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Childhood pee experiences

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When I first started watching peeing porn as a teen, I would always hold it in until super desperate, usually until I was leaking out pee. Then I would go find somewhere to pee. Sometimes in a cup, sometimes outside, sometimes in the bathroom floor drain or in bins around the house. Always at 1am when everyone was asleep.

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I'm late to this thread but I've written about it quite a bit before. Growing up I spent summers in the EU and had the good fortune of being able and encouraged to pee many different places outside. I would often do this in the presence of my cousins (male and female) and the nannies/ house staff. This contrasted with the US where I was not permitted such pee freedom and probably helped establish my pee interests. 

Here are some links. 









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  • 4 months later...
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On 3/31/2023 at 2:55 PM, Schmitty20 said:

. She just said I couldn’t wait I was starting to pee in my pants. She finished and stood up and pulled her pants up and said I peed my pants a little can you tell. I looked and there was a visible wet spot in her crotch area and I said a little but maybe it will dry quickly. She said I hope so and please promise me that you won’t tell anyone. I just said don’t worry I won’t I promise. She said thanks. I think back and I really thought that was hot and I actually got to see her pee and she didn’t really care about that she only cared that no one else knew that she peed in her pants a little. 

Like Schmitty I had a couple of times I saw girls in grammar school wet themselves when I was alone with them, all accidents. These are etched in memories. One girl, Debbie, and I played monopoly a lot and were evenly matched, so that are games went on for days, an hour here, an hour there. She was cute and usually wore dresses/skrits, and was not very modest so I saw her panties a lot as we sat on the floor, always loving the views. One day playing monopoly I was lying on my stomach as she sat across from me, often her white cotton panties in view. I realize at one point she was holding herself over them, but somehow didn't realize that was because she had to pee badly. All of a sudden she said something like, "Oh, no...I can't hold it", and let go a huge flow through her panties, as she backed up from the board so as not to wet it. No idea how long she kept peeing, but time froze in my mind as her puddle got bigger and her panties wetter and more yellow, even she she pulled her dress around her waist so as to not get it wet. That failed. Anyway, she finished, saying she was so sorry as she stood up, her now soaking/dripping panties in complete view as she continued to hold her dress  up. I finally  got unfrozen saying I'd get some rags, and returned with them, and we began to wipe up her pee from the floor. Her dress was very wet, and then she said she'd go home and change, and made me promise not to tell anyone. Of course my mom found out as Debbie left, returning in about ten minutes and we continued the game. I never told other kids nor did Debbie and I talk about it again, but have held the memory since Debbie's accident happened. We were about 10 or 11.

Edited by aquavite2
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The other experience with Carolyn's cousin, was quite different. Mary was just about my age, while Carolyn was maybe 6 months older, but it was the same summer. Mary and my parents were at our small rented house on a small but really nice lake, sitting on the porch overlooking the lake. Mary and I, both very good swimmers, asked if it was OK to go for a swim, as we had done many other times. Mary's mom said sure, but noted Mary didn't bring a bathing suit, and Mary immediately said she'd swim in her underpants, which she has once done before. I of course did have a bathing suit but decided if Mary was going to just wear underpants, I would also. We swam off a small pier, just out of sight of the house's porch, but once we were in the water could be seen by our parents. We got to the pier and took of our shirts and pants. My underpants were white, as were Mary's, both cotton. As we stood there in our underwear sort of ready to jump off the pier Mary said, "I have to pee". I replied she could pee in the water telling her I also had to pee and would pee in the water, too. Mary said something like, "Since we're going to get our underpants wet anyway, let pee in them while they're dry, right here." I  had had a few wetting accidents when much younger, and found the idea intriguing and somewhat exciting and taboo (a word I didn't know then). I said OK, and shortly after that Mary let go, her legs spread and began to wet her underpants, making them somewhat see through and barely tinged yellow. She finished, looking at me, who had turned pee shy and my penis a bit hard, making it harder to pee. I finally did manage to begin, and as I wet myself Mary said, "I like the feeling of peeing in my clothes, my underpants." I was excited and embarrassed not so much from standing there wetting but from my small erection, and quickly jumped in the water. Mary followed. Again, we didn't talk about it, but when we got out to dry off Mary said she liked what we did. I shook my head in agreement. I've always wondered as Mary got older if she is one of us, someone liking wetting and peeing. No idea.

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16 minutes ago, puddyls said:

it took my teenaged mind awhile to process it, but i eventually wanted to recreate that experience. and thus began my experimentation. 💕

Which you have done very well, I might add. ❤️❤️❤️

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5 hours ago, marie420 said:

My mother was very open with me in the past. We had a pool in the garden and in the summer I was actually allowed to pee anywhere I wanted.

Once I had just dried myself in the sun and realized that I had to pee, but no longer wanted to go into the water. So I asked my mother where I should pee. She said piss where you want

So where did you tend to pee around the pool?

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8 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

Life moves in mysterious ways as I've found this thread today by doing a search with 'pee' and 'pool' as keywords.  🙂  

My first experiences were of seeing boys of around my own age peeing was when I was at school.  Luckily my walk to/from school involved walking past an area of trees and bushes.  A few of the boys were naughty in there and I liked this. 

Did you ever join them peeing in the bushes?

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I think I always liked it, On the playgrounds at ~5 years old, I had a friend with whom I would always pee in bushes. In kindergarten I had someone else tp pee with outside and we even got cought once.

I have told my parents when hiking at 8 years old, that it is more fun than peeing outside than into a toilet and they kinda agreed or at least accepted it.

I onced showed a female friend how far I could pee by arcing my stream over a bunch of toys places on my rooms carpet. I got into quite some trouble for the carpet stains, but just said I had some accident. This must have been arround 7 years old.

I remember at circa 12 years old I was playing hide and seek with two girls from the neighbourhood and one showed me her favorite hiding bush. I pressured her for reasons why It was the best, till she said one could hide in there for a pee. I then used it for that and agreed with her.

Afterwards I realized that it might be a bit of an inapropriate topic, but I always went outside when I could, using the bushes on my school grounds as well. Anytime I was with someone I encouraged them to pee outside as well. 

At 13 I was on vaccation when I met 2 boys who peed into the ocean. I know that is normal and I have always done that to (same as my parents). However they stood on the beach at this campground and peed into the ocean. That was fun to be a part of.

At arround 15 when looking for porn, or rather any situation where one cpuld see a womans body naked, I stumbled onto pee videos and admitted my fetish zo myself.

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On 10/26/2023 at 8:27 AM, nenTyp said:

I have told my parents when hiking at 8 years old, that it is more fun than peeing outside than into a toilet and they kinda agreed or at least accepted it.

@nenTyp did they accept you peeing places outside other than hiking?

On 10/26/2023 at 8:27 AM, nenTyp said:

I remember at circa 12 years old I was playing hide and seek with two girls from the neighbourhood and one showed me her favorite hiding bush. I pressured her for reasons why It was the best, till she said one could hide in there for a pee. I then used it for that and agreed with her.

Did you ever get to see her pee there or pee together with her?

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On 10/23/2023 at 1:39 AM, Maggie_555 said:

Life moves in mysterious ways as I've found this thread today by doing a search with 'pee' and 'pool' as keywords.  🙂  

My first experiences were of seeing boys of around my own age peeing was when I was at school.  Luckily my walk to/from school involved walking past an area of trees and bushes.  A few of the boys were naughty in there and I liked this. 

Same for me, I'd go from/to school by foot and walk past an area with trees and bushes so if the need arose I'd just go there.

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13 hours ago, Havelock said:

@nenTyp did they accept you peeing places outside other than hiking?

Did you ever get to see her pee there or pee together with her?

only the ocean and the forrest, I tried to go for the bushes at a highway stop, since the toilets did cost smth and even then they disaproved :(.

Sadly I did not. Only later when I was drinking with friends I went together with some of them.

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