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Hi. Yes this is a very welcoming and open site we're u have found I can be open a true and not have to worry. 

I'm sorry to hear about your problems and I hope things will improve for you. 

Love to hear about your experiences whenever you feel comfortable enough to share

Take care, LTW

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Hi and a very warm welcome to Peefans.   Depending how long you've lurked, you may have various preconceptions about us.  You may have some ideas from the sites, outside our control, where we get mentioned.

You may see our huge membership numbers - but don't be daunted, we actually have a small core of active people who are just like you.  Real world people from all over.  All backgrounds, genders, orientations.  Young and old.   Some healthy, some with challenges to overcome.   But every one with exactly one thing - and maybe more - in common.

A love of pee in one form or another.   Welcome to the family.

Please enjoy browsing around.  I'd suggest though that as you get to know people and interact in the forums, that enjoyment will spiral.

And if you have any questions, please just shout up.  We're here to help.

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Welcome to PeeFans! And good luck in facing your challenges. You'll find a supportive community here. Have fun looking around, and I look forward to seeing any contributions you choose to add 🙂

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On 2/20/2024 at 10:36 PM, jessica1994 said:

Among the individuals here, I share a common interest in a pee fetish, finding many aspects of girls peeing appealing. Currently, I am facing various challenges, ranging from personal to health-related issues, which are proving quite taxing. Nonetheless, I appreciate the support and understanding extended by members on this site. It's comforting to receive empathy and encouragement from those who can relate to my experiences. Moreover, I find it liberating that individuals with a pee fetish can openly and proudly discuss our shared interest here, devoid of guilt or shame. In the real world, many would label us as freaks or weirdos, yet here, it's accepted as normal. I eagerly anticipate engaging in discussions and sharing experiences with fellow members on this. 

Welcome.  The more you share/post, the more interactions with like-minded people on this site.

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Welcome! Also a newbie. It can be really invigorating just to be able to state you have a fetish and be accepted. Hope you find a lot of connection here

Edited by Jayargo
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Hello and feel very welcome! 
You will see that people here are very friendly and particularly supportive! 
Glad to have you here as a new member - looking forward to interesting conversations and exchanges! 🙂

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On 2/21/2024 at 2:06 PM, jessica1994 said:

Among the individuals here, I share a common interest in a pee fetish, finding many aspects of girls peeing appealing. Currently, I am facing various challenges, ranging from personal to health-related issues, which are proving quite taxing. Nonetheless, I appreciate the support and understanding extended by members on this site. It's comforting to receive empathy and encouragement from those who can relate to my experiences. Moreover, I find it liberating that individuals with a pee fetish can openly and proudly discuss our shared interest here, devoid of guilt or shame. In the real world, many would label us as freaks or weirdos, yet here, it's accepted as normal. I eagerly anticipate engaging in discussions and sharing experiences with fellow members on this. 

Welcome, Jessica! I think you will like it here. We are very supportive and friendly. Jump in! 💚

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On 2/20/2024 at 10:36 PM, jessica1994 said:

Among the individuals here, I share a common interest in a pee fetish, finding many aspects of girls peeing appealing. Currently, I am facing various challenges, ranging from personal to health-related issues, which are proving quite taxing. Nonetheless, I appreciate the support and understanding extended by members on this site. It's comforting to receive empathy and encouragement from those who can relate to my experiences. Moreover, I find it liberating that individuals with a pee fetish can openly and proudly discuss our shared interest here, devoid of guilt or shame. In the real world, many would label us as freaks or weirdos, yet here, it's accepted as normal. I eagerly anticipate engaging in discussions and sharing experiences with fellow members on this. 

Welcome to the group 😋

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  • 3 months later...
On 21.02.2024 at 06:36, jessica1994 said:

Среди людей здесь я разделяю общий интерес к фетишу по моче, находя многие аспекты писающих девушек привлекательными. В настоящее время я сталкиваюсь с различными проблемами, начиная от личных проблем и заканчивая проблемами со здоровьем, которые оказываются довольно обременительными. Тем не менее, я ценю поддержку и понимание, оказанные участниками этого сайта. Приятно получать сочувствие и поддержку от тех, кто может соотнестись с моим опытом. Более того , я нахожу освобождением то, что люди с фетишем по моче могут открыто и гордо обсуждать здесь наши общие интересы, лишенные вины или стыда. В реальном мире многие назвали бы нас уродами или чудаками, но здесь это принято как норма. Я с нетерпением ожидаю участия в обсуждениях и обмена опытом с другими участниками по этому вопросу. 

How do you feel about peeing for fun with your clothes on?

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