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As mentioned, its highly dependend on the location. In some old decaying industrial building or in an old hospital with graffity all over chances that someone would care are smaller. But in an abandoned house that might not be the case because those, despite seemingly falling apart, are often still in someones possesion...I follow some of those urbexing people and some do occasionally get caught for trespassing in various places.

But thats actually one of the first things i thought about when i dived a bit deeper into this...where do they pee? 😅 And how fun it would be...that always comes to mind especially watching some urbexing girls, curse of being a pee fan.

Some stay over night and they surely relieve themselves somewhere, maybe not in the most brazen place as most urbexers really try to leave only footprints behind and are actually acting very responsible and secretive and others (regular trespassers) tag the walls with graffity. But when you gotta go...so accepted or not, its highly unlikely you get caught in the act of peeing.

Edited by Remi
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I have done some urbexing with some friends last year, i peed somewhere on the floor in a room, and also i peed through a hole in the floor to let it clatter right onto the floor below. My friends (both female) where not that into it and just peed outside. But for me it was a great experience!

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I'm way too chicken shit to go urban exploring as, from my understanding, most of the time it's old abandoned areas and places like that just give me the creeps. However, from an outsiders perspective I should think peeing anywhere would be acceptable as long as the location is truly abandoned. I would say my personal rule would be if it's trashed and there's graffiti everywhere I would feel comfortable peeing anywhere in that location.

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I think I'd be on pretty much the same lines as most people - that if a property is derelict then the test of 'does it cause damage to anyone's property' or 'offence to anyone' is going to be a no, and therefore it can be used. 

A year or so ago whilst I was looking after a property overseas and making numerous trips over there, there was a large empty house at the end of the road.  It had been built as a shell, never lived in and was overgrown and vandalised.  Access was open with glass patio doors lying smashed on the ground.  A couple of times walking back from a restaurant or bar I made that my toilet without any qualms.

I totally take @Remi's point though about the situation of urbex in a property with 'historical significance' where there is I guess honour amongst urbexers - to preserve and respect the site for future urbexers to visit and enjoy.   So the urbexers are most definitely not vandals, and even those with a pee kink would not have the intent to cause pee damage.  Respect for that view.

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I really love urbex photography and I’ve been to quite a few places, both recently abandoned and quite decayed. I remember I went urbexing for a whole weekend once, me and my bf slept in a hotel nearby overnight but we spent both days going through the deserted village/former hospital complex looking for pretty scenes. We mostly peed on balconies that were subjected to the weather anyway, but we also pissed all over the walls of one backroom that already had broken windows and rain coming in☺️ In the more recently abandoned places it somehow felt more offensive to pee inside (even in one building that I knew for sure was going to be demolished) so I peed in bathtubs mostly 😅

I should really look into this hobby again I guess 😌 Too bad that western Europe isn’t quite the place to be for urbex photography (feel free to DM me if you have some recommendations though ^^).

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There were a couple of tiny houses in my village that for years were empty and open to the elements. Everyone knew that they were being left to decay because they were the obvious place to put an access road to a field behind them. It was only a matter of time (20 years, as it turned out) before planning permission was granted to build new houses all over that field. The little empty houses were demolished a few months ago (groundwork has begun on the building site now) and I regret not going into them to do a spot of peeing and 'semi-rural urbex' photography.

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I've only ever really done urbex in my life, and I guess it comes down to how vandalised the place already is when I go there. For me I went into a derelict kindergarden building, that was basically completely empty at that point. No furniture blank concrete floors/walls all windows smashed, graffiti here and there. Basically it was clear that building would get torn down sooner or later. While I didn't have to pee in the moment back then, I guess in that situation I'd consider it acceptable to pee on the concrete in some corner.

But I agree with other people that mentioned the "urbexer etiquette" and if I ever went to a place that was recently abandoned and in a state of low decay, I guess I'd feel a bit bad for pissing over it.

Edited by avatar
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I’ve always been an urbex fan and my view is similar to above, I wouldn’t damage property and usually pee outside. The exception is buildings in poor condition earmarked for demolition then I’ve taken advantage of the opportunity to pee down an elevator shaft or on a wall. 

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I"ve only peed once during an urbex and, as was afraid to be seen, i went in what was looking like a garage.

But most of the time, we stay for a too short period of time to have the need to go to the bathroom.

Soon, i plan to do more with other friends, so maybe.... i'll have naughty pee somewhere.

I won't forget to tell you if that happen

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Usually my urban exploration jaunts involved a lot of running from security or the police before we could even enter a building. Or deep in the woods for some old Colonial ruins where it doesn't matter in the long run where I pee because it's all "wild." Would absolutely love to have an abandoned factory compound to myself for a day though.

I remember finding with a friend an abandonded movie theater but it wasn't the most stealthy of places to get to so I never returned on my own.

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5 hours ago, pottypants said:

I"ve only peed once during an urbex and, as was afraid to be seen, i went in what was looking like a garage.

But most of the time, we stay for a too short period of time to have the need to go to the bathroom.

Soon, i plan to do more with other friends, so maybe.... i'll have naughty pee somewhere.

I won't forget to tell you if that happen

Looking forward to hear from this 😛

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I have never really done urbex as a targeted activity, but I have taken the opportunity to look in some empty buildings if I have happened to find them.

Near me there was an estate of old army houses and they were gradually working through them, knocking them down after families moved out.  I was walking by and needed to pee so I went behind one into the garden expecting to pee out of sight at the back of the house but I found that there was a downstairs toilet which opened onto the patio by the back door.  It already had pee in it and the water was switched off so I think someone had used it recently and then found that the toilet didn’t flush.  I added my pee to it and was about to leave when I realised that the back door was ajar so I went in and found that the house was alll empty but still had the carpets.  As I live the idea of peeing on carpet and I knew it was going to get knocked down, I thought this was a great opportunity.

I went back a few times over a period of a couple of weeks and peed in various places - the middle of the carpet in the bedrooms, the closet in the master bedroom, on one of the walls and down the carpeted stairs from the top.

Sadly the opportunity didn’t last long and after a couple of weeks a fence was put around it and they started demolition, but it was a great opportunity whilst it lasted. 

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As well as the above, I once found an office building that had been stripped and had broken windows.  I went in there to have a look round and peed on the concrete floor.

One other I have posted details elsewhere on the site, was a row of shops with flats above.  There were planning permission notices saying it was to be demolished and I got in round the back and went upstairs to one of the flats where I peed in several rooms. I also peed in the garages behind and some outbuildings over a period of several weeks. 

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Here is the account of my visits to the shops/flats that were due to be demolished.  The thread includes pictures of my pee being released and puddles left.

Storage room at back of shops

Garage behind shops

Inside the flat

There is a twist to this story in that when I returned to go back in the flat another day, I heard voices and it seemed like squatters were living there.  So on my first visit, I may have inadvertently peed on a bed that was still being used! Nothing I could do about that at that point though, so I quickly left.   Soon after, the security fence was improved so I assume the squatters had been evicted.   The buildings are now long gone and a new construction is currently being built.





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