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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2019 in Posts

  1. Generally I avoid discussing politics in public as I'm far too busy perving at copious amounts of piss porn, however in this instance I will make an exception. I concur with @glad1 re the environmental platform and here is my plan for making yellow the new green: everyone would be free to urinate wherever they wanted at any time, including on me 😜 This would have the (obviously totally scientifically proven) effect of causing so much joy to radiate out from within me that all of mankind's most longstanding problems would be instantly resolved. There would even be so many magic happy rays
    7 points
  2. I would introduce a urination liberation law. All consenting adult pee porn would not only be legal but also tax exempt, with government grants for it's production. Public urination would cease to be a criminal offence, and all local authorities would be obliged to provide open public areas for public urination for those caught short in every part of every city. Hotels and inns and B&Bs would be given tax free status and government grants, for allowing guests to urinate wherever they like. Such grants would cover the cost of such things as carpet cleaning and carpet and furniture replaceme
    6 points
  3. Hmm maybe this is too outlandish, but put diretics or a safe equivalent in all beverages and foods. Also repeal the laws against public urination. It would be subtle in terms of immediate effects but would hopefully change the culture around how people percieve peeing. If no one is able to just hold it and pretend that no one has to pee like in today's world it's almost become this taboo thing vs if it's a thing everyone had to do all the time and it's legal to just go wherever, people might shift their mindset. This also maybe is driven by me kind of feeling like this. I have to p
    6 points
  4. I'd campaign on an environmental-conscious platform. We'd make yellow the new green. I'd highly tax the use of porta potties. They're usually unsanitary, a great way to spread germs and require large amoints of water and toxic products to clean, not to mention there are a lot more fun alternatives. I'd suggest most areas of the cities be designated as pee-friendly zones, where these options are deployed. Think lots of hay bales, some strategically placed for those who want privacy and other scattered around, as well as plastic outdoor urinals and concrete gutters. Pee would be considered
    6 points
  5. I think my urination liberation law would also include the provision of public service naughty peeing porn on the BBC from midnight to 1am every day. Top quality directors with an interest will be tasked with producing it to top production quality standards. Working in this field will be made very lucrative with much higher rates of pay, attracting the most talented pee fans. And forums such as this would have their running costs met by the state with Admin and mods as salaried employees. The forum would also have state-funded employees attached to it producing porn using members' storie
    5 points
  6. I would introduce the "Feminine Urination Freedom Act, 2019" This would allow any woman to pee in any public place whenever she chose to do so. Public places would also be defined to include anywhere open to the public, such as cinemas, shopping malls, supermarkets, furniture stores and so on. The law would also allow her to ask any nearby person for voluntary assistance, and declare any such assistance to be lawful. After all, she can't be expected to carry tissues every time, so we mustn't prosecute anyone if she wants a tongue wipe.
    5 points
  7. Hi again everybody! Kristin here again! You might recall my first letter relating a story of my college roommate Cassandra's "pee alley" earlier in the year. I ended that letter by telling you that this alley is far from the only place I pissed during one of our night outs. Like I said, Cassandra certainly didn't like queuing for the toilets and it was very common for her to find an alternative and obviously I would just follow her lead if I also had to pee. I suppose it's not inaccurate to say that over time I then also developed a habit of avoiding the toilets when there was a line.
    4 points
  8. I was out doing chores and took a little break 😈😈 https://www.erome.com/i/E2lYfmiE
    3 points
  9. Some years ago, I discovered that girls enjoyed watching guys about as much guys enjoyed watching them. I was probably first aware of this on day-long boat rides in college, but it became most apparent on hiking trips with women a couple years later. On more than several occasions I'd stop to pee a few steps off the trail and, as I unzipped I'd look around and find a pair of eyes were looking back at me. While maybe most were no more than pee curious, a few certainly seemed to enjoy the view, at least to the point of strongly encouraging me to drink more water to avoid dehydration.
    3 points
  10. I would say make public peeing legal and socially acceptable - this would have at least three positive effects: - people wouldn't feel the need to queue for toilets or hold for ages to find one, - people would get used to the idea and not feel the need to hide in dark shadowy corners, telephone boxes and underpasses, so instead they would pee in the open over drains, gutters and adsorbent ground. This would mean that even though there would be a vast increase in the amount of peeing outside, it would be a net reduction of pissy smelling underpasses and corners. - We could get t
    3 points
  11. I would say make peefans great again and build a wall against omorashi.org and let them pay for it. No but seriously i would say pee wherever you want as long as you don't destroy someones stuff
    3 points
  12. Thanks for some really great input, feedback and suggestions everyone! 🙂 Just a few quick thoughts: Definitely no plans to segregate the chat - after al lwe're a pee site so we don't want to rule out the topic going to that if it happens naturally and willingly, and I think one big active chat is always better. BUT do let me (or mods) know if there are members who are using the forum as a dating site and not a community - we don't want that and you are definitely welcome to let new members know this, as often they simply don't know any better as haven't read the rules/welc
    3 points
  13. No unfortunately she told me to not take any pictures. She is scared about her privacy and told me if I would take pictures, she would never chat with me again. So I didn't want to anger her. But dear Peefans, you won't belive what happened to me. I'm still chatting with this young girl called Miri in the app which I have mentioned. After the first time I have met her, it was clear to me that I have to meet her again to see her piss in a naughty place. After chatting with her about the first time in the changing room, she asked me what else I would like to see - or where else. So I
    3 points
  14. If you're getting a little sick of all the politics going on right now, here's something a little more lighthearted to think about... If you were running in an election, but the only people who could vote were members of this forum, what would be the ONE pee-related policy you'd campaign on? Feel free to get creative - you can invent any pee related law/idea of your choosing! The post with the most reactions on December 12th will be elected the unofficial prime minister of peefans! #MakePeefansWetAgain
    2 points
  15. I've had a piss fetish probably since I was pretty damn young. Some people may think of us as weird for having this fetish, but hey at least we're not all alone! Haha anyways, I look forward to seeing a lot of interesting stuff on here and to making the most of it all.
    2 points
  16. We walk around our house naked too or just underwear. My kids are grown. It would be nice to be able to go out side naked 😈
    2 points
  17. I have been thinking about this. And teleportation Device does have its Appeal appeal I could go visit my favorite people that I chat with every day. And have a naughty pee with them when ever I wanted and then come back home. I could even go pick them up and visit other or find a nice place to pee together
    2 points
  18. Well, you'd definitely get my vote Steve. You'd be the best Prime Minister of the century!
    2 points
  19. I love your moaning and deep breathing. So hot!!
    2 points
  20. Despite being a man, I would campaign hard to ensure that women's bathrooms have a higher ratio of toilets relative to men's bathrooms. This way, women won't have to wait in the line so long if they need the toilet.
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. Oh yeah, any excuse to squeeze my tits and even more so when I'm peeing... makes it even hotter plus I'm convinced it really does get the last few drops out 😜 SO glad men believe the world is their urinal - it's my biggest turn on to see and think about! My favourite naughty pissing places are always evolving, pretty much anywhere I can get away with.........
    2 points
  24. hmmmm idk xD part of me says iceland since like it looks beautiful. idk xD to be honest really anywhere. I still live in the same town I was born in and havent really traveled that far away. I kind of just want to go see the world, idk where though.
    2 points
  25. This topic reminded me of my physical for the army when I was 19. All of the inductees were wearing just their underwear. We were in a single file line and went from station to station to check our heart, blood pressure, etc. As the line passed a wall into the next room, I saw 2 porcelain trough urinals built into an L shaped wall. At the entrance was a woman handing out jars and giving us a sticker to apply with our information. At the end of the urinals was another woman who collected the jars. My place was at the end of the urinals next to the lady who collected the jars and put them
    2 points
  26. I very much like the idea of a hot female genetically enhanced super human genocidal killing machine that after drinking enough blood turns into a pissing machine and has a piss fetish.. 🤤🙂
    2 points
  27. There were four figures sitting aroud a table, eating soup. A delicious soup!!! Nancy paid them regular visits in the previous days. There was tension in the air. The boy, whose name Nancy never asked, threw a shy glance at her unwithstanding all their sexual escapades, and asked her: “Can I…”. She lifted her eyes unto him: “Ask questions? Yes, you can”. He reflected a bit, then started: “Vampires started to be real since the Arrival… they are genetically modified humans, mutated by the quantistic and Time-Space disturbances caused by the Dark Lords arrival… or anyway, this was the scient
    2 points
  28. @steve25805 @Peefreak99 Time travel obviously In the future some huge things are gonna happen, whose begin is currently starting to unfold, and we Witches are operating about it See their completeness would be great ihihihi Plus I would love to travel back in time and murder the first christians so they won't mess up Jesus' teachings Everyting bad happened in the last 2 millennia came from repressed dualism between tenderness and aggressiveness, a dualism established by the Church, but Jesus was about wiseness, not repression
    2 points
  29. Nice white Bra. Did you wet your short jeans?
    2 points
  30. These stories bring to mind the world famous Notting Hill Carnival in the UK. They construct wooden huts with perhaps 5 cubicles with a sort of door for the ladies (up a few steps and peeing into 5 ft high rubbish bins) and an open trough on the back wall of the hut where 4 or 5 men can stand side by side in full view of everyone on the street. For girls who love to watch men peeing it is paradise! And I know for a fact that lots do love it. The amount of drink consumed is enormous so a fun time for all pee lovers who go.
    1 point
  31. Both xD Downhill is exhilarating and fun but cross country skiing can also be a good workout and be fun too 🙂
    1 point
  32. Tbh with the peeing in the swimming pool thing, like I dont like to do it if i know my pee is going to be super yellow and dehydrated but usually while swimming ill be drinking a lot of water and my pee will basically just be water. Also for some reason the combination of swimming pools and drinking water literally makes me need to pee every ten minutes and I would end up peeing myself jsut trying to do anything and not run to the bathroom so, i just kind of go🤷‍♀️
    1 point
  33. I changed into my swim trunks, a tee shirt and sandals and headed out the door for the beach. No need to carry anything else… I had “the glasses.” It was a cool cloudy day and there was not much happening on the beach. I put my magic glasses on and the sky cleared and the temperature rose 15 degrees. Nearby was a party of college kids or maybe young twenty-somethings. Not a bad view as the girls were pretty hot and barely dressed (“a very fitting combination” I thought). I looked down at the sand for my towel and there was none. Then I spied a lovely little cabana with a sign over
    1 point
  34. THIS THREAD IS CLOSED YET IT STILL IS HERE FOR READING @justanotheromoaccount @zzyzx52 @Jjones5285 @Daniel_defo @Brutus @Sxxn @bustin2pee @b2939 @Paulypeeps @pee01 @Blackinksoul30 @owlman76 @Sephora @expererg @daemoniak @Rich7 @Grizzly Man @clay6 @Zevashea @UnabashedUser @Illpeeforyou @bpb @nightlifeonly83 @nopjans @Riley @Alfresco @Mark J @Scot_Lover @Potatoman Ok you all are nominated here for a simple
    1 point
  35. It's quite like that indeed Space doesn't exist, it's a multidimensional matrix of which we perceive just one edge But it's a bit uncorrect to say a black hole is an entanglement, is more a mound compared to a flat desert, where there is more stuff than the rest
    1 point
  36. you'll be fine I am waiting for last entries
    1 point
  37. This is the core of magick opposed to book and philosophical pathetic magic and flamboyant dresses for rituals Because logic must bow to practice What you writes suddenly stops to be true passing Beyond a limit zone, which reaches the end of what you wrote and prevent the time-stretching from further enhancing. Reached a certain limit, the one who's sucked in will reach the limit Beyond which time will reach its maximum of acceleration, and he will likely see a lot of things in few seconds, and then he will simply burn in the Accretion Disk Likely, from the outside
    1 point
  38. There is an old quote "A sinking ship looks safer than the storm... as long as it still floats" I'm no one to judge, but there are so many women like me out there, looking for somebody as sensitive as you
    1 point
  39. My heart missed a beat reading this I can't write further
    1 point
  40. Yes, Steve started it about Nature But unless it becomes too frequent, that Dubai building is such a marvellous creation of us humans that it can stand here But indeed you're right, in 14 pages it had Always been only about Nature and thus it will remain But for once...
    1 point
  41. Oh Goddess this is AWSOME!!!! Wooooow it's HUUUGE!!!!
    1 point
  42. Agree AGREE!!!! I understand this is complicated, but I agree with you totally Always hated this I absolutely get what you mean You're not against ethnic integration was it sincere, you are against the hypocrisy of how it is portrayed today Yes this is hypocrite as fuck, I completely agree with you AGREEEEEE Again, yes, hypocrite. Yet I have to add this consideration of mine: nowadays that some subjects are not forbidden anymore to talk about, I think people (I mean creative people) fe
    1 point
  43. Ok, this is another thing which had been told to happen around Them They are somehow chained to perfection (in real Occult we use the quantistic word "Clinch" to indicate a an entanglement which Always forces chances toward the best outcome) yet They somehoe make you (or it "happens"... if you see what I mean) think things had, or will, go bad, as a test for moral firmness, not to test you, but to embetter you, while indeed all was ok Lack is the core of improvement and this is a truth not even They can deny, but since They are happiness and perfection They cannot actually handle lac
    1 point
  44. Sex is communication I have a vibrator, don't get me wrong, and I used it with the girls I had sex with, but only as an adding to the intimate girls play I sincerely love to feel it completely inside, also because we practice Tantra and it needs very deep stimulation But sometimes, a very quick in&out halfway is really pleasurable, sourging and exploding...
    1 point
  45. Try then Better to try than to miss entirely The ritual will obey you, not the overall tune hidden in the objects
    1 point
  46. Totally agree Also, I love athletic girls, they emanate comfidence toward their bodies, which is some kind of promise of good sex...
    1 point
  47. @steve25805 I pissed onto the carpet of one of my lesbian slaves once It wasn't consensual and had her very angry at me It was one the nastiest moment of my Whole life as she was kneeling on it trying to clear the huge dark patch before their parents (who knew nothing of us) got home, well, let's just say her head was exactly at the height of my crotch, so I... well... I turned around, farted hard on her face, and then left her house without helping her to clean it... I was so wet at my delicious cruelty that I fingered as soon as I got home You wann
    1 point
  48. Unless a girl wants a deep vaginal orgasm (which is anyway available only around and above 8 inches) the very first 2 inches of the vaginal conduit are the most pleasurable portion of it, that's why even a 5 inches cock is more than enough to satisfy a woman!!!
    1 point
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