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Pissing on Plants and Flowers

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Some may have noticed that I have been actively pursuing an interest in potted plant pee and related material.

During my persusal of this site, I found an active thread in the video section, started by @Daniel_defo:

You had to search for "flower" rather than the more generic "plant" to find the picture thread that had been dormant for years:

Also, there are some discussions in a couple of topics in the general and stories subforums, e.g.

@Malika posted a couple real stories on naughty peeing events in her life, le me cite 

@ukpeegirl86 did some peeing into a plant pot in her office

@Eliminature has revived her plant with some gently urine fertilization

Whilst @pop-a-squat used her housesitting chore for some naughty peeing into her friend's potted plants

Finally, let me cite @Bacardi for having sent off her dead plant with a very special gift of love


But I'm not starting this thread just to regroup waht's already on this forum, but because I noticed that some of the threads got somewhat hijacked by people discussing the effects of peeing on plants or the pleasure of sprinkling flowers with their golden rain.

This thread is intended to group exchanges about pissing on plants, from the fun part of it to the scientific research that exists.

From what I read on this forum, there are basically four reasons to piss on plants:

  • You simply have to pee and you don't care. You just want to reduce spray and backsplash and maybe not leave an obvious puddle.
  • You intend to do some good and expect your fertilizing urine to help the plant grow
  • Your up to no good and mischieviously plan to harm the plant, hoping excess nitrogen in your concentrated piss to kill the plant
  • You have a scientific curiosity and want to see what happens

If you've read all the way, I'd like to know which of the above (choose one or more and elaborate) applies to you.

Of course, anything else related to ([female] human) peeing on plants is welcome here.




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Let me start with some scientific input.

@Alfresco cited the huffpost in "The Office Plant Pot" (link above) thread https://www.huffpost.com/entry/why-you-should-pee-on-you_b_8177398

There is a Nigerian study on how concentrated urine can be to fertilize a plant (maize) and when it will start to be harmful.
I was amazed to see there is a whole body if scientific research on this subject 😮

A gardener has sample pics of what it looks like, when animal urine damages a lawn
Here, we clearly see the impact of diluted urine (outside, grass growing a lot better) and concentrated piss (grass dying). I'd guess that dog pee is even more concentrated than human urine, so I would be surprised to see this happening if you peed on your lawn. Grass takes quite a dose of nitrogen before dying.

The Guardian cites a study that found that there is no risk of antibiotical resistance being spread by using human urine as a fertilizer. That study was much more elaborate than the Nigerian one, but I wouldn't have wanted to be in their place, working with year-old decomposed urine: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/jan/22/study-gives-green-light-to-use-of-urine-as-crop-fertiliser


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<F*CK - one wrong click and all my elaborate text was gone. Rewriting a short version>

Under which conditions do plants die or thrive when peed on? This is a subject to much debate, and most erotic material on the subject that I have seen does not go into much detail.

@spywareonya, @Malika, @YellowKitten and others report potted plants dying from their golden showers. This is little surprising if they receive as generous a dose as here:
(dead link with her comment - working link might be available in the Gold member video section)

Plants can actually drown, and filling a pot to the brim would kill it even if it were pure water. So the fate of the plant below is also clear if it hasn't been drained after the filming:
(link in the video section, thank you @Ozabot)

Others like @naughty_rosie and @Eliminature report thriving plants following their sprinkling of golden rain. Watering the plants with an appropriate dose does not seem to hurt, even if it is pure pee (of a wellhydrated person). Under these circumstances, I am convinced the plants in the following clips have survived:
(link in the video section, thank you @Daniel_defo, one of my favorites)

Another one of my favorites:
link here)

As can be seen in the last screenshot, the quantity of pee has been such that it fully soaked into the soil, leaving enough dry earth to merit further watering. If you told me the plants didn't survive, I'd be very surprised.

She probably has no intention of keeping the plants, but in this case I'm really not sure what would have happened:
(link to thisvid)


Does anyone reading this have any experience how plants react to regular peeing. I mean not daily drenching in morning piss, but if we took the example above of the big pot not fully soaked through receiving a fresh dose of urine once every two weeks or so, would it harm the plant? What if it were morning pee? What if she did it every ten days or once a week? Where's the limit?

Has anyone ever done a time series of pictures how the plant develops? There are pics out there for urine fertilizing tests, but they usually show the result after x times application of diluted pee, e.g.


Looking forward to your input!

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Urine will contain lots of things that plants like such as water and nitrates, which can act like fertilizers. But if you wee in the same place too much, you will build up a concentration of salts in the soil, and this can affect osmosis of water into the plant's roots.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/26/2022 at 4:07 PM, Malika said:

Thank you for involving me (and my specific experiences I wrote).

First I give you a quick answer. In my case, among the 4 choices you reported above, the 90% of the times I pee on a plant/flower it enters in the following:

  • You simply have to pee and you don't care. You just want to reduce spray and backsplash and maybe not leave an obvious puddle.

This is what moves me normally to pee on a plant. Sometimes I did it on revenge, as I reported in my story.

For my personal experience about the effect of the pee on the plants, I can tell you that they die. Or at least it is what happens with my pee. I am not a doctor or a scientist, so I don't know if all the people have the same pee and so if it could react different from different people, but I can assure you that my pee is basically poisonous for the plant, so I would never pee on them if my scope is to fertilize or revive them. If I pee on them they wither.

I can see your pee is similar to mine. I recently published photos of plants that I peed 2 times. Black spots began to appear on their leaves. I think if I pissed them twice more, they would be completely withered.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The reasons why I pee on the plants are 1, 2 and 4. And why I believe peeing on them is a good thing is I never kill them with my pee. I've never seen the plants withered even though I've peed on the plants outdoor and indoor many times . I'm not sure my pee is good for the plants but at least I can say my pee is harmless to them.

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On 9/19/2022 at 7:31 AM, naughty_rosie said:

The reasons why I pee on the plants are 1, 2 and 4. And why I believe peeing on them is a good thing is I never kill them with my pee. I've never seen the plants withered even though I've peed on the plants outdoor and indoor many times . I'm not sure my pee is good for the plants but at least I can say my pee is harmless to them.

I think it's just that different people have different things. It still depends on the physiology of the body, maybe also because of what was drunk before peeing, time when had to pee. For example, maybe from morning urine and something similar may happen, urine after alcohol, or smoking, etc. may somehow affect. I also urinated on plants repeatedly, but I didn't notice that they wilted after me. But, as can be seen here from the messages, sometimes urine really destroys plants. As can be seen from the posts of several women, their urine destroys plants. I don't know, maybe women's urine is different from men's and is more insidious, more poisonous and more destructive than men's (at least, I would like it to be so, this, in my opinion, would give a woman even more power and strength). 😉 😜.


By the way, naughty_rosie, wonder, if assume that your urine would be harmful to plants and after you would piss on plants and they would wither and be destroyed, would the 3rd reason become a reason for you to piss on a plant? Would you then piss on a flower or another plant if the goal was to take revenge on someone? 😉 💦

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Thank you all for your replies!

@Daniel_defo , you have done some extensive research on the subject - I wish I had met women as open as you. Even if I met women who would pee with or for me, they'd never agree to this kind of experiment. Looking forward to any bit of information you share, and I understand you cannot share everything as you are not the sole person involved.

@Malika, I can't help but being turned on by the way to tell your experiences. Stay the way you are! And a special thanks for your latest story even sharing a picture of plant, puddle and tissue.

@Keri, great you joined the site and then start right away participating in this subject. Unfortunately, I was too late to see the video, but the picture of the nettle leaves is still on the forum. Thank you for sharing! Would you remember, if there was any pee on the leaves? I have observed that leaves don't like pee on them in bright sunlight, much less than water.

@naughty_rosie, I hope no plant is ever harmed by your pee, thus inviting you to continue spreading your power of growth across the plants of this world. I might be living far from you, but I'd certainly invite you to pee on any of my plants anytime you feel like it.

Edited by Alpian
Link to Keri's nettles
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On 9/24/2022 at 10:20 AM, naughty_rosie said:

If I take a revenge on someone, I might pee on them haha

I would be very glad if you would take revenge on me for something and punish me and, because of revenge, would piss not only on my plants, but also on something else 😄 😉

I really admire your pee and therefore I would also be very happy if you would arrange naughty pissing on everything that surrounds me, pouring everything with your wonderful urine 💦 💦

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Spring is back, and so people start thinking about their plants. Recently, I read in a (non-English) print magazine that scientists recommend peeing in your garden, one square meter per person per day. Actually, that comes to about the recommended dose of nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture (200kg/ha or 20g/m² or 160lb/ac). An English-language list of recommended N dose per crop can be found here - note the large variation depending on crop and expected yield.

In this context, I also liked the discussion about

The French have even begun to consider human urine as a fertilizer in earnest, as several media point out (first two in French language, sorry). Interesting!

Whilst pictures seem unfortunately a bit out of favor, @Daniel_defo has found an example of a lady overdosing urine on a potted plant in his video thread

The plant clearly shows signs of nitrogen overdose with the deep green leaves and "burnt" edges. Just compare the two pictures:


(Source: video linked by @Daniel_defo in thread above)


(Source: https://balconygardenweb.com/nitrogen-toxicity-symptoms-in-plants-how-to-fix-too-much-soil/)

Angel Fowler's palm tree probably stands a better chance of survival, as her pee spreads out wide before soaking into the dry soil.

How about you guys? Would you pee on plants and flowers? Do you have any experience, good or bad, with this? Where do you do it - in the wild, anywhere outdoors, in your garden, in potted plants, in vases? Would you put potted plants around your place to be peed in as @pop-a-squat wants to know?

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  • 6 months later...
On 9/24/2022 at 10:20 AM, naughty_rosie said:

Thanks for your reply😄

But I'm afraid that I wouldn't pee on the plants or flowers if I know my pee is harmful for them. If I take a revenge on someone, I might pee on them haha

Conversely if I know my pee is great fertilizer, I would pee on literary every plants I see. I would pee in the flowerbeds more openly and even the farmers would be willing to make me pee in their farm lol

I prefer the latter fantasy than the former. That would be great if everyone admire my pee 😂

In Ancient Egypt women planted seeds on jars and peed on them if they believed to be pregnant.

If the seeds grew to little plants in few days that was evidence that they were pregnant.

It was a primitive pregnancy test and they were right. Pregnant's women pee is full of certain hormones that act as a fertilizer for the seeeds. These hormones are so strong that seeds would grow in a matter of 1-2 days.

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/5/2023 at 3:28 PM, George_1981 said:

In Ancient Egypt women planted seeds on jars and peed on them if they believed to be pregnant.

If the seeds grew to little plants in few days that was evidence that they were pregnant.

It was a primitive pregnancy test and they were right. Pregnant's women pee is full of certain hormones that act as a fertilizer for the seeeds. These hormones are so strong that seeds would grow in a matter of 1-2 days.


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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 months later...


Does anyone know what happened to @Daniel_defo's plant pissing video thread? It is showing as no longer available on my screen:


It would be sad if this collection of videos had disappeared for good...

For the time being, I'm still hoping it pops back up.

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