! Now, after the event was over when I was walking back home, I felt a sudden wave of goosebumps all over my body, followed by a sharp sensation
    1 point
  23. I was encouraged by my mother as a child to "water the flowers". If there was an emergency she would take me somewhere secluded, help me with my clothes and crouch in front of me, always encouraging me it was okay and nobody was watching if I was a little shy. I remember my friend Emily teaching her little sister how to pee outdoors. She would crouch in front of her and hold her arms so it was like she was sitting on an invisible chair. I also remember her little brother trying to copy her by kneeling on the floor with disastrous results.
    1 point
  24. While doing a documentary on wine production in France, we were given access to a very exclusive high-end winery. We learned a lot of their secrets simply by observing the process involved. As a result, we were only allowed to talk about certain things to maintain the privacy of the vineyard. Since the allotted time has passed on the Non-Disclosure, I can now talk about what I observed. During the fall when the harvest was the heaviest, they would crush the grapes from morning to night constantly. This was still a classic procedure and done by the women with their feet. We watched them prepare
    1 point
  25. Hey, my name is Claire. I work in the kitchen of my parents' bistro. Every morning, I get up early and walk to the market when the sun is rising. At the market, I love to see all the different stalls and the variety of food. As people are setting up their goods, I smile and greet the vendors I trust. I pick fresh vegetables and herbs. Afterwards I visit the butcher for some fresh meat. With my baskets full, I head back to the bistro. The streets are still quiet and calm. I like the mood before the day begins. When I reach the bistro, it is still empty. The chairs are on the
    1 point
  26. Part II Bonjour, my name is Emmanuelle. I work as a vendor on the market, when I don’t work on the farm. Before the sun rises, I back our truck and head to the village. As I arrive, I set up my vegetable stall at the market. My parents grow the vegetables on our farm. I secretly hate it to be the one selling on the market, but what can I do. I stay at the market the whole morning. It is busy and noisy. People come and go, buying and selling. But I am always alone at my stall. There is one girl I see every day. Her name is Claire. She is about my age. When Clair
    1 point
  27. It's Friday, the weekend is looming. But first we get to celebrate some H-U-G-E Birthdays. Could life get any better ? Have a great day @kalle2020 @peeweesee @Ghostpiss @prsrs @Ingalill @Qwed @Klimperkasten2 @Porsche-944
    1 point
  28. Look like i need your piss around solar panels 😋 i tried your method but weed growing even faster after i peed on🙊
    1 point
  29. So I found myself visiting a large city one weekend last month, very unfamiliar with the night life there and wanting to walk off my beer before bed I took a wonder round the town. It didn't take long as I was walking past a grassy area next to a pub that there was a girl appearing to talk to a bush, getting closer I could see she was talking to another girl in a high squat resting her bum against a ledge. Once she had finished she gave a quick glimpse of a fuzzy pussy before turning round and pulling her trousers up over her arse. I strolled back past the area a few minutes later and she
    1 point
  30. Many get taught from an early age by their mothers or nannies For me it was a friend who taught me, and a bit later, in my teens
    1 point
  31. Doors help, indeed, but only if they go to the bottom. I also didn’t care this time 🤷‍♂️ Most important was the carpet and the music that predominated my hissing. Haha. And no nerve racking over ambitious clerks nearby…
    1 point
  32. Most penises are around 3 to 3.5 inches when flaccid, and when it's cold outside even less!!! Not the most satisfying view if you are a chunky build.
    1 point
  33. Had to go badly during shopping and just used the fitting room. Hehe.
    1 point
  34. Nonchalantly letting out a nice handsfree piss from the side of my shorts in public ar the beach - lovely!
    1 point
  35. I love this so much. When the toilet is right there but you pee on the floor instead
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. As far as I can tell, when I was a child, I was more or less free to pee outside at any time, because my parents wanted to get rid of nappies as early as possible. The real challenge was to "learn" to use a potty or a toilet...
    1 point
  38. I think I’m weird, but I’m attracted to basically things considered bad by society. Littering, smoking, not wearing seatbelts. I have done all of them but not regularly.
    1 point
  39. I'm "in the mood" several times a week, so I guess I'll be pissing in there pretty often!
    1 point
  40. Oh, I pissed in a hotel a couple of years ago. https://www.redgifs.com/watch/lameweightysiamang
    1 point
  41. I peed juuuuuuuuuust a little bit in a hotel last year. We don't stay in hotels often so i had my chance and I took it. It's really hard to see, but I squatted and peed just a few streaks on the carpeted part of that wall. I had a few things working in my favor too: it was a cheap hotel room with a lot of problems and the carpet was dark. Got away with it too! Neither the hotel nor my family noticed!
    1 point
  42. Then u ll like the myth of how Orion the Hunter was born. It is said that one time the Gods visited King Yrieus in Greece. The king let them stay in his Palace and while they were there they heard the king's plea about giving him a son and heir as he was a widower and old. The Gods took pity on him and asked for the skin of the bull that the king sacrificed in their honor. The King brought the skin of the animal and then all the gods and goddesses urinated on it. (In some other versions its onlyb3 Gods who urinate the skin but in most version all the Gods pee on the skin)
    1 point
  43. No. I can't say I have. If anything, it seems to help them grow. When I lived in a property with a garden, where I used to pee on the grass, the grass was always slightly longer and thicker than the rest of the lawn. Also, adding some of my (watered down) pee to my houseplants' drinking water seems to revive them, too.
    1 point
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