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‘Unnecessary’ peeing in public

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8 minutes ago, M.Vixen said:

Edit: right after I posted this here I realized that it doesn’t apply to men only of course. I even like it myself to dribble in public with a skirt and no panties on 🤦‍♀️ So anyway; feel free to answer no matter what gender you are!

Moved it for you 😊

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Peeing outdoors when out camping on a clear night standing and just looking up at the stars while a thick stream pours from my cock is one of life's pleasures.  I am not sure if women have the same enjoyment from a squatting position, but I don't see why not.

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I definitely enjoy going out in my yard, whether on the artificial grass, in the gravel, on the patio chair, or on the pavement. The naughty feeling and marking definitely plays a big part in it, plus I love hearing the sound difference of my stream splattering on the varying things. 

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I pee outside a lot, and I enjoy it.  It's kind of liberating.  And naughty. :) 

1 hour ago, Sexismygod said:

I just think peeing outside is natural ... it's how nature takes care of business.   Peeing in a flushable bucket indoors is just weird.


Edited by Peevert
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7 hours ago, Paulypeeps said:

I love the feeling of just peeing wherever I happen to be when I want to pee. Not just outside of course, I love the freedom to just pee if I can get away with it.


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12 hours ago, Kupar said:

It's difficult to nail down. I think that's because there are multiple reasons. There's a primeval connection with the earth to pee outside. That's probably almost not recognised, but is important at a fundamental level. Then there's the naughtiness aspect. We're so conditioned to peeing in a toilet that anything that isn't a toilet feels a little rebellious - and who doesn't like that? And there's the purely physical: outside you are more exposed to the elements - the warmth of the sun, the cooling breeze, the invigorating frost (lol) and all your senses are heightened. And finally, perhaps the thrill that comes from the danger of discovery.

All these. You don’t have to be into feet to enjoy walking in the sand barefoot, and you don’t have to have a pee kink to enjoy peeing outdoors (or, like, relaxing outdoors, or cooking on a BBQ on fire rather than in a kitchen on a cooker, …)

There’s a kind of liberation about it - that having to go to a special room, close the door, and pee in a flushable bucket(TM) - is like having to shamefully hide a part of yourself and make sure nobody sees it, as opposed to walking to the sea’s edge and spraying a slightly-yellow arc into the waves.


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13 hours ago, M.Vixen said:

Quite a few people here mention peeing outside as pleasant in itself, so I was wondering how many of you pee outside when it’s not really needed because you could also easily make it to a toilet/urinal on time. 

IMO a lot of people who aren’t into pee will still go somewhere else if it’s more convenient and reasonably private, rather than strictly out of necessity - where “reasonably private” depends on the situation (is it a festival? Are we drunk? Are we in Spain?)

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55 minutes ago, M.Vixen said:

The only places where I will allow myself to get desperate are at home and in the summer when chilling by the swimming lake nearby.

Do you prefer to pee in the water or on the shore? 😘

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54 minutes ago, M.Vixen said:

I do love peeing outside though, even if for that reason it is always something I choose to do, and never really necessary. I do love wearing a skirt without panties though, and to just let out some pee whenever it’s possible

I just love the things you say here, for me it is fabulous to know that a lovely girl feels like this, so free and easy when it comes to peeing, and doing it outside for the sheer love of it. You and I share this same feeling exactly, and thank you for sharing your exciting (and erotic) activities with us here!   xxx

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2 hours ago, M.Vixen said:

Woah, thanks for all the answers everyone! I feel like we slightly swayed offtopic here and there but that doesn’t matter 😊 Or maybe my question was to vague to begin with. 

@gldenwetgoose, your reply is what I mostly meant to ask about; like the example you mention about being able to get to your workplace and use their toilets, but going for the carpark instead. 

Also I realized that I didn’t even answer my own question myself :’) I think I’ve mentioned this before in another topic but thanks to my lovely *ahem* parents I developed quite severe anxiety for being in (urgent) need of a pee as a kid, since they would usually ignore my needs; wouldn’t stop at a highway rest area or look for a bathroom nearby when we were out shopping. Also as a girl it was an absolute no-go (literally 😅) for me to pee outdoors. I eventually adapted by just not drinking any fluids hours before we went somewhere… 

Anyway; I don’t feel (entirely) like that anymore but as far as I remember I have never been caught short as an adult. The only places where I will allow myself to get desperate are at home and in the summer when chilling by the swimming lake nearby. I do love peeing outside though, even if for that reason it is always something I choose to do, and never really necessary. I do love wearing a skirt without panties though, and to just let out some pee whenever it’s possible (there’s a park very near to where I live, which is always a good spot, but I’ve also peed while waiting for a pedestrian traffic light in a -rather drunk- crowd and many more spots). I love the cool breeze between my legs, and knowing that I’m sort of an extra naughty pervert girl, doing it on purpose while I didn’t have to 😚🤫

We are of the same mind! Though I can't exactly get away with not wearing panties for... a big reason, let's just say.

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There are some times where I do it out of pure desire to do so. However, my female friend seems to also enjoy the act, more so than me. She'll piss outside if it's just more fun. She was telling me about a time when she could of easily made it to the bathroom but "didn't feel like climbing the stairs". She's a healthy and mostly fit 26 year old, so she was definitely feeling lazy, and maybe bashful at the moment she pissed in her downstairs neighbor's front lawn. It was either there, or she pissed in the staircase leading up to her apartment for the same reasons. Even better in my opinion. 

Me...there were times I was drunk and had to pee, and was with friends who knew about my fetish. It was out of desperation but I won't act like I didn't have fun doing it in front of them 🙂

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I am purposefully going outside for a pee trip on two out of three days (that ratio has dropped recently, because there were just too many people around due to a festivity nearby, but as soon as that's over, I'll go back to 2 of 3 days) where I deliberately drink a lot of water beforehand and go to a nice location to let it all back out. Any trace of desperation is intentional, so I guess it could count as 'unnecessary'. Tho these trips unironically improved both my mental and physical health, so I guess they're not entirely unnecessary.

6 hours ago, M.Vixen said:

thanks to my lovely *ahem* parents I developed quite severe anxiety for being in (urgent) need of a pee as a kid, since they would usually ignore my needs; wouldn’t stop at a highway rest area or look for a bathroom nearby when we were out shopping. [...] I eventually adapted by just not drinking any fluids hours before we went somewhere…

Same; luckily I'm slowly getting rid of that

Edited by TMN_Femboi
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To add to my last post: Last night at my favorite bar, I went inside the bathroom a little buzzed and feeling brazen. I said, "what if I just piss all over the wall and trash can? Yeah... I'm gonna do it." Took down my pants, whipped it out and aimed a powerful stream of alcoholic piss at the wall and trash. I filled the trash quite a bit but made a mess. 

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