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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/28/2016 in Posts

  1. A continuation of a mostly true story I first posted two months ago I couldn’t wait for Tuesday evening to roll around. All afternoon I was restless and looking forward to the club meeting. I made it a point to get there early, in case Joanne did likewise. She arrived less than ten minutes after me, so we exchanged a quick friendly hug and talked long enough to agree to go out for coffee after the meeting and discuss our plans for the weekend. Since last Saturday’s hike “wasn’t a date”, I hadn’t spoken with her since I dropped her at her car that evening. I was a little nervous she might h
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  2. So, I finally got up the courage to write up a few experiences I've had over the years of knowing about my pee fetish. I'll probably add more as I remember them, but for now, these are ones that stick out the most. I'll focus mainly on my childhood ones first. Then add my teenage and adult ones on as I go on. Age 4 - Accidents The only accidents I remember having were when I was still attending nursery, around 4 years old. It happened without my notice, I ended up wetting myself while sitting on an indoor slide and I remembered being fascinated watching the pee slide down from me and poo
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  3. It is a new year, so I thought it was time to write a new story. I'm hoping this one will become several chapters, but here is the first one. Chapter 1 – First Training Session I was very excited. I had always been a bit of a Tom Boy and following try outs last week I was waiting for a letter from the local Ladies Rugby Team to let me know whether I had qualified for a place. I was just arriving home from work on Friday evening and pushed the door open to find a letter waiting for me. I tore it open and read “We would like to thank you for your interest in joining the Caverton Ladies R
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  4. This is my first time writing a story of any kind since high school so hopefully I don't run too long winded. This is inspired by all the posters in Wet Carpet Magazine, Wetwulf and of course the great leaky_one. I hope everyone enjoys. Jack and Kimberly had been married for just over a year now. Jack was a tall, slim young man with an athletic build. He had been working as an arborist at a local tree company and as a result kept not an ounce of fat on him. He looked the part of a lumberjack with a meticulously groomed short beard and golden brown short hair, parted on the left. Kim was near
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  5. Recently I was at a nudist beach in the Canaries. As I was getting out of the sea a naked lady in her late 30's was running down the beach towards the sea. She was fairly well endowed and she was running directly towards me. When I first noticed her she had one hand between her legs and her breasts were bouncing up and down quite heavily. She put her free hand onto one of her breasts to try to stop the bouncing quickly followed by her hand that was between her legs onto her other breast. This was rapidly followed by spurts of pee coming from between her legs which continued all the way un
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  6. Hi guys, There was a post like this on pee search that was really interesting so I thought I would start one here. This question is for us ladies... How do you normally go about peeing in the pool? I personally have a few methods. My favorite way is to wade in so the water is about half way up my bikini and than I let go. I love the feeling of my cool wet bikini warming with the heat of my pee as it mixes with the pool water. Sometimes, if I am lucky enough to be at the pool alone than I will go to a jet and I will pull my bikini to the side and allow the water to massage my clit. I f
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  7. ------------------- Liliana spotted the procession of riders approaching the villa for some time before they finally arrived. They wore the green and yellow colors of the imperial guard, and carried the yellow, blue, and red banners of the T'urian Empire. Although she and Empress were cousins, they were not particularly close. She supposed the Empress might be visiting on business, or perhaps Liliana was being summoned into the city in some sort of official capacity. Occasionally, it was necessary to appear for some official function or entertain an ambassador for an evening, but for the mos
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  8. Me mates at uni and last year they suspected that their landlord was letting himself into their shared house and sniffing their panties.they noticed that the laundry was disturbed.then they noticed slimey stuff in the gussets.it was cum.they are all sexy girls up for a laugh so now they make sure to piss a bit in their panties and they don't wear panty liners anymore. Hot!
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  9. I am new on here today. So excited to be on here! I am really into peeing anywhere and everywhere. I like to watch men pee too!
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  10. This story is about something, that happened a couple of years ago. Maybe it'll suit as my first story here. I feel a bit nervous to press the button to post it, but here we go! It was a bright early morning, when I went out in my garden to rake leafs. Always when I've work to do in my garden I get a strong urge to wet myself. Aware of that I'd saved my morning pee until I'd got outside. Very soon I was so desperate that I wasn't particularly efficient raking my lawn. To put off the inescapable I hitched up my skirt and put the rake stick between my thighs and rubbed my crotch against it. I
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  11. Saturday evening I went out with one of my friends. We hooked up with four other people at a nice Italian restaurant in an upscale suburban neighborhood not too far from where I live. Parking in this area is rather limited, and we ended up parking in a metered parking lot about two blocks from the restaurant. Dinner was very good. I had two glasses of wine along with several glasses of water with dinner and a cup of coffee with desert. After dinner, we walked back to the car. It was cold, temperatures right at freezing and a very light misting of rain made for a miserable evening, weathe
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  12. Hello! This is my first post here, I'm looking forward to lots of fun on this site. ;) So, two years ago, I had just turned eighteen, and my best friend and I were invited to go to a party held by one of the upper class men. Before the party, she and I decided to stop for a nice dinner at a local restaurant. The sweet tea there was like heaven and we couldn't stop drinking it, glass by glass went by. By the time our food arrived, I began to feel discomfort from my now slightly bulging bladder. We had to hurry up and eat and leave immediately as we now were running late due to the lengthy t
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  13. The other time I saw that girl pee, which was one of the first times I realised it interested me :- This was a couple of months after the first time I'd seen her pee, it was September I seem to remember and school was back, but it was still light enough that we could play outside afterwards. On this particular evening both of us were playing outside after we'd had dinner having come home from school. We were in the back field when it started to rain and we took shelter at the edge of the woods. As both of us had been at school we only had uniform on, no coats. After a few minutes I noticed
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  14. So what got me into peeing is a bit of a long story. So to set the mood I should explain I have a big family, three sister and six cousins. Two of my sisters and one of my cousins are around my age so when we were younger we would all be bathed together to cut back on time. So around when I was maybe five or six, I was in a bath tube with my female cousin and one of my sisters. we are all young and do not think anything of being bathed together, we were just play and splashing each other. Normal little kid stuff in a bath, all of a sudden out of the blue my cousin stands up and is just like "
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  15. Like a lot of you, my interest started quite young. I can't remember if there was a specific "trigger" but a lot of my earliest memories revolve around peeing. As a child, we'd go fishing a lot or lifting peat (a type of turf that's burned for energy like coal would be in certain parts of Scotland) and of course, working outside in a rural area, no bathrooms were available. So it was normal to see people disappearing behind bushes or rocks to relieve themselves and no-one really batted an eye cos it was just the done thing. It was the same with my friends too. When I was about 7 or 8, my
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  16. When I was a 19 I took a job at Burger King during the summer. We had a lot of managers and employees come and go, the place had very high turnover. Most of the people working there were lowlifes. Addicts, high school dropouts etc. We hired a young girl to be a manager. She was 19 and good looking. She wore low cut pants and always had a white or pink thong visible when she bent over or sat down. Easy on the eyes. She was also a TERRIBLE manager and a terrible employee. She would invite her friends over and they would sit in a car during work hours and smoke weed and drink while I was inside
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  17. I was out and about recently and got lucky on a hot sunny afternoon - 1. A girl broke off from a group of friends and went towards the edge of some bushes. One shouted at her "just go and wee behind the bushes!". She went into the bushes and walked almost right around one, but I could see from the other side. She squatted and held her top right up, pulled a white thong down and had a long wee into the ground. 2. A really short cute girl with mousy brown hair, very skinny, entered the bushy area. She walked right down to the bottom and seemed to turn around, by this point I was having a pee
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  18. TV show peeing. Many TV shows have shown ladies peeing, mostly tame but few with full details. One was Laudette to Ladies five or six young girls are shown squatted behind their vans. The cameraman shot them from a distance with enough closeness to reveal their bare bums and streams. Anyone remembers Justine Shaprio who would host a global travel show on Discovery. She was a cute looking curvaceous girl who hosted a travel show. In one of the shows she goes to some town in Italy where the host cooked her some local stuff. Then all of them including the old man and his wife offered her a po
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  19. Chapter 5 – The match Well of course, after the bus ride in I was looking forward to the return trip, but first there was a match to play. As Susan had previously indicated, Benton was a small club whose ground was not dissimilar to our own. There was a relatively small unsurfaced car park which we walked across to meet the Benton Coach by their club house. Well, clubhouse might be overselling it somewhat – it was a large wooden shed with a door marked “Changing” in the middle of the wall facing the car park and a serving hatch on the left end from which a young blond lady with a tunic an
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  20. Being a competitive swimmer comes with its perks. The most obvious being the killer figure I get to maintain in order to be a strong swimmer. Since I was a teen, I have been an eye-catcher for a lot of guys (and a few girls). But there are other perks, as well, some I didn't learn about until I started swimming for the college team. I vividly remember our first practice. I arrived and stepped into the locker room, feeling very much like a rookie among upper class girls who were already unpacking their duffle bags or slipping off garments. They chatted with each other as I sat my bag down on
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  21. First, it has been quite a long time that i haven't been here and i have some reading to catch up. Now to my story. I work in a big sport complex with gym, pool, spa ect and my job is cleaning pool and area. Events has been slow du to renovations in the lockerooms expansions and the pool area. The yoga instructor decided to do a big event for half a day on a saturday and they asked me to come in on that weekend. There was a miscommunication somewhere because the showers closed an the old toilets were out because they are replacing them with new ones which is something no one knew even my
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  22. As an impressionable 13 year old in the 70's my parents and our neighbours (who i always referred to as auntie and uncle) departed Portsmouth on a ferry heading for our annual holiday which this year would be Brittany in France. Weather was warm, and we seemingly got to our first stop fairly quickly. It was Bastille day so the evening was full of celebrations in every town. We all went to a restaurant for an evening meal, and being 13 i was drinking copious amounts of water and fizzy drinks all evening with the obvious effects.... We were half way through our main course when I had to ann
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  23. Hi all, I've wanted to write about this for a while, but my days have been pretty busy, so I thought I'd take a few minutes on this lazy Sunday morning and share with you my thoughts about the whole pee chat discussion that has come up a few times lately. I've been a member of WGP for about 4-5 months now and I've noticed an interesting trend with many of the male members on here with regards to the females. Now, this isn't my first rodeo and I do understand that this is a site with a sexual topic. None of us would be on here if we couldn't view or discuss this fun fetish we all have, rig
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  24. All dressed up in suit and tie :wink:
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  25. One quick sighting tonight. Walking down the street going home at about 1.30am I see a nightbus pull up and off step two girls. The bus leaves and I can see one go behind a newspaper stand whilst the other sits on her phone. I walked past the girl on her phone and behind the newspaper stand, and saw a girl with tights and bright pink knickers pulled down, in a high squat, peeing on the floor. When done she simply pulled her knickers and tights up, let her top down and left. No wiping at all! There must be very many such sightings on a night, where girls have been on the bus for a while and o
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  26. This morning, i decided to walk to work and get some breakfast.. On my way there, the urge struck me and the are not many places where you can go on the way. So I decided to in a park for kids, there are not many kids that go there and even less in this time of the year. So I went next to a slide and went in the sand. It was that or an accident waiting to happen so I went with option A.
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  27. Hi (whispering with a thin, trembling voice, so nervous to meet so many people, some, who might think, that I'm tolorable, some, who might think, that I'm hideous and annoying and I don't know what...), Anyway, I'm from Sweden and live in my own little cottage outside Sigtuna, a very old, small town, not far from Stockholm. I'm 20 y o (shit, am I that old; I don't feel older than 14, and I don't look older either; lucky I have my driver's licence to prove my age, when I go to the pub, hehe!). I'm rather small, about 155 centimeters. Well, I've given some further information about me on my
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  28. When Jenny had put down the phone, she went upstairs to pick what clothes she would wear today. The choice fell on a blue skirt and a red top with small white flowers. Maybe too much summer theme. But it´s not summer that long so it will work. She went in to the bathroom and started to undress. Then it was time for the morning shower. When she was standing under the water. She started to think about last night when she peed a couple of drops in her panties. “Why did I do it? I have never done that before. At least not on purpose. Maybe I was just excited about today. Sara and I will have a gr
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  29. After class, the new girl finally introduced herself as Susan. We shook hands and smiled as I felt drips down my legs from my still wet panties. "Let's go," Susan said. "I have to pee, too." We made our way through the crowd and out the door. I was a little surprised (or maybe not) when Susan walked right past the restroom. "That one gets too crowded," she said, "especially after class." We walked out of the building and started across campus. "Come on," she said. I wasn't sure what Susan had in mind as she walked briskly ahead of me and I dutifully followed. "So," she said, as we kept walki
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  30. Just in case you don't remember me, my name is Lindsey. I wrote to you before about living with my wealthy parents and being able to pee whenever and wherever I want. You can read about it here. School was rather boring that day (with one exception), but then the first day of classes usually are. Professors giving out syllabuses and talking about their rules and expectations. At least I had dressed cute for the day, a black skirt that reached just above my knees and a pink knit top with a low neckline and an interesting art design that resembled peacock feathers. I had my reasons for weari
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  31. Hi everybody :) Oh, fannywatcher, bpb and Kevin! I get so moved reading that you've been missing me and that you've been concerned about me. And fannywatcher, I haven't gone right away! I've had a bad depression for a long time. I've looked in from time to time but been to low to be able to write anything. But now I've reached the turning point and am getting better and better :).
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  32. I usually wet myself when cycling. I ride my bike quite often (not at the moment though because it's too cold and I hate the ice) and I wear a tri suit which is a nightmare to get out of at the best of times. I drink plenty of water and eventually I need to go. So, providing nobody is around, I'll just relax and wee through my suit. It's designed to get wet and is quick drying, and it's so convenient! I just shift my weight back a little, stop pedaling and let go. If I haven't wet while cycling I will when I get home. The suit isn't easy to get off when sweaty and needing the loo so I just s
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  33. Nope! Hardly ever wear panties. They just get in the way.
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  34. Hi all. I just hit 10,000 followers on my Tumblr blog (hotgirlspeeing.tumblr.com) this morning! I know a lot of you from here already follow me and I know this site has helped me build my following on there. I try to pimp out WGP every few weeks to drive some traffic here, too! If you haven't subscribed to my page yet, please do so!
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  35. It's not really related to this forum, site or whatever but I just had to express my excitement!!! MY S.O HAS GOT INTO PEEING!!! I am so excited it feels amazing to know that he knows all about me now - currently sending him all of my amazing peeing videos for him to enjoy ;)
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  36. I haven't done anything too crazy. I find naughty peeing very hot and it's a huge turn on. I almost always masturbate after I've peed somewhere naughty and it only takes a minute because I'm so turned on. Places I've peed is all around my backyard. It's fenced in. Ive peed on my fence sitting on a chair with my legs in the air, off the side of the trampoline, on my outdoor carpet, sitting in a pool tube, on a patio chair sitting on my deck, and squatted various places in the yard in the grass, or on the concrete near my deck. I don't like to make a mess in my own house so the only places I'v
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  37. At my parents house I had a large wooden shed at the bottom of there large garden which I used as a workshop and a hideaway, in it I had a bench etc. and an old leather armchair and a radio. One wet afternoon I was in the shed when my girlfriend walked in, I said I did not know she was there ( I had an intercom to the house so that I could go in if asked to ) she said that there was no-one in the house so she had come down to the shed to see if I was in. I said that I had to finish some work so she sat in the armchair, while I worked we had a few cans of lager. After a while as I had started
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  38. One Sunday afternoon me and my girlfriend were out walking our dog on the moors near Dartmoor Prison, on an old railway track bed. When we pasted a man sitting on a large rock, he said good afternoon and we replied good aftenoon back to him, just then a female stood up from behind the rock and joined him, we both think she was peeing behind this rock. As the afternoon walk went on I too needed a pee but my girlfriend was trying to be funny and not take the dog lead from me, and so here I am with the lead in my left hand and my thing in my right, standing on the track bed, my girlfriend stand
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  39. My first sighting of a girl peeing in public was when I was about 17. I had just passed my driving test, and was going out driving whenever I could find an excuse (even if I had to make one up! :D) This one day, I had gone driving and was sat at a seafront car park, eating some fish and chips, when a car pulls up a few feet away from mine. The passenger door opens, and this girl (14 or 15) wearing quite a short skirt turned in the seat, and then half-squatted. As she started squatting, I could see she had no panties on, and she let this huge piss stream out. Luckily the way I was sitting
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  40. A BIG glass of iced tea is our go-to. Neither of us are fans of yellow pee, so our trick is to fill up first, pee out the bad stuff, and then have fun with the rest! Once that first load is out, everything else just tastes like warm water. And, tea is a diuretic, so it goes through you a little faster! If you keep drinking, you can pee a good 6-8 times in an hour. We love to fuck on our balcony and I LOVE to pee on him out there! Also, if we're in the alcohol mood, margaritas are great and so are vodka mixes! We'll have to try the pineapple juice sometime, too. Great suggestion!
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  41. Today I took a quick walk through the woods. I was lucky! It was a quiet day, as it was midweek, so not as many people were out. I was walking through an area where there are shoulder-height bushes and shrubs as well as trees. I noticed to one side of me there was a guy who was pissing up against a tree. He finished and walked away from me towards the main path, where I saw a girl waiting for him. Would she....? She would. She handed him her handbag and gingerly stepped through the bushes to where the guy had been standing. She was about 6ft, with blonde shoulder length hair, curvy yet slim,
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  42. I was recently working out in a remote village in China, the toilets there varied from western style in the hotel, squat style in most restaurants to a couple of well positioned rocks at the poorer restaurants. one evening i was eating at one of the poorer restaurants when the call of nature arose, i asked the woman working there where the restroom was, she grabbed a torch from behind a small table opened a door at the back of the restaurant and ushered me out into an overgrown patch of garden. she turned on the torch and shone it at the bushes. I soon realised that this was to be the toil
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  43. Most recent was my wife on the toilet this morning (which I get to see most days). Most recent other than my wife on the toilet was a little while ago now. I haven't seen any yet this year :frown: but I did see a few last year. I can't remember which of them was the most recent, so I'll just go with one that I enjoyed a lot. I was at a parking area on the side of a dual carriageway. This place has a cafe with toilets accessed from the outside. However, when the cafe closes, they also lock the toilets. The cafe closes quite early - about 3:30pm as it is really a breakfast and lunch pla
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