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Everything posted by puddyls

  1. even without a skirt, it's not impossible to be panty peeked. heehee 😇 i had actually picked this t-string expecting it to expose itself. and was a little surprised it wasn't totally obvious more often.
  2. sometimes i worry about it, sometimes i don't. but, i do usually scan an area before i decide to pee. i'm more worried about physical people around that i wouldn't want to see me rather than cameras though. and also sometimes trying to decide how to pee: like is there someplace more secluded to have a squat, or can i get away with just letting go out in the open; or maybe i can better get away with wetting myself instead.
  3. haha. i don't really consider my front porch public. but, i guess it technically is. i mean it's not like you wouldn't be able to see, and i am outside. lol. 😇so i'd just had a really refreshing bath and stayed in my towel when i went out to relax on the porch with another wine cooler. only, when i went to pick up my drink, it kinda slipped off. 🤭😳 felt a little shocked and embarrassed, but not enough to try wrapping myself back up in it. teehee. and despite feeling all exposed, stayed that way until i finished my beverage.
  4. thankful for comfy undies. 😞🩸
  5. haha. even though i had to wear comfy undies, and am really not feeling my sexiest, i felt naughty enough to go for a pantsless walk. 😳
  6. idk. lol. i come out on my front porch in my undies like aalll the time and don't really think anything of it. but, this night, i felt really sexy and sensual for some reason. it kinda just started by a short, quick rub of my clit over my panties while sipping my tea. or sometimes just feeling the soft night breeze caressing my bare skin. but, my insides were warming with that tingly sensation of desire. before i knew it my fingers had found their way completely inside my muffin, and came out with the tell tale sign of physical excitement. and i wasn't able to resist the lustful feelings overc
  7. exactly what @Paulypeeps said. steve, your dedication and contributions are wonderful. but, you have to take care of yourself first, sweetie. it's understandable that spending time here doing what you do may be a hobby, and maybe even therapeutic, but when it becomes too daunting that it's no longer an escape from reality, it won't hurt us if you need to scale back. i myself, have kinda been to and fro with life outside lately, so totally understand. when you're able, i'm sure we'll still be around to enjoy what you can offer. 💋
  8. gosh. there's just so many options though. 🤔 i do kinda agree with sophie that lace is a great choice. and have, in the past, done just that. but, for the purpose of the topic, i think i would actually go with a microfiber bikini. being able to feel them become wet is always fun, but they would breathe and dry quickly too, so hopefully keeping things discreet longer.
  9. welcome! i hope you find everyone here accepting and cordial. there are many wonderful people who frequent peefans; it might be prudent to maybe hang out in the live chat, or add to the many ongoing discussions in some of the forums that appeal to you. while we are all on here for similar reasons, not all of us enjoy the same way, or have the same expectations about them. and i feel like that is the best way to begin mingling and meeting others who share your interests and flair. meaningful engagement is bound to build relationships with those you connect with, and to the community as a whole.
  10. omg?! for reals? 🫣🤭 teehee. it always feels a little embarrassing knowing i inspired someone to do that. like i don't really think about it when i post stuff, though sharing on a site like this one, i guess i suspect that it happens. and i 💟 that my own shenanigans are enjoyed by others, but it's always surprising to find out. 💋
  11. was feeling a little desirable. can you tell? 😇
  12. so i don't remember falling asleep. but when i woke up, i was wearing a cardigan over my bra and panties. and when it started getting too warm in my yard, ended up not in the cardigan. honestly, it felt really freeing and sexy being outside in just my underwear. 😇
  13. is the function still there? i don't see one. also, idk, i take a lot of "live" pix, but they never seem to work on here. do i need to do something more than just use the button?
  14. i've been admittedly a little lazy down there lately.
  15. yes. used to play volleyball, and while it didn't happen in a match, i have during warmups, and on bus rides. still play tennis, and have the occasional accident.
  16. while i think it would be fun. maybe even relieving to have a partner who was into it, that's definitely not a deal breaker. my current SO, and most of my previous ones had no, or very little, interest in pee. but, i also am kinda skittish about 'traditional' watersports anyway. i'm more into my own shenanigans. but, it would be kinda nice to not have to hide wet clothes, or make excuses for them in front of my bf.
  17. used to do this quite often. but haven't been out to the movies at all in the past 2 years. definitely a benefit of wearing skirts and dresses. usually i'll just hike the back up and go through my panties. but sometimes pull them aside and try to let it spray out onto the floor. one time i did that, i was so bursting, my stream went between the seats in front of me. haha. thankfully no one was sitting in that row! 😬 i've also done it by pulling down my pants or panties and slid off the seat a bit so my pee would go onto the floor. i don't make a habit of it, but have gone enough times in my li
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