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    • I agree, looked like a very long pee. 12-14 hours of holding can't be healthy, but you have to do what you have to do. If you ever measure or records longer pees, please post about it.
    • It's one of my favorite hotel room passtimes when I'm on the road.  Usually there's two beds in the room.  I save one for peeing, and one for sleeping.  When It's time to pee, I get under the covers of my "pee bed" nude, and pee all over myself.  Then I start edging while rubbing my cock and rolling around in my piss soaked bed.  After about 5 really good piss sessions, I bring myself to orgasm and come all over the sheets that I've soaked.
    • This is one of my favorite genre of piss videos. Here are ones I've collected from thisvid. I particularly love the ones on the train, where movement makes it impossible to aim anyway, though these guys clearly weren't trying hard to begin with!   https://thisvid.com/videos/piss-spy-200-piss-splash-cam/ https://thisvid.com/videos/piss-spy-194-the-sprinkler/ https://thisvid.com/playlist/348779/video/messy-piss-in-train-toilet/ https://thisvid.com/playlist/348779/video/using-a-traintoilet-again/ https://thisvid.com/playlist/348779/video/messy-piss8/ https://thisvid.com/playlist/348779/video/messy-toilet6/ https://thisvid.com/playlist/348779/video/quick-power-piss-in-mobile-toilet/
    • Luca decides it’s time to up the ante once again by pushing Zack to his limit in a dark theater. Chapter 4: The movie theater -- Luca's perspective -- Luca was having a hard time hiding his smile as they drove to the movie theater. Zack thought they were just going to have a nice time at the movie, but Luca had other plans. The movie they were going to see, Oppenheimer, was a full 3 hours long and Luca had no intention of letting Zack use the restroom. He did let him pee before they left the house - he still wanted Zack to have a fair chance. But as they settled into their seats, Zack with a giant cup of Dr. Pepper, Luca was already starting to fantasize.  It wasn’t until about halfway through the movie that Luca noticed Zack starting to get a bit fidgety - the first sign that he needed a restroom. From that point on Luca could hardly focus on the movie (not that he’d been that into it anyways - this was more Zack’s type of movie). He kept glancing over at Zack as the larger man shifted in his seat. Finally, about 2 hours in, the moment Luca had been waiting for when Zack leaned over to whisper in his ear.  “Luca… can I go out to pee?” he asked, and Luca smiled. “Hmm… no,” he responded just as quietly. “I wouldn’t want you to miss any of the movie.” Even in the dark theater he didn’t miss the way Zack glared at him, but he made a point of ignoring the look and instead looking ahead at the screen. A few minutes later he gave Zack a kiss on the cheek and stood up. “Be right back, gotta pee,” he said before heading out to take care of his own business.  -- Zack’s perspective -- Zack could hardly believe his boyfriend’s audacity when Luca left to go to the bathroom just minutes after he’d asked. When Luca came back he stomped on his foot, not hard enough to hurt him but just to make a point. And of course the little shit just patted him on the knee and kept watching the movie, never taking his eyes off the screen. I know him, I know he doesn’t give a shit about this movie. Dick. He’d stopped drinking his soda, knowing that he was screwed if he put any more liquid into his body. But the pressure in his bladder continued to mount, and he hesitantly checked his phone to see what time it was, ignoring the glares this earned him. Still 45 minutes left in the movie, and he was starting to shake with desperation already. He had no chance of making it.  “Luca…” he tried again, the desperation now audible in his voice. “I have to go, now.” Luca did look at him then, but he just smiled innocently and shrugged.  “You can go after the movie,” he told him again. “If you really couldn’t handle it, you’d use your safeword.” Zack didn’t miss the more genuine look Luca gave him after that, and he realized that Luca was inviting him to use his safeword, to give him a way out if he really couldn’t handle this. Despite his frustration and embarrassment as the pressure in his bladder grew, he couldn’t help but smile just a bit at the gesture. But then he glared at Luca again.  “Fuck off,” he whispered, then turned back towards the screen. He took a deep breath, trying desperately to hold it together. He managed to hold on for another 20 minutes, his panic rising, before finally he couldn’t do it anymore. It was the midst of a quiet scene, and although nobody looked at him, he was sure that everyone could hear the hissing sound as he started to pee. He immediately covered his face, appalled by what was happening, but he was helpless to stop the flow once it started.  Piss flooded his underwear, then his pants, before pooling in the seat under him. The theater had those cushy leather reclining chairs, so very little dripped onto the floor. Instead, the puddle grew under him as he pissed out most of an extra large soda. By the end, he was left sitting in a massive warm puddle, the movie all but forgotten as he panicked over the realization that he would have to walk out of the theater in his wet pants.  He glanced at Luca, but his boyfriend didn’t seem to have realized yet what had happened. He closed his eyes and took shaky breaths and tried to calm his nerves through the rest of the movie, still sitting and soaking in his cooling mess. -- Luca’s perspective -- Luca felt a twinge of disappointment when the movie ended and he’d heard nothing further from Zack. It’s not too late… won’t it be fun if he pisses himself on the way to the bathroom? He smiled at his boyfriend.  “There, that wasn’t too hard, now was it?” he asked. But then the lights came on, and he saw the mortified expression on Zack’s face. Immediately he looked down at his crotch. It was hard to make out in the dim light, but that was definitely a wet patch on the front of his pants. Luca had to bite his lip to keep himself from moaning when he realized that Zack had pissed himself. Shit, how long has he been sitting in a puddle? He smiled and ran a hand through his boyfriend’s hair. “Ready to go?” he asked.  Luca had to practically drag Zack out of the theater. Once they were out in the brightly lit hallway, Luca could see that his crotch and ass were completely soaked, and his gray sweatpants were noticeably darkened. The theater wasn’t particularly busy, but it wasn’t empty either. Zack didn’t say a word as they walked down the long hallway, through the lobby, and across the parking lot, and Luca delighted in the strange looks from the people who noticed Zack’s situation.
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