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Boys peeing outside

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Had to go or wanted to? Almost always my preference is to pee outside. Most all my hiking partners have seen me (a lot have joined in), peeing off a small boat is something I do regularly and I've been caught pulled over by the side of the road more than a few times.

How about you, Lilly?

Edited by glad1
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Yes, guilty as charged...   Generally in the dark, and don't think I've ever been caught as such. It's very often after alcohol has been involved - sometimes walking home and diverting off into an alleyway, other times it could be if I'm home and happen to be alone, after dark I might go and pee in the garden after a drink or two.

The other scenario is out driving - generally it would be under the cover of darkness. Sometimes through desperate need, other times feeling just a bit naughty. Feeling a sudden cold breeze whilst expelling a fountain of hot liquid can be quite an amazing feeling.

I don't tend to though with other people about unless absolutely desperate.  I'm a bit conscious of giving away my private 'interest' and I think that leads to me being a bit guarded.

Quite a number of friends I know have no qualms about peeing outdoors, for example if I'm duty driver on the way home, having a pee in a dark corner before getting in the car for the journey home. Cyclists who'll drop behind the group on a country lane with a shout of 'just stopping for a leak, I'll catch you up'.  I'm not aware of any of them treating it as anything other than a biological need though (then again they'd probably assume the same when I do it).

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I pee outside a bar once long time ago and I was with my cousin. I need to pee bad and the bar was paced. Mens room was filled was going to leave for the night but fist I had to pee so I went mens room but filled. I went outside I pee in bar parking lot. 

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I was once caught out full square winkie in hand as i was peeing against a wall in  what i thought was a secluded wood,when 2 girls jogging ran past me about 20 feet away.I think they saw nothing but with the steam etc it was obvious i was peeing.If they had wanted to watch they only had to ask!😮

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Guest UnabashedUser

Late one night sitting in the rear of a public park baseball dugout out of sight had a nice long leak in a corner and as I was about to zip up and leave two girls smoking joints came in, saw me in full stream, giggled but didn't leave or say anything. They calmly shared their joint and ignored me while I finished up then offered me a drag.


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1 hour ago, pinkbunny19 said:

I have caught several guys peeing outside.3 in alleys,2 by their car,1 in a doorway and 1 behind a tree.I think it is really hot to see guys peeing.I also have held a number of guys while they peed.

Well its nice to know a girl who enjoys mutual peeing.

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Years ago I was on a boat drinking beers and water needing to pee bad. The caption pulled the boat to the side and we got off this sand pit area. Me and other men and women got off the boat too.

Women saying on the the boat they needed to pee bad so we  had to stop. I got off the boat and I pee in the sand.

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11 hours ago, pinkbunny19 said:

I have caught several guys peeing outside.3 in alleys,2 by their car,1 in a doorway and 1 behind a tree.I think it is really hot to see guys peeing.

Pink Bunny its lovely to know you have exactly the same excitement and pleasure as we guys have when we find girls desperate to pee relieving themselves in naughty locations

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The Last time I reallyhad to pee outside was the other night at work. While on a smoke break i had got really desperate bc of holding it all mornijng (hoping someone would want to play with or watch..i  record all my accidents or do them live if smoel3one wants ) so anyway after holding all day nd drinking a lot of alcohol and water I went to work drinking more water there so a few hours in I really had to go so I grabbed some trash and went outside 2 others followed me. That was a problem. so I didn't know where to do wet my self or look odd walking to a different place to smoke. after i played it off like I went to grab something from my car when they were out of sight I quickly grabbed my self crossing my legs as a trying not to piss my self but I was peeing right then.i pulled my pants down just enough to not get anymore wet with the piss pouring out in my hand. I made a huge puddle and I was lucky to be wearing black pants that day.. it felt amazing to let go,too bad i  had to d go back too work&')




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It was this past sunday. I was christmas shopping with the wife and our friend. Well wr finally left the mall, keep in mind the place was packed with people. Well the 3 of us get to the truck. Wife gets in the front and our friend gets in the back. I open the driver door and announce im gonna pee real quick. So i whip it out in the parking lot and start peeing. Our friend ask my wife if im really peeing. My wife tell her the truth and without hesitation she lean forward from the back and looks right at me to watch the show. We all begin to laugh! I finished up and we headed to the next place to shop. Lol

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I regularly pee outside.  Hence the name Alfresco (Outdoors or in the open air).      I have been seen by many people; male and female, sometimes intentionally on my part, sometimes I have been caught.  

I mostly pee on my own, but when I've been walking or kayaking, I have peed with other males that I'm with.   I've also peed outside in front of my wife on numerous occasions.


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there's too many time to think of a specific time or place ....im always out doors in the summer at the park or walking around I normally just find a secluded spot or somewhere I'll not been seen as well but I've done this many time many places I'm sure ppl have seen me a few times someone would come and talk to me while I was peeing...i could never tell if they enjoyed watching or it just didn't bother or do anything for them 

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These days, I don't get many opportunities to pee outside since I live in a city. I don't really like peeing in alleys and stuff, probably because I grew up in a rural area so my affinity for peeing outside is all about being in a natural setting. I love the feeling of spraying a strong stream on a tree, in a creek or pond, or finding a bunch of flowers or little plants to play target practice with. 

I had a friend back in my hometown who lived close to a golf course, so when we would all hang out we would hike through the backwoods and goof around on the golf course in the middle of the night. I think about every time we did that I would make an effort to pee in one of the ponds, and that was such a nice feeling of having an unrestrained pee splattering into the water under the moonlight, being out in the open. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I peed outside this evening.  Went to collect a takeaway for dinner and deliberately didn’t use the toilet before I set out.  I parked the car and nipped down a little alley to the side of the takeaway place, peed against the wall, then went in to collect my food.

yesterday I went to a friends house.  When I left, I walked straight past my car and over the road to a field entrance.  I went just into the field, pulled out my dick and watered the grass whilst looking off into the distance across the field.  I then zipped up, returned to the car and drove home.

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Out here it can be a long way between towns or rest stops, particularly on older two land highways. As I drive a lot in my work I've had to stop often and piss along the roadside. I try to find a pull off or the entrance to a field pee there inspecting the surroundings as if I'm interested in them.

I've used picnic areas without facilities along the Interstate as well, parking so that traffic can't get a good look pissing on the grass or if it's convenient is a trash can. I've never been caught as far as I know anyway.

If I'm outside at home I'll piss in the corner should the need arise.

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It was around the summertime at night, at one of those attempts at a park smack dab in the middle of a (usually) bustling urban area. It was more like a garden. Point is I really had to go and didn't feel like holding it to wait for a train, and I considered the coverage to be adequate. Went down. The trail a bit and whipped it out. Pushed a little hard because I didn't want to get caught but still was there for a good minute.

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I have peed outside many times over the years.Everywhere from doorways, to alleys,to in the woods to by the road and many other places.There have been a few times where I was almost caught and others where people knew what I was doing.

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Like most guys I guess, I’ve peed outside innumerable times. Nothing memorable on most occasions, but I do remember peeing outside at a ball in a country town some years ago. It was held in a small hall, and the additional toilet facilities for men included a fenced off area with straw on the ground. I assume that the straw was taken away after the event, but I thought that was a really strange arrangement. It wasn’t particularly private – the fenced off area was in a bit of a hollow, so it was possible to look over the fence. 
Every time I walked past the men’s toilets, there was a line of women waiting for a cubicle. So guys who were peeing in the urinals had a audience. In those days, I was too shy to pee in front of a woman, so I didn’t even contemplate using the urinals.     
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