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Second Public Pee: Spooky Edition 🎃

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2 hours ago, Bacardi said:

I am getting so good at this lol.

Some of you might have received a message about this because i have been and will continue to be so busy in the upcoming days, but I managed to snag a little bit of alone time to post tonight. And I'm happy, because this is important!

My weekend was jam packed with Halloween fun. One of those days we decided to go to a corn maze. It was myself, a few friends, and some family and in the corn maze we had to complete some simple tasks in order to get a sticker at the end. I wasn't too jazzed about it because I was injured recently and have some problems walking, but there wasn't much else for me to do alone so I begrudgingly followed. 

I had a bottle of water in my hand and my phone in the other trying to keep busy, and at the time I sort of needed to pee. I hate public bathrooms and the only ones there were was like three porta potties: DIS COS TANG. I had decided I'd hold it till I got home because I would whole heartedly rather piss in the middle of the road than use a port a potty. I seriously hate those things lol.

Anyway, a familiar face from the forum came across my fb timeline and I smiled to myself. I thought about what the forum was doing and started to get that warm and fuzzy feeling that the forum gives me, but eventually scrolled on by and went back to what I was doing. Then a few moments later I heard a rustle to my right and was stopped by a pair of young boys who came barreling out of the corn wall beside us, almost taking myself and the group of kids I was hearding down with them. They ran off and I rolled my eyes and kept it moving, until my mind started to wander a little bit.

I had no idea those guys were even that close to me because the corn wall was so dense! I took another look to my right and saw nothing but corn, and I realized quickly that in a straight away like the one I was in no one really looks left or right, only straight! I think you guys can see where I am going with this lol.

I tried really hard to shake the thought from my head, but I was in a horny mood and just couldn't get the idea of how easy it would be to duck into the corn and take a fast pee would be 😩 my mind and heart were racing, and after a few steps I had officially talked myself into it. We were at the far right wall and it was the perfect spot. I had to do it; if not for myself than for the experience to share with you guys!

I fiddled with my phone and set my ringer off like I was receiving a call, told everyone I had to take it cause it was important and I'd catch up with them (spoiler alert: I got lost af and never did lol). They smiled and waved me off, and I took a few steps back and pretended to get an important call from work. I took a glance over my shoulder, and once my group turned the corner and I was sure I was alone I dropped the act and headed straight into the corn. 

I took a few steps back until I could no longer see the path, and with 8 foot tall corn stalks surrounding me and a small clearing (super small, like maybe only a square foot) decided now was the time. It was shadowy since the corn was so dense, and I really did feel rather alone. I thought about squatting and wetting my leggings a little bit since they were a dark grey/black, but I really didn't wanna take the risk and wear wet pants for the rest of my trip out. I was hesitant, but decided that I had already gone this far and should just go for it. I gripped the waistband of my leggings and pulled them down just enough to expose myself, squatted down, and released. 

It was a lot easier than I thought, especially considering that this was only my second public pee! I smiled as I listened to it patter into the soft dirt, but because my leggings were down around my thighs I couldn't actually see the puddle grow. It was quick, only maybe about ten seconds, and it was over. Still afraid of getting caught I quickly stood and pulled everything back up and admired my little puddle for about five seconds before dashing back out onto the path where I was once again alone. 

And I bet not a single person knew that I had just had a quick pee in the corn either lol. 

I'm so proud of you. This is bold and sneaky. So fucking hot 🙂

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That's great news Bacardi, I'm very pleased for you - firstly that you overcame your concerns and managed to pee in a public place and also that you got to enjoy it.  Hopefully you will continue to pee in public more and more as you realise that it is great fun, it is actually quite easy to find a place you won't be spotted and even if you are spotted, it is unlikely that anyone would make a fuss about it.

And of course, thanks for sharing with us.

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16 hours ago, Peenicks said:

AHHH, OMG! I know you told me this story but I still can't get over how cool it is! I'm so happy for you, B! Keep on being a badass

But remember to invite me next time 😘

There is no one I'd rather get banished to the cornfield with! 

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I went through a corn maze twice this Halloween season, once this past weekend and once the weekend before. It was a good one, that took a good half hour to solve the first time. As I was going through it the second time this past weekend, I wondered how many women get desperate in the maze and pop a squat, especially if they go there on weekdays when it's much less crowded--or even if some prefer to go in there rather than use the porta potties, which I'm sure get nasty. I actually did see a tissue on the ground at one point just off the edge of one of the paths, and if it hadn't been crowded enough that I was constantly passing other people, I would probably have picked it up to see if it was wet.

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