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  2. Pfft XD alright fair, I guess he gets overpowered
  3. Theirs no need for that when you have no aim Abby in the house
  4. That happened to me a few times as well, though I hope he cleans his mess afterwards haha
  5. Ya im not a expert in this field but sometimes he gives up shooting everything in the toilet.
  6. As an uncut guy as well weirdly enough for me it's the opposite, if I retract my foreskin the stream gets a lot messier, since it's more pressurised while if I leave my foreskin as it is, I feel like it acts as a sort of funnel. Morphology differences then ig XD
  7. My lifelong urophagia began at a young age while discovering and exploring my body. In the bathtub, I’d toy with my penis and urinate on myself. I got kicks out of seeing my urine arc through the air and catching it in my mouth. My first sexual encounter with another person happened when I tried to socialize with three other boys. “Hey you guys!”, I said. One of them rudely replied, “Suck my dick!”. Hearing his words, I felt tingling sensations spread throughout my body. Looking at the ground, I sheepishly said, “Okay” expecting nothing more than to be mocked and laughed at. Immediately I hea
  8. Today
  9. So my bf has been telling me that guys purposely miss the toilet like sometimes when he pissing in bathroom in a stall he usually paying attention to his phone than his stream plus he’s uncircumcised so he has a heavy spray factor which sometimes he makes a mess in our bathroom on the toilet sides, the sink wall, and the wall behind the toilet
  10. This really does remind me of high school 😁
  11. I share one about my aunt we were in her friend’s car and my aunt was wearing some loose pink shorts and panties. My was sitting next to me and she scooted over to face me as I turn I saw a wild unkempt thick ginger bush sticking out from the shorts and I caught a glimpse on her pussy she lit a cigarette up and casually scratched her pubic hair. (My Aunt is 15 years older than my mom)
  12. I don’t mind either, they both have their advantages. But if I had to choose, I have always preferred my porn hairy. The pre pubescent look does nothing for me.😁
  13. Hello and welcome.🙏 I love your choice of username incidentally.😍
  14. Do you flush or let your piss there ? And yeah I don't understand why he walk forward in the end, most of the dudes just let the stream finish on the floor. Not your place not your problem lol.
  15. I used to piss behind my wardrobe I did this so often
  16. I've seen one at a Railway Station. I was on an escalator heading up when a pretty young thing was coming down the other side. A train arrived, pushing air up the escalator tunnel, and it puffed her skirt up. Totally bare under it, she had shopping in both hands, couldn't do much about it and it was all over before she could. As we passed each other, I smiled, gave her a nod, and got a small rueful smile in return.
  17. I've had not one, but two different teenage incidents where I had to pee in mall drinking fountains because the restrooms were locked. The first time was in the middle of the afternoon, making it especially terrifying. I remember I was 16 and it was summer time, so I'd been drinking a lot of water. Unlike the rich kids at my school, I was still dependent on public transportation to get around. This meant a lot of time between restrooms, starting at the bus stop. I would already have a full bladder before the bus even arrived. Then I would endure the shakey ride with all the stops. W
  18. Oh, its fun trip I will share some fun experiences
  19. Yes, technically you're not as far along. So there will be 2 to 1 1/2 months where you'll be the only pregnant woman in the house. But for now, you're both different degrees of pregnant at the same time. Damn, that's gotta be a trip.
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