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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/14/2018 in all areas

  1. Brutus suggested I fully soak my underwear and then leave it in a public place to be possibly found so I did that! I hope you enjoy it. I want to apologise about this not being my best writing. I haven't been entirely myself the last month or so. I went out on Friday after work to do my normal grocery shopping and while I was out I bought myself some new underwear specifically for the wetting. I knew I would be leaving it behind so I didn’t want to spend too much money on it but I settled with a nice white thong and a push up bra set. It cost me just over £10 and I’d be able to we
    5 points
  2. What things do you find most annoying with pee porn? Here are some of my pet hates..... Little dribbles, especially after prolonged fake desperation. Guys talking and telling the girl what to do. Shut the fuck up, man! And just let her get on with it and film what happens! Any pee scene where the girl is obviously hating it. Stop-start pees. I just wanna see a continuous flow. I don't think girls normally spend forever stopping and starting. Mind you, who knows? It would certainly explain that lifelong mystery - why the fuck girls take so long in the fucking bathroom! Not keen on s
    3 points
  3. Hello everyone ! Images I publish here I have, and for all part, my husband found. I work at night. Then I have time to look for pictures. If anyone wants to ask me something, that's fine. My English is not the best but I do the best I can.
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. for @Sophie mainly, for everybody indeed!!!!!
    2 points
  6. awesome. i've had fun with this before. normally, i enjoy keepin mine on after wetting but sometimes the thought of my undies being found by an unsuspecting stranger is kinda exciting. the most recent was walking home from the corner drug store after getting an ice cream cone. i had had to go for a while and decided to wet my panties. it was a warm day and i'm not sure why i decided to take them off afterwards. i originally peed next to the pay phone outside the store. and walked across the street, when the idea came to me. i stopped and looked to see that no one was around then slipped a pair
    2 points
  7. I shot this in an Art Gallery Loo!
    2 points
  8. Yes, that section is reserved for official site news updates and announcements, so any threads created by members won't show there. If you are wanting to let people know you're going to update a thread of yours soon with more content, I'd recommend just posting in the actual thread or live chat, rather than creating a completely seperate thread about it.
    2 points
  9. Just seen this, after I sent you a private message about it The section is for staff only and is intended for announcements about peefans, the site etc. I have merged it with "where would you like to see me pee?"
    2 points
  10. It started as a way to blow off stress, and evolved in a partially funny direction. What we love about pee is written all everywhere in the forum itself
    2 points
  11. It should be what do you LIKE about pee porn?
    2 points
  12. Mary has done that on my GoPro, lol. She sent it to Maighs phone too. Don't ask, it's long gone ....... Our current pet hate are the girls who squeeze their mouth shut so tight, they look toothless.
    2 points
  13. Never been so in Agreement with somebody in my Whole life!!!!!!!!!!!! In addition, I'll also say I hate when they have this "like a boss" attitude and then they pee a very modest amount, not exactly the little dribble thing but closer. I like girls PISSING, not leaking I also hate when the scene last for ten minutes with this poor bloke going around town and in the end peeing for ten seconds and then next scene, another then minutes walking, it's like a damn Peter Jackson movie, everything walks in those fucking movies, in Lord of the Rings they do little beside walking, peop
    2 points
  14. to deserve Death means that Death is really fitting. A convicted murderer is already defeated, Death penalty is not necessary to eliminate the threat it poses, and it's just vengeance. This attitude is useful, TRUTH is an overrated concept, the Gods told me so, what is really holy is what compels to you love and act in THIS live, other ones must be "only" an information in addition so to help people get a broader view, and therefore diminsh suffering and anguish Correct, let's just add this: it's useful to realize that an exceedingly strict "this life" perspectiv
    2 points
  15. This is amazing, I don't know what to add, but I'll be watching this thread. All of us value life, doesn't matter what it is: a spider will be caught and put outside, a snake is just prodded with a broom with an occasional "Fook off out of it" thrown in. We hit a small kangaroo one night, didn't hurt it much, just knocked it aside, but the girls were devastated, cried over the poor little bugger, it's just the way we are. As for a 'God' we are on the fence, neither believe or disbelieve, but if there is 'He' is well overdue for a visit. All three of us think we'll meet E.T first, I know
    2 points
  16. Author's Note: This is a new series that I have been working on that will take place in a fictional mountain town. Hope you enjoy it. It was a warm and sunny Sunday in the beginning of spring as three college students were making their way to Woodland Springs-a mountain town famous for its hot springs-for spring break. Driving the car was a twenty-one-year-old female named Vanessa. She was president of her university’s student council and well-liked by professors and students alike. Her brains and beauty had earned her the distinction of being the most sought-after girl on campus. Si
    1 point
  17. Hi everyone. Just to let you know of a few little design changes that have taken place today. Firstly, a slightly updated logo, along with the ability to click on people's cover photos to see them in full size (give it a try on my profile as it's an image worth seeing 😜) . Additionally, smilies have been replaced with emoji. We had hundreds of smilies that were just never used outside of the main faces, whereas most people will be much more familiar with emojis (and you can input them in posts straight from the emoji keyboard on devices that have that). Typing in the faces such as "
    1 point
  18. I agree 100% with Sophie. You're just sexy as hell. Very glad to have you around here.
    1 point
  19. That's it... I'm getting you cloned. 😁
    1 point
  20. I may or may not be typing one handed right now...
    1 point
  21. You look gorgeous! Thank you!!
    1 point
  22. *bounces up and down in excitement*
    1 point
  23. I have 20 new pics of myself, the weather was terrible and my energy so craving and repressed and so, beside a lot of anal sex🤣 I shoot an actual photobook they will be uploaded on my thread little by little let's start with those asked by the lovely @Sophie...
    1 point
  24. Seeing as you already have a thread about it, by all means update it if there is a big update coming. We just don't want new threads every time people are planning on posting things (That said, the pee talk & question section gets more views than the peefans discussion section as this is now separate to the announcement area right at the top). Just so you know, if you copy the URL and paste it in a new post, you can 'embed' any thread making it easier for people to click through to the topic in question. Hope this helps - we all look forward to the updates!
    1 point
  25. Hard to say really,as if you were alive at the time your century would seem interesting.Perhaps the middle ages when Europe was nearly overrun by the Turks,which would have been scary at the time.Or the 13th when the Mongols were knocking on the doors of Hungary.
    1 point
  26. I'm smart iihihihi but I would never disrespect a rule kisses Sophie
    1 point
  27. So it was, I got thrown off by the long sentences. My bad, sorry.
    1 point
  28. We must also only write one sentence at a time...
    1 point
  29. Normally I like pissing spy cam videos that girls are peeing one by one continuously without getting delay in the middle.
    1 point
  30. I don't know, I feel I might have more to contribute as the story develops.
    1 point
  31. HAHAHAHAHAH I remember that thing!!!
    1 point
  32. @spywareonya, I believe what I write too, though I have room for doubts sometimes, so my beliefs remain open-minded, and prepared to shift in response to new information or insights. A philosophical question. When you talk of violence or death that is "fitting", do you basically mean when it is either necessary - as in when we kill something to eat it - or deserved in some way? Which leads to the question, where do you stand on the death penalty, where those found guilty of terrible crimes are put to death? Do you approve? Because I have always been an opponent of it mostly for pragmatic
    1 point
  33. Great stuff, Sophie. You really brought the moment to life so we could all share it with you. I loved it. 😍
    1 point
  34. Japanese are better
    1 point
  35. As you no doubt saw when you most recently visited the site, the homepage has slightly changed. A few sections have been either moved, renamed, or merged/expanded. The reasoning behind this was a mix of SEO optimisation (to help people find us!), logical organisation and a simple 'freshen up'. Some people don't like change, but don't worry nothing is lost and nothing drastic will have altered. Hopefully for most people this will be a more appealing structure to things, and please remember you can toggle particular categories to open/close by pressing the arrow next to its name (for
    1 point
  36. res "This was a good idea to come hear" Julie said as she set her empty beer glass down on the table. "I know" replied Grace, "its always fun here" The girls were attending a local outdoor music festival. It was a bright day, with most of the town in attendance. With the hot sun beating down on them, the girls had spent most of the day in the shelter of the beer tent, slugging back pints. The tent was right next to the stage, so it provided an ample opportunity to listen to the music while they drank. Grace set her empty beer glass down,"you know jules, my bladder's getting
    1 point
  37. As promised the next installment in my series Julie and Grace continued on their way home. Stopping at a service station, they filled up on gas, and grabbed a bit to eat. Feeling quite thirsty, they both got extra large sodas, which were gone before they had finished their meals. Refilling their sodas, they headed out to the car to continue their journey. Seeing as neither of them felt the need, and they were less then an hour from home, they neglected to use the restrooms before leaving. "Quite an interesting journey" Grace chimed up as they pulled back onto the highway. "first
    1 point
  38. Sathuta, I think that difficulties about that is that pee fans are usually shy and embarassed, those who find their strenght then sign up but we can little about all the Others! But your ideas are Always interesting, so say anything!!!
    1 point
  39. I'd certainly like to at some point, and I have a couple of ideas for that arc, but I'll probably leave them for a month or two; I have a couple other projects I'd like to work on first.
    1 point
  40. If any of our lovely ladies want to post a pair of wet panties through my door ill be happy to take part in that game..
    1 point
  41. Great experience and great report @Sophie. Would be good to know who found it and what they thought. I wonder if several people saw your soaked thong there and ignored it or maybe even felt it or sniffed it, but still left it there. Maybe someone picked it up and took it with them or maybe it survived until a cleaner came and disposed of it. Would be good to repeat this, but maybe leave the wet thong somewhere public (even if you don't actually pee in the same place) - maybe a carpark stairwell or something. Even better would be if you could leave it somewhere that you could watch - m
    1 point
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