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How Did Get Into Peeing and What age ?

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Guest UnabashedUser
On 7/28/2016 at 4:07 AM, Gasping said:

. I had a rather straight girlfriend at one time who once fondled my cock while she was sitting on a toilet and peeing.

Wife and I have been doing the toilet-she pees-blows-wanks-me scene for quite a while. Here's a true story about one time we did this:

Posted August 17, 2016

After we dated for a couple of months we'd decided to live together as our libidos, life styles and personalities were compatible and we just couldn't keep our hands off each other.

We both wanted sex a lot -- and that meant we had to be together a lot. As my apartment was the size of a shoebox, we shopped for a joint place that was in much better condition and had more room and was more convenient for Bonnie to go to work.

As pee was part of our relationship, the bathroom was most important. And as such, we both took the opportunity to use the commode at every apartment we surveyed.

One older place had a large toilet, made in the 20's , huge by today's standards. It was also higher off the floor than a modern crapper--ancient overhead tank. It had an oversized seat as well, which suits Bonnie's ample ass perfectly.

As we looked at it, Bonnie whispered (as the rental agent was nearby outside) "Hey babe -- lets try this out", and lowering her panties and hiking up her dress, sits on the seat. She invitingly spreads open her huge outer pussy lips and adjusts herself so that she's seated forward on the bowl.

I unzip and flop out my fuckstick which is already stiffening and move towards her, skinning it back to expose it's reddened head, knowing that I need to pee and waiting for the first drops to be released. Bonnie is now licking her fingers and transferring that moisture to her inner lips and clit, getting it lubed for masturbation as is her habit.

Bonnie now takes out just one of her voluminous breasts and flops it over her dress top, its ruddy nipple the size of my little finger jutting towards me invitingly. At that moment I take my wanger and rub it on her nipple. She moans as her fingers continue the circling of her now engorged clit frequently moving down to masturbate her protruding butthole.

Now I feel the pee starting, and move back as she grasps my balls with her other hand and I aim my stream directly at her moist gap which she widens to receive my foamy pee. It cascades down her meaty flaps into her crevice onto her clit, down past her cuntal opening where it makes the sound like the blowing of air across a bottle, and then rushes along her 'taint, swirls about her butthole, and into the toilet noisily.

Suddenly Bonnie's piss begins to flow and mixes with mine in a golden river of urine, hers hissing as it loudly does across her pissflap, furiously now roiling the waters of the toilet, her gasps and moans of pleasure urging me to greater hardness.

Now I am almost finished pissing and my cock is in her hand as she continues her stream and leans forward to take my convulsive shaft and head into her full and generous mouth, her tongue lapping the underside of the head, directly on the man-clit, which is my most sensitive part as she pulls down on the shaft and up on my balls.

As her final drips leave her asshole and pussy, my balls spring open their valve and copious quantities of my whitehot spew fly from my purple engorged cockhead and into her gasping mouth,where much of it slides from her lips and drains down my shaft to moisten my ballsack.

We both collapse in each other's arms, mopping up the remains of our ejaculations and urine with toilet paper, then reassemble our garments. The air in the bathroom is full of the aroma of piss and cum and pussy, and we hope the rental agent doesn't notice.

If she did, she didn't say, but her cheeks were flushed as if she had heard something. It's pretty obvious that we've both just cum as we try to walk normally and breath regularly.

Edited by UnabashedUser
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5 hours ago, weequeen said:

Nice thread, first post here.

I’ve always been interested in pee, ever since I was young. First time I saw a male’s parts was my mom’s friend’s son. I was probably about 9. and we showed each other our parts, then he showed me what he could do - pee standing up against the tree. I tried the same but it just got on my shoes and into a puddle lol. Then it would come up again with some of my friends as I got older (all girls). One friend, M, she would invite me into the bathroom with her when she’d have to pee; she would take off all her clothes and sat on the toilet and peed. This happened ages 10-14ish. Said she just wanted someone in there with her and we were friends so it was alright. It made me really excited but I didn’t know why (at least then, lol), but I looked forward to when I would spend time at her house and her mom was not there/busy and my friend had to pee. It was so interesting to see. I was more shy but then I began doing the same, and she encouraged it and I was happy to do so. She lived in the country and there was a lot of land and trees. We would climb trees, and she had the fun idea to straddle branches and pee on them through our shorts and panties. Watering the trees, we’d say. We would stay outside until our shorts dried. She eventually moved away and the games stopped... Then as I grew up I had another friend S. She also had not a lot of supervision at her house. We dared each other to drink a lot of water and soda and hold it as long as we could. Then we would lie under her bed and pee. It was one of those really fuzzy rugs so after we would do it we would just put it in the wash, ha. We knew it was naughty but it was fun. Then we began to dare each other to pee in other places, humping a pillow and wetting it, and then in cups to see who could pee the most, going outside and digging a hole and filling it up, wetting our dance leotards... I thought it was some childhood game but it was the foundation of a fetish. It ended with her when she got caught by her mom peeing on her rug. I haven’t talked to either of these friends since about those ages but I wonder if they still think of it or have the same fetish.

Then as I got older I realized that it is more than just Games.... in senior year of high school my friend got really drunk and she just moved her panties and skirt aside pissed on the ground and I was transfixed. After that I kept thinking of it, but I was shamed of it (as well as it being a female). But I began exploring it some nevertheless... I was out with one of my guy friends at an old abandoned school, we went into the bathroom there where there were urinals. He used it and I did too, turning around and squatting. I hadn’t seen a guy pee since I was young and that fascinated me as well.

I realized it was a fetish when I got my own laptop and could google freely lol. I was out of high school and stumbled across it something and then I was like wow yes that’s for me.

and that’s my long story 

i love stories like this where girls encourage each other to be naughty and piss in places where they're not supposed to 😈

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18 hours ago, weequeen said:

Nice thread, first post here.

I’ve always been interested in pee, ever since I was young. First time I saw a male’s parts was my mom’s friend’s son. I was probably about 9. and we showed each other our parts, then he showed me what he could do - pee standing up against the tree. I tried the same but it just got on my shoes and into a puddle lol. Then it would come up again with some of my friends as I got older (all girls). One friend, M, she would invite me into the bathroom with her when she’d have to pee; she would take off all her clothes and sat on the toilet and peed. This happened ages 10-14ish. Said she just wanted someone in there with her and we were friends so it was alright. It made me really excited but I didn’t know why (at least then, lol), but I looked forward to when I would spend time at her house and her mom was not there/busy and my friend had to pee. It was so interesting to see. I was more shy but then I began doing the same, and she encouraged it and I was happy to do so. She lived in the country and there was a lot of land and trees. We would climb trees, and she had the fun idea to straddle branches and pee on them through our shorts and panties. Watering the trees, we’d say. We would stay outside until our shorts dried. She eventually moved away and the games stopped... Then as I grew up I had another friend S. She also had not a lot of supervision at her house. We dared each other to drink a lot of water and soda and hold it as long as we could. Then we would lie under her bed and pee. It was one of those really fuzzy rugs so after we would do it we would just put it in the wash, ha. We knew it was naughty but it was fun. Then we began to dare each other to pee in other places, humping a pillow and wetting it, and then in cups to see who could pee the most, going outside and digging a hole and filling it up, wetting our dance leotards... I thought it was some childhood game but it was the foundation of a fetish. It ended with her when she got caught by her mom peeing on her rug. I haven’t talked to either of these friends since about those ages but I wonder if they still think of it or have the same fetish.

Then as I got older I realized that it is more than just Games.... in senior year of high school my friend got really drunk and she just moved her panties and skirt aside pissed on the ground and I was transfixed. After that I kept thinking of it, but I was shamed of it (as well as it being a female). But I began exploring it some nevertheless... I was out with one of my guy friends at an old abandoned school, we went into the bathroom there where there were urinals. He used it and I did too, turning around and squatting. I hadn’t seen a guy pee since I was young and that fascinated me as well.

I realized it was a fetish when I got my own laptop and could google freely lol. I was out of high school and stumbled across it something and then I was like wow yes that’s for me.

and that’s my long story 

Super hot story and thanks for sharing. Great first post!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Please see my “starting” experience recorded in the Childhood pee experiences section. Without knowing why (at that age) I started to take much more interest in girls – mainly to look at their knickers!

Note: this is in England mid 1950’s Junior school – 7 to 11yrs – mixed classes, the girls uniform was white blouse, green gymslip, green knickers and white socks.

This event happened towards the end of being in Junior school so we would have been around 10yrs old.

The girl who sat in front of me was the teacher’s pet (it helped that her aunt was the assistant head). She was the one that all the teachers (and I suspect many parents) said why can’t you be like “Nancy”. The other girls were getting into giving her a hard time (mainly verbally) and to avoid them she decided she liked getting out of class at the last lesson a few minutes early by asking to go to the toilet. This gave her a head start to grab her coat and get out of school before the other girls could catch her.

The plan worked for a few days, but finally the class teacher realised what was happening and on Friday afternoon when Nancy put her hand up and asked to “be excused” the teacher said “its only a minute or two till the bell you can wait”. As it turned out she had miscalculated and couldn’t!

She bounced up and down on her seat a few times and then I saw her pee start to soak the rear of her gym slip and run off the back of the seat to start forming a puddle on the floor. The teacher saw and yelled something like “Oh run you silly girl – Go!” which she did! The bell rang as she got to the door so we all rushed out to go home.

She must have had a really full bladder as there were pee spots all the way from her desk across the classroom and then all down the corridor to the girl’s toilets which were at the end of the corridor. I walked slowly down the corridor towards the girl’s toilets looking at the spots on the concrete hoping to see anything more, but the news had travelled fast and her aunt was heading at full speed to the toilets so I kept walking out!

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It's first time I'm telling my story, I like I found like-mined persons here.

I got into peeing at 7 years. When during summer I lived in datcha(Russian variant of suburbs) I used to play with girl same age. She liked to show her piss and we played doctor ofk, nothing sexual. But i was interesting how girls can pee such big streams.  Next year we hadn't done anything like this, but thoughts in my brain about big girls streams were like worm. When I was 10 I opened internet for myself. I tried to explore something about this, but had found only http://fpfamily.narod.ru/Contents.htm. It became my guide for a long time. I didn't know English, couldn't watch videos because of bad net connection and being watched by mom and granny(I lived in classic Russian one-sex family, mom and granny, grandpa used to work a lot and was a little bit henpecked(I hope it's right term)). Later I learned how to find porn and jerk off by my classmates, and found I have a pee kink, but I hadn't knew that it's named this way. I also liked to read pee stories. And till today I never watch classic sex porn, only girls peeing. Not on humans, just piss.  

Edited by gldenwetgoose
Minor reword to comply with Rule 2 - References to events/memories whilst you were a minor may be acceptable if they are not sexual.
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So I’ve engaged in quite a bit of self reflection on this topic. While there are a couple of instances from my youth I can remember, one of the earliest was this particular passage from the book Indian in the Cupboard which we had to read for school. It really stuck with me at the time and makes more sense in hindsight and from my adult perspective!

The context of the quote is that teenage hooligans have broken into the main characters house and one of them is going to piss on the bed. 

Edit: had issues linking properly. It’s the 7th search results down from google books. 


Edited by Hallmarker
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On 12/23/2023 at 4:03 PM, botnavas said:

It's first time I'm telling my story, I like I found like-mined persons here.

I got into peeing at 7 years. When during summer I lived in datcha(Russian variant of suburbs) I used to play with girl same age. She liked to show her piss and we played doctor ofk, nothing sexual. But i was interesting how girls can pee such big streams.  Next year we hadn't done anything like this, but thoughts in my brain about big girls streams were like worm. When I was 10 I opened internet for myself. I tried to explore something about this, but had found only http://fpfamily.narod.ru/Contents.htm. It became my guide for a long time. I didn't know English, couldn't watch videos because of bad net connection and being watched by mom and granny(I lived in classic Russian one-sex family, mom and granny, grandpa used to work a lot and was a little bit henpecked(I hope it's right term)). When I was 12 I was learned how to find porn and jerk off by my classmates, and found I have a pee kink, but I hadn't knew that it's named this way. I also liked to read pee stories. And till today I never watch classic sex porn, only girls peeing. Not on humans, just piss.  

Unfortunately, I don't speak Russian, but that website looks very interesting, with a lot of useful information. 

So even little girls could get huge streams, that's very interesting. Does it mean they are holding it too, or that they have so huge bladders already? That's something to think about. 

Luckily, there's lot of Russian videos in this topic we love, women peeing...

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I remember when I was very young the two boys who lived next door used to piss everywhere in the yard. My mom was always complaining about how bad they were and how bad their mother must be. One afternoon I drank an entire can of Orange Crush that someone had left in the fridge. We did usually have soda in the house so it was a lucky find. I went out front and found a section of the yard you couldn’t see from the house and pissed in the bushes and felt like a king. I’m not entirely sure how I decided you couldn’t see it from the house but I was definitely facing our street and not particularly sheltered by a few early spring bushes.

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I was encouraged to pee any place I cared to outdoors at a very early age. But at age 6 I peed on my bedroom wall a few times, and was caught as the evidence was in plain sight. I know I did it again after that, but was probably scolded more severely, so I stopped doing that. I did my purposeful first naughty pee at about age 15 in a stairwell and never looked back!

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I can remember back in like fourth grade I went to a catholic school and we were sitting in class doing our assignments and all of a sudden I heard this splashing on the floor and this girl Ann who was sitting in front of me totally pissed her pants. The teacher came over to her and asked why she didn’t ask to go to the bathroom and she didn’t say anything she just started crying. The teacher sent her to the nurses office and they called her mother and her mother brought pants to change her and about 2 hours later she was back in class. I think all of us really felt bad because we never said anything to her about it but I thought it was kind of interesting.

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I always find this an interesting topic for discussion. I love the fact that the internet has enabled people, such ourselves in this forum, to be able to talk about it freely with no worry of embarrassment or shame. 

For me, my interest definitely originated from a number of distinct non-sexual experiences during childhood. The usual stuff such as us kids peeing in the garden in the summer or wandering into the bathroom.

Fast forward to when I was 18 and I (forgive the pun!) 'came upon' a uk-based porn magazine called 'Private'. There was a fictional story in there about a woman who was an undercover agent.
She was seducing some guy to get information out of him and at one point she told him she needed to pee before they carried on. The guy expressed an interest to watch (who wouldn't!?) 
and I always remember the line in the story where she told the reader "I dont mind if a guy wants to watch me pee". I pretty much shot my load when I read this and the description that followed.
The concept of a woman even just saying she's happy for me to watch her pee or 'would you like to watch' to this day still gives me an instant hard on. So that story definitely started it for me. I would love to track down a copy of that magazine! What was interesting is that this was the late 70's and at that point I'd not actually seen a photo of a woman peeing, let alone experienced it first hand. This was just a passage of text and the visuals that it created in my mind. That that was enough to turn me on and in way I never had been aroused before.
It was not until years later with creation of the internet that I finally got to see actual pictures or (better still) videos.
It was also because of the internet that I realised, given the sheer volume of pictures of people peeing that I realised I was not alone which, until that point, I had simply no measure of.
To be able to talk about it in this forum is amazing. What I also found such an exciting revelation too was the fact that there are women in this forum who are also into it and that it's not just a male interest.

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Very very first time I got excited by it I was a toddler.  Yep.  Sat on the back of a baby bathtub thing that goes in the actual tub and peed on it.  Felt SO naughty.  I just remember my heart pounding while I watched the pee come out & land on the flat back part of the tub.  I wet occasionally by myself all through childhood and even had a panty wetting friend around age 9 who would do it w. me every time she spent the night.  We'd just make little wet patches because we didn't wanna get in trouble.  But omg I'm so lucky to have experienced that. I got caught and yelled at many times by my mom because I wasn't very stealthy at all.  Never had an actual accident in my whole life, oddly enough.    


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I actually found my fetish due to a misunderstanding about porn terms. I was 12 and reading an erotic fiction. It was poorly written and probably garbage, but the writer kept making the girls say things about being so wet. So my little horny brain looked up, "How to make girls wet themselves". from that I found Misterpoll and the stories there stirred something in me. I've been hooked since. 

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