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Sophie - Ask Me Anything

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1 hour ago, Sophie said:

Of course you can! 🙃

It of course varies from person to person but usually I can work it out quite quickly, the ones who truly get it often seem more engaged in their work and will often be answering my question to themselves sometimes before I've even finished. Those who understand the subject enough to do well in their exams but maybe don't have a deeper understanding tend to be a little quieter  and if you ask them a question but in a different way they might take a little longer to come up with an answer, or have a little difficulty explaining and expanding on their answer. Of course everyone is different and we can't group them like this but you get the idea. 

I giggle after sex. If the orgasm is a really good one, after the release I get really really giggly to the point where my husband can't kiss me properly on the lips. I'm feeling really good and floating on a wave of sheer bliss, still feeling little orgasmic aftershocks and the emotions are so overwhelming that I just giggle uncontrollably! 

Thanks @Sophie! Great answers as always 🙂. The description of your pupils is an interesting one, and of course, everyone is different and needs specific teaching support. I would make a poor teacher!

Oh, and I have a mental picture of a giggling Sophie in my head now. That's going to take a while to shift 😉

Thanks again.

Edited by Kupar
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On 9/2/2021 at 8:35 AM, Kupar said:


Oh, and I have a mental picture of a giggling Sophie in my head now. 

I often have a mental image in my head of Sophie with a naughty grin. In my imagination she is generally peeing on my carpet at the time.

Sadly, the only place this has ever happened has been in my imagination.

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  • 2 weeks later...
5 hours ago, Eliminature said:

What is your favourite sandwich filling? Mine is Marmite! That's a point. Marmite: Do you love it or hate it? 

Funnily enough, Marmite is also my favourite filling. I love the stuff! For as long as I can remember I've not gone more than a week without a Marmite sandwich or Marmite on toast. Had Marmite in a sausage sandwich the other night. When I was at school I had a Marmite sandwich every day for my dinner. So that's 5 sandwiches a week, every week, for 16 years. Assuming 200 school days a year that is 3200 sandwiches. Yum! 🥪 

Fantastic question 😀

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6 hours ago, Sophie said:

Funnily enough, Marmite is also my favourite filling. I love the stuff! For as long as I can remember I've not gone more than a week without a Marmite sandwich or Marmite on toast. Had Marmite in a sausage sandwich the other night. When I was at school I had a Marmite sandwich every day for my dinner. So that's 5 sandwiches a week, every week, for 16 years. Assuming 200 school days a year that is 3200 sandwiches. Yum! 🥪 

Fantastic question 😀

Follow up question; Have you tried/do you like Vegemite? It's the Australian version of Marmite. When I was in UK, I always bought Marmite because I couldn't find Vegemite in the stores, although I see Tescos now sell it: Results for “vegemite” - Tesco Groceries

So glad to hear you and Eliminature like Marmite, lol.

Edited by UnauthorisedGuy
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  • 4 weeks later...

A question from real life:

You need to design a circuit to solve a clocking problem. You look at the design and see multiple options.  You have a deadline to meet.  Do you:

  • Take the quickest route and solve the specific problem
  • Take a slightly longer time but design a simpler/more elegant/more re-usable solution
  • Take the longest time and design a solution that solves the problem and provides additional, not yet needed, clocking options

I see this as a good measure of personality.  My brother and I took different approaches ... what would you do?

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On 9/23/2021 at 1:24 AM, UnauthorisedGuy said:

Follow up question; Have you tried/do you like Vegemite? It's the Australian version of Marmite. When I was in UK, I always bought Marmite because I couldn't find Vegemite in the stores, although I see Tescos now sell it: Results for “vegemite” - Tesco Groceries

So glad to hear you and Eliminature like Marmite, lol.

I read this shortly after it was posted but it completely slipped my mind! I'm sorry 😞

I've never tried Vegemite before but in a way I am curious. Brits say Marmite is better but Aussie's say Vegemite is better. I don't want to buy a tub of the stuff and then not like it.

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On 10/16/2021 at 2:13 AM, DoctorDoctor said:


What are your favorite beverages?



My favourite beverages would be Dr Pepper or Lilt for soft drinks and Galaxy Hot Chocolate for something hot, but I will enjoy a Nescafe instant coffee during the day.

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On 10/16/2021 at 12:15 PM, Sexismygod said:

A question from real life:

You need to design a circuit to solve a clocking problem. You look at the design and see multiple options.  You have a deadline to meet.  Do you:

  • Take the quickest route and solve the specific problem
  • Take a slightly longer time but design a simpler/more elegant/more re-usable solution
  • Take the longest time and design a solution that solves the problem and provides additional, not yet needed, clocking options

I see this as a good measure of personality.  My brother and I took different approaches ... what would you do?

Amazing question!

I would take a slightly longer time but design a simpler/more leegant/more re-usable solution.  I believe something, an item, a product, some software, should do one thing and do it well. It should excel at it's task instead of being a jack of all trades.  Things that have lots of features and do multiple things can be good, but there's always a sacrifice somewhere, whether that is in quality, reliabilty or something else. Take a Swiss Army Knife for example, it can do many things, lots of things, but it's never as good as a dedicated tool for those tasks. A proper knife is always going to be better, a proper screwdriver, a proper nail file.

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37 minutes ago, Sophie said:

Amazing question!

I would take a slightly longer time but design a simpler/more leegant/more re-usable solution.  I believe something, an item, a product, some software, should do one thing and do it well. It should excel at it's task instead of being a jack of all trades.  Things that have lots of features and do multiple things can be good, but there's always a sacrifice somewhere, whether that is in quality, reliabilty or something else. Take a Swiss Army Knife for example, it can do many things, lots of things, but it's never as good as a dedicated tool for those tasks. A proper knife is always going to be better, a proper screwdriver, a proper nail file.

Seems you and I have something new in common.  I also created the simpler, more elegant solution (in this case, that basically means fewer components).  It did everything it needed to, plus a little, in what I considered a tidy, cost effective way.  I call this "artist mode".

My brother built the Swiss Army knife.  His circuit included multiple clock outputs with multiple duty cycles.  It was a complete solution.  He went the "perfectionist" route.  To his credit, he got a patent for his design, I didn't.  😂

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9 hours ago, Sophie said:

I read this shortly after it was posted but it completely slipped my mind! I'm sorry 😞

I've never tried Vegemite before but in a way I am curious. Brits say Marmite is better but Aussie's say Vegemite is better. I don't want to buy a tub of the stuff and then not like it.

I like Vegemite better, but maybe that's just because I've had Vegemite all my life, and Marmite only when I've been visiting the UK. I'm not sure why Tesco sell Vegemite in a large bottle - over here you can buy it in much smaller bottles.

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On 10/26/2021 at 12:31 PM, MC Cumzy said:

Have you ever peed outside with your daughters?

Once or twice, it's not really something I've made a habit of but there has been times where the three of us need to pee and there was no toilets. I'd usually squat in the middle with them either side next to me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/28/2021 at 2:15 PM, Sophie said:

Once or twice, it's not really something I've made a habit of but there has been times where the three of us need to pee and there was no toilets. I'd usually squat in the middle with them either side next to me. 

I had two questions and couldn't decide which to ask so I'll be cheeky and ask both!!


Have you had to wee outside when you're with the kids but it was just you that had to go? How did you approach this with them and where was it?


Secondly, when was the last time you were caught weeing somewhere that isn't the toilet by someone else? Caught as in a stranger spotted you or anyone who you didn't tell you were going for a wee.


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Hi @Sophie. A question popped into my head as K was reading an old letter to me from the time she was a teaching assistant overseas, and she describes how terrified she was before her first lesson. 

Do you remember how you felt before you stood up to teach a real class of real pupils for the first time? Were you very nervous - perhaps wetting-yourself nervous 😉? Had you gone past that, to the "I don't care what happens - I just want the next 45 minutes to be over"? Or were you calm, confident, well-prepared and instantly in control of the class? And do you remember whether the pupils behaved nicely for you?

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14 hours ago, Kupar said:

Hi @Sophie. A question popped into my head as K was reading an old letter to me from the time she was a teaching assistant overseas, and she describes how terrified she was before her first lesson. 

Do you remember how you felt before you stood up to teach a real class of real pupils for the first time? Were you very nervous - perhaps wetting-yourself nervous 😉? Had you gone past that, to the "I don't care what happens - I just want the next 45 minutes to be over"? Or were you calm, confident, well-prepared and instantly in control of the class? And do you remember whether the pupils behaved nicely for you?

To add onto what Kupar has said if that is okay, How did you deal with your first problematic student, that one student who didn't listen, kept on talking whilst you were talking, being rude and all that, kind of got curious about that to be honest.

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On 11/9/2021 at 5:19 PM, jmatthews1995 said:

Well, seeing as it's ask anything.

Would you rather, 

A) Never be allowed to wipe after a pee.

B) Never be allowed to wear socks. (You're not allowed to change the shoes you already wear). 


Oh that's easy! Never be allowed to wipe after a pee. I can drip dry and my underwear would help a lot, I'd just change a few times a day. I couldn't go without socks, my poor feet! 

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On 11/9/2021 at 10:15 PM, IEnjoyPiss said:

To add onto what Kupar has said if that is okay, How did you deal with your first problematic student, that one student who didn't listen, kept on talking whilst you were talking, being rude and all that, kind of got curious about that to be honest.

That's okay! 

I asked them to stop a few times and gave them wayyyyy more chances than I really should. I eventually asked them to leave the classroom and they had a break time detention. I tried to ask them why they behaved that way in my class but I was only told "because it's shit" Insightful... 

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