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Pee Stories That Make The News

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Wow, she really had to go!

And if hey won't let people use the toilet... Then they should expect them to use the floor!

Granted, she may have wanted to try and be a little more discreet... Like sitting on the edge of her seat and peeing on the floor.. 

I do feel bad for her though..  Having had to miss her flight Afterwords and deal with all the haters out there that have probably targeted her for it. 

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I must admit having had several close calls while flying

The worst was on a very bouncy flight; I had a tight connection so didn't get to relieve myself at the airport, though I already needed it, and then as the plane was ready to take off I thought I'd just wait until we were airborne. This was a major miscalculation on my part, because the entire ride was bouncy that day so passengers were instructed to keep to their seats with seatbelts on. At some point I just moved to the last row of seats despite the sign, earning a polite rebuff from the attendant, to which I replied I was really desperate and I needed the toilet at the earliest opportunity or we may have a problem.

Fortunately she was understanding, and some 10 minutes later during a quick reprieve she signalled to me to go and be quick, and the crisis was averted.

Lesson learned: never be too shy to ask to pee before take-off; you may never get another chance!

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On 8/20/2020 at 3:11 PM, GWash17 said:

Look at the size of the puddle on the plane floor right in front of her!!😳😳 She must have been literally about to EXPLODE!! 

Reminds of another story on the media last year:


In contrast to the girl in the video, this 26yo was not even allowed to leave her seat and thus ended up peeing into her clothes in her seat..


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/24/2020 at 4:58 AM, kramer said:

Look at the size of the puddle on the plane floor right in front of her!!😳😳 She must have been literally about to EXPLODE!! 


Like most people have said, being discrete like peeing off the front of a seat she'd have got away with it and no issues.

The fact she's gone and asked if she can use the bathroom was probably a big part in her downfall - the text says the plane was being refuelled, so all passengers would be asked to remain in their seats.  Perhaps she's started to leak at the point of being refused and thought 'what the hell' or she's just decided to protest at the crew's refusal.

From a cabin crew perspective, I'm guessing they've already decided she's either disruptive or drunk and then her action has made their minds up.  Also being on her phone during the refuelling probably won't have won her any favours either.

Hilarious though that the budget airline was Whizz Air...    perhaps she was just taking it literally?

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16 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Like most people have said, being discrete like peeing off the front of a seat she'd have got away with it and no issues.

The fact she's gone and asked if she can use the bathroom was probably a big part in her downfall - the text says the plane was being refuelled, so all passengers would be asked to remain in their seats.  Perhaps she's started to leak at the point of being refused and thought 'what the hell' or she's just decided to protest at the crew's refusal.

From a cabin crew perspective, I'm guessing they've already decided she's either disruptive or drunk and then her action has made their minds up.  Also being on her phone during the refuelling probably won't have won her any favours either.

Hilarious though that the budget airline was Whizz Air...    perhaps she was just taking it literally?

Totally agree!! Peeing on the plane floor in front of her seat (or alternatively, if technically possible - into the sickbag..?) would have let her get away unnoticed at least by the crew for the moment. (Not for other passengers around her of course).
In addition I wonder how she actually managed to get up from her seat and walk there where we can see her... During refueling she should be in her seat!! 

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  • 3 months later...
23 hours ago, p1ssputz said:

There's an old one here of a woman peeing on a bus in Philadelphia: https://www.rightthisminute.com/video/woman-pees-bus-its-no-big-deal

The uncensored video used to be on LiveLeak or EbaumsWorld some similar site but I think it's gone now. Shame, that. (Those sites - not sure what happened, but they now seem gentrified.) It's a hot vid, girl's got ass and you get to see her finish pissing on the seat and wiping. Wouldn't mind seeing something like this from @ebonycandiegirl. Well, I can dream, at least.

Here is the uncensored version:


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...
2 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Shania Twain confession anybody...?


Lovely! And the thought she put into the distraction / coverup suggests to me (perhaps fancifully?) that she does this often, and perhaps because she likes it rather than out of desperation ... though either scenario would be good. Excellent find thanks 🙂 

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  • 1 year later...


18 hours ago, MonsterKane46 said:

proof that these things happen in real life not just in porn

The fact is that they actually happen a lot in real life, but most people are discrete and even when people do pee in very public situations the vast majority of times nobody reports it to the media or the media don't consider it newsworthy.   Admittedly I've not seen anyone peeing in a bank or on a train myself but I've seen plenty peeing in public places.

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How could I forget this one?

I have a lot of sympathy for her, based on her puddle she really needed to pee, but after the staff denied her restroom access, she had to pee in the galley. Yet she's the one who gets in trouble. There's a plane forum bashing her for not holding it, but it's so obvious she humanly couldn't, where is the humanity?



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Feeling bad for the first girl in the bus and the one in the airplane. They really needed to go and had no other option than to pee on the floor. But what's bothering me the most is the reaction and the words they choose in the news articles. "Shocking footage", "in front of horrified passengers". It's like those girls just committed a warcrime or killed someone. But they are just peeing. Such a natural thing to do. I don't get it why people can become so upset about girls peeing publicly. If i was there, i would just laugh it off and maybe offered a helping hand. 😉 

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2 hours ago, Overlord said:

Feeling bad for the first girl in the bus and the one in the airplane. They really needed to go and had no other option than to pee on the floor. But what's bothering me the most is the reaction and the words they choose in the news articles. "Shocking footage", "in front of horrified passengers". It's like those girls just committed a warcrime or killed someone. But they are just peeing. Such a natural thing to do. I don't get it why people can become so upset about girls peeing publicly. If i was there, i would just laugh it off and maybe offered a helping hand. 😉 

The judgement directed at those women is appalling. What were they expected to do? Wet themselves? The headlines should read "shitty company treats adult woman as child, forcing her to make undignified choice." As much as I love watching women pee outside, toilets are a basic human right. I loathe people who deny restroom privileges to those in need.

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India has 1.6bn population and very few facilities around and yet they would rather shame the lady and condition females into thinking peeing in public with whatever discretion around is a social taboo. Due to this attitude UTI is a common issue there with women and guess what, media loves to lament that there are no toilets around and never ever discuss how to procure toilets with running water and staff to clean. In the old days all ladies did it outdoors with whatever privacy they discretion possible and there was never any issue. Traveling on highways meant squatting beside bus and car or behind and again, not an eyebrow was ever raised but do it today, the media will have a field day.

Any large outdoor gathering meant the spot behind the tent served as a pee place for both ladies and gents and it was all done tacitly with no outcry raised.

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Here's one spotted today as a sponsored link on my Facebook.


Although it's a fairly long review on the Lancs Live site, it seems the lady may be from a different part of the UK.

To be fair, the Facebook article's gained the usual trollish keyboard-warrior comments, but also a fair chunk of semi-supportive comments too.

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