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Your first pee website...


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I'm curious to know what pee website(s) you first remember finding/joining? From there, you probably went on to find lots of others, but where did your online pee journey begin?

For those who have been using pee sites a particularly long time, I'd be curious to know about some of the very first pee websites that existed (and whether they're still running?)

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I am rather new to this subject.

WGP is the only Pee site that I have ever been on.

I found my way here from YouTube with a billboard announcing that WGP had the part that YouTube left out.

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Patches Place here as well, loads of others since sadly most feature professional models, I am more into the amateur/voyeur/home made stuff so a latter favourite was pisshunters.com

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My start was actually before the internet, with adult BBS's, signed on to with a modem... could take up to an hour to download a (by today's standards) fairly small picture... which was selected by the name and if you were lucky a very short description... And then you could open it up and usually be disappointed... lol.

I got on the internet probably in '97, and fairly soon was searching for pee content... I remember patches place, and was quite active in the chat on Elite Gold at one time... that was probably around 2000. I was there when it was being "hacked" all the time by a gang of bored teenagers who liked to make fun of us... Later I socialized with some of the gang members, but that was not about pee...

And since then... random here and there... I remember all the names and sites Egwalrus mentions...

Hard to believe its been that long...

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My first site was a Japanese called Giga.jp if I recall correctly. Not only pee if you understand. Must have been in 92-93 somewhere. Surfed from work and had to be very early or late to have acces to the one line we had. Then in 94 I built my first own computer and got a modem which made all easier but painfully slow.

Stumeister was also a favorite for years and also Fatsospeeplace.com which is still active.

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I did not get around to going online until the very end of 2009 so am relatively new to it. Would be lost without it now though - my laptop has long supplanted my TV as the main source of entertainment in the room.

Very first thing I did right at the start was seek out loads of peeing porn - prior to that I'd been relying on imported vids from Amsterdam via snail mail, lol. Can't remember all the sites I found but two of the ones I found on the very first day were xvideos.com and Eroprofile. Peeteevee and T'nA flix have also been bookmarked since very early on.

I stumbled across peeforums relatively early too, but having always been in the closet about my fetish, I was wholly uncomfortable at first with the idea of actualy talking about it. So I occasionally browsed but without joining. But eventually, the anonymity that the internet provided enabled me to plack up the courage and - for the very first time ever in my life - start interacting with others about my interest in pee. I took this plunge in July 2010, joining Peesearch and immediately posting my very first short story. Then I just waited nervously for the reactions. This was a big deal for me, having kept such things totally to myself before. But the reactions were positive and I was welcomed and my other postings subsequently were well recieved. I grew in confidence and within only a few weeks talking about it all with like-minded people seemed like the most natural thing in the world.

I was out of work at the time and didn't get my job until 2012, so in terms of porn I pretty much stuck to free sites. But after a few months in work I bought my first ever paid for porn.....some videos from Pandora's Glimpse paysite if I remember correctly.

In January 2014 - when this site was very new - I joined this forum. Two more milestones here. Firstly, for the first time ever I actually paid for a custom video to be made by someone I met here - MissPiss. That vid is out there now and features her and her friend Ashley standing and pissing on her living room carpet. It's cool to know that that video is out there only because I paid to have them do it and make it. My special contribution to the world of peeing erotica. :)

The second milestone here is that - for the first time ever - I became a forum moderator.

So there you have it - a brief history of my journey into the world of peeing erotica. And it's been a very enjoyable journey so far, lol.

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Hightide, Newsgroups were another. Also found a Japanese site, videos were called Giga Mania, 50 guys, a clothed Japanese honey in a bath and everyone had a go on her, it was non stop, 3 inches of pee in the bath before it was done. Cant find them anymore, think censorship gods killed the site. Patches Place too was also great, finding them was hit and miss.

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My first were the groups on Excite.com, then I think it was Peesearch, I've also been a member of NeedaPee (Rebekah Dee) and Sneaky Pee although I'm not a member of either at the moment. More recently I have been a member of WD Girls, which is really aimed at covering drunk girls but there is a lot of peeing going on in there; outdoors, toilets, indoors on the floor, sofa, glasses pretty much anywhere really.

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Patches Place was the first I ever found. She had a links page that was updated often, and that led me to many more places.

I also followed a usenet newsgroup "alt.binaries.pictures.erotica urine". There were quite a few photos from ALS on there, and that led me to subscribe to the ALS website and buy one of their (VHS) videos. This was all back in the days of dial-up modems in the mid nineties. Later on the group carried full length movies that could be downloaded. That newsgroup still exists, but it is mostly swamped with spam these days.

There were a number of peeing clubs on Excite communities that I joined. These were very popular and had lots of good discussion threads, rather like this site is today. Excite closed the whole thing down suddenly with about a fortnight's notice. If some of you are wondering why you've never heard of the company, that's probably the reason :banghead: . With the head start they had, Excite could have been bigger than Google or Facebook, but they threw it away.

When I first found Yahoo clubs it looked like a lame imitation of Excite, but had some OK peeing clubs. They took over E-Groups and onelist, and renamed the site to "Yahoo Groups". It's still going today, but I haven't looked there for pee stuff in a long time. They had a nasty habit of just deleting a club without notice. I never quite figured out what their criterion was for doing that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The first pee forum of which I became a regular member was Skymouse's wetting forum. Sadly it's been very quiet now for several years which is a pity. Occasionally I go on Wetset but that's not terribly active nowadays. I'm a regular at Peesearch which, although less busy than it was, is still reasonably active.

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I got into the scene right about when the internet was first becoming popular, about '96-'97. Patches, like a number of you, was my first, but my favorite at that time was Thomas' Water Resources Page. Thomas sold the site in about 2003 to I want to say the people behind ProjectPee, and supposedly there was a backlog of content that they promised to update the site with, but they ended up closing it down about a year later. Still sad not to see those unpublished stories, as he had IMO the best collection at the time.

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I started a long time ago now. Must have been 1994 using a nothing more than a text terminal. The stories on Wetset were the go as a result.

The first pictures I remember seeing were from a UK site called Thomas' Water Resources. There was a series of 10 that are forever imprinted in my mind. You still see them posted from time to time, the ultimate repost for me!

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  • 7 months later...

I'm having one of those warm fuzzy feelings remembering all those sites! My first computer was a Coleco Adam (I know, groan groan:-) I purchased a modem (300 BPS - cool!) and started calling up local BBSs. This will have been in the early 90s. Can't remember from where I d/led my first peepic, but it took all night and I crowed in the morning when I viewed it! Once on the net with a better machine I found Patches Place like many of you and I was away. I used the alias PsychoSpud and visited most of the websites mentioned. Wow - small world!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Though now the Stories Section had to be removed . Due to restriction placed on the website . by the new Pay Processor . Which I do find most disappointing . In them having to do that . As I had enjoyed in reading in that section of Patches Place :frown:

E.G. Walrus ,

May I ask at what time did Patches Place , have that Pee Journal ?

As when I started to visit Patches Place , it didn't have that Pee Journal listed on it's main menu. Though it did have a Stories Section . That had both True experiences as well as fictional stories from other members on there . Including some true experiences written by Patches , Herself . Along with a story I had written about Patches Place and the girls she had. As a old Western Saloon type establishment . That my character had visited one time.

I really got to know Patches , through those experiences she had written in that section. As it really imterested me in knowing how she had built and ran the website for so many years now. Which was the only website in the U.S.A. that had pee porn from different film producers . Represented on there .

So Patches Place , to me . Was a very unique website to go to most times.

Plus I have a large collection of Patches filmed DVDs . Which I still enjoy watching . As I have found that each film producer . Has their own unique sty;e of filming videos . That made watching them so good and arousing to view :biggrin:

The Stories Section is now gone . Which I find most disapproving of what they had to do . In getting a new Pay Processor. :frown:


I wrote a small humorous piece which I posted in Patches Stories section. I lost my own version long ago in a HD crash. I managed to recover a portion of the text but it is incomplete. Have you ever heard of anyone storing the stories?

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Late 90's Patches.org, Wetset.net and daily links from thehun.net, and ABPU network or something similar, freebies from shepees.com

Mid 2000's P2P downloading through Don Des, and wetsex network, tbob's clips I used to love, ivan and stu's yahooor excite, exxhaust, hightide and xstreams did great stuff for the time

Late 2000's peesearch.net, pantywetting.co.uk.

Late 5 years amateurvoyeurforum, eroprofile, tumblr, fetlife and of course here!

The only constant is that things are always changing

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't know why you cannot afford a membership to EG, it costs ZERO ZILCH NADA NOTHING. In other words membership is free. I do ask that members occasionally post, rather than just lurk, but that is not hard to do.

My wife will occasionally indulge my pee interest, but she is not really into it herself. After many years of marriage, we are comfortable enough with each other that we can do things that turn the other one on, even if it is not exactly what we like.

Look for a private message

I wouldn't mind taking another look at your forum. I posted a few stories there ages ago but got zero response from anybody, so stopped looking and have now long since forgotten my log in details. Would be great if you could PM them to me. Then when I look in I may well add another two or three stories from here.

I found the site to be very quiet whenever I looked in, but will give it another go. No reason why I can't post some of my stories there.

I'll avoid politics there, though, lol.

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Some of the earlier sites I found have in fact since disappeared.

Just about my favourite pee stories site - an absolute gold mine for Leaky_One stories - was Sprinkles.com. There were dozens of stories there that existed nowhere else. But it suddenly disappeared two or three years back, along with it's vast collection of stories.

Luckily, Daemoniak had archived a number of them and was able to share them with me. I posted them in this thread......


Many of these still exist on Literotica.com, and a few can be found buried on Peesearch. But some of these were only found on Sprinkles, which has now gone down, leaving the above thread as the only place you'll find them.

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