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Just a 5k run this weekend and a 40mile bike ride. Legs have been stiff from a lovely shirt break at the start of the week which involved a lot of walking. It's was great to get away though so well worth the aches

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1 hour ago, LovesToWet said:

Just a 5k run this weekend and a 40mile bike ride. Legs have been stiff from a lovely shirt break at the start of the week which involved a lot of walking. It's was great to get away though so well worth the aches


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2 hours ago, LovesToWet said:

I'll be fine, my body will mend. Just hope I'm not too nervous to get back on a bike, it's not very appealing at the mo

Oh! Get well soon my friend x

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  • 2 weeks later...
37 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

Lunch time today, I decided that it is not right to spend all day sat at the desk and so I took an extended lunch, put a kayak on the top of the car and went for a paddle on the canal.

A great idea @Alfresco 🙂 Hope you don't have to work too late this afternoon to catch up

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Just now, Kupar said:

A great idea @Alfresco 🙂 Hope you don't have to work too late this afternoon to catch up

Thankfully I'm not excessively busy at the moment.  Will probably still knock off about 5:00


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  • 2 weeks later...
22 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

Today I did some work with my physical therapist for an injury I sustained in my neck and pain in my back. She told me she can tell I've lost weight since the last time I saw her (October-January). It made me feel really great, and I feel even better because I've added 2 lb hand weights to my treadmill routine. 

My mom got me a tiny treadmill for Christmas and in Jan/Feb I started walking on it to reach 10k steps a day at least 5 days a week, but I go for 7 if I can. I don't use a scale to measure weight loss as I am a woman who gets a regular menstrual cycle that cause me to gain/retain/lose weight on a daily basis. But from pictures and the way my clothes are fitting i can tell I've lost weight and I can't wait to see how my body reacts to using the weights when I walk as well! 

Congrats on your progress @Bacardi it is difficult for many of us to go through these physical struggles and I know it's difficult but you have us your peefans family here who support you.  We believe in you

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On 7/7/2023 at 1:51 AM, Bacardi said:

Today I did some work with my physical therapist for an injury I sustained in my neck and pain in my back. She told me she can tell I've lost weight since the last time I saw her (October-January). It made me feel really great, and I feel even better because I've added 2 lb hand weights to my treadmill routine. 

My mom got me a tiny treadmill for Christmas and in Jan/Feb I started walking on it to reach 10k steps a day at least 5 days a week, but I go for 7 if I can. I don't use a scale to measure weight loss as I am a woman who gets a regular menstrual cycle that cause me to gain/retain/lose weight on a daily basis. But from pictures and the way my clothes are fitting i can tell I've lost weight and I can't wait to see how my body reacts to using the weights when I walk as well! 

That's great. Keep up the good work. 

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It's been a few weeks since I got knocked off my bike and I finally felt I could manage a ride. So Friday night I got my MTB out of storage (my road bike got trashed in the accident) and got it ready for a ride..... Complete mental block. My heart says go for it, you'll be fine but my head just won't let me get on it. I've tried all weekend but all I do is stare at it. Never ever thought I'd be too nervous to get on a bike but here I am and don't know what to do about it

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1 hour ago, LovesToWet said:

It's been a few weeks since I got knocked off my bike and I finally felt I could manage a ride. So Friday night I got my MTB out of storage (my road bike got trashed in the accident) and got it ready for a ride..... Complete mental block. My heart says go for it, you'll be fine but my head just won't let me get on it. I've tried all weekend but all I do is stare at it. Never ever thought I'd be too nervous to get on a bike but here I am and don't know what to do about it

I had a similar experience when I had a minor incident involving a hedge. I was a little cut and bruised but okay and my bike was fine but I had lost all of my confidence on that first ride. I was more cautious than ever. I knew it was a freak accident but it was so hard getting over that initial mental hurdle. It's really, really difficult but the best thing to do is just get back on the horse, and I understand that is easier said than done. I'm sorry that my reply isn't more helpful.

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3 hours ago, LovesToWet said:

It's been a few weeks since I got knocked off my bike and I finally felt I could manage a ride. So Friday night I got my MTB out of storage (my road bike got trashed in the accident) and got it ready for a ride..... Complete mental block. My heart says go for it, you'll be fine but my head just won't let me get on it. I've tried all weekend but all I do is stare at it. Never ever thought I'd be too nervous to get on a bike but here I am and don't know what to do about it

Maybe just climb aboard. Then get off. Put it away. Just start by getting into the saddle without going anywhere. Baby steps? 

And you may have found this, but the third example here might be helpful:  https://trainright.com/how-to-get-your-confidence-back-after-a-cycling-crash/

Good luck 


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@SophieThat is actually what I've done in the past when I've fallen off and it's what I did the last time I was knocked off too but this time I just couldn't do it.

@KuparI did manage to sit on it in my garden but that's as far as I got. I'll have a look at your link later. 

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On Saturday my sister (who I don't see very often) and me had a nice paddle in kayaks on the canal.   We paddled for about 90 minutes and thoroughly enjoyed the pleasant evening.  When we got back to the launch point, I needed a pee so I said to my sister "I'm busting for a pee" and she replied "That's a problem then".  I said "Not really, I'll just go and sit on that log for a minute".  

I walked over to a log at the side of the car park and sat on the log, pulled my dick out of the leg of my shorts and peed onto the ground with my spraydeck covering me.   

There were a couple of other people (one guy, one lady) nearby packing up their paddle board, but they weren't worried.   I'm pretty sure they would have guessed what I was doing and probably would have seen the pee falling below the spraydeck if they were looking.

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3 hours ago, Alfresco said:

On Saturday my sister (who I don't see very often) and me had a nice paddle in kayaks on the canal.   We paddled for about 90 minutes and thoroughly enjoyed the pleasant evening.  When we got back to the launch point, I needed a pee so I said to my sister "I'm busting for a pee" and she replied "That's a problem then".  I said "Not really, I'll just go and sit on that log for a minute".  

I walked over to a log at the side of the car park and sat on the log, pulled my dick out of the leg of my shorts and peed onto the ground with my spraydeck covering me.   

There were a couple of other people (one guy, one lady) nearby packing up their paddle board, but they weren't worried.   I'm pretty sure they would have guessed what I was doing and probably would have seen the pee falling below the spraydeck if they were looking.

Nicely done @Alfresco - I can imagine the sort of comments you may have got in return 'it's alright for you blokes....'   but of course this is your sister, so perhaps not a line of discussion you want to pursue.

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