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Everything posted by puddyls

  1. for me it depends on a plethora of factors: like who am i with, how public is the area i'm in, what am i wearing, and obviously how desperate i really am. often though, if i'm alone and my outfit will let me, i'm not really concerned about any evidence. as likely i won't be there long enough for anyone to know it was me. but, if i'm with people i would probably excuse myself, if not to find a toilet, at least somewhere a little out of sight. though i also have this tendency to not want to break away from my group unless others also suggest they need to potty. and also i love gett
  2. teehee. so yeah, i do have panties on. its just that they aren't where you'd expect them to be. ๐Ÿ˜‡ can you find them?
  3. puddyls


    haha. if that's not a compliment, i'm not sure what is! but seriously, i'm glad you keep deciding to stick around. ๐Ÿ˜‡ and thanks. i feel a little honored that its all my fault that you do. ๐Ÿ˜‹ p.s. i've got a bunch of shenanigans i need to get caught up on here. so maybe that'll entice you to stay awhile.
  4. puddyls


    actually. nope. that was these.
  5. really only intended to rub over my panties for a short time. but that escalated quickly. โ˜บ๏ธ
  6. haha. it was a pleasant night, so i was out relaxing on my porch with a vodka tonic. and i maybe might have only been wearing half my clothes too. ๐Ÿคญ teehee
  7. some quick peeks before bedtime last night.
  8. while multiple user public bathrooms are still gender specific, where i live, by law, all single user public bathrooms are gender neutral. some are signed as much, or might be called a family bathroom; but many are still labeled for boys' or girls'. unfortunately, regardless of the sign on the door, they increasingly seem to only have one normal toilet inside. however, the guys', and family ones, do sometimes have both a sit down potty and a urinal. so yeah, if i'm fortunate enough to find myself in one of those with both, there is like a 90% chance that i will use the urinal instead because l
  9. while my secret petting during the movie was pretty benign and nonchalant, it kinda initiated some deeper desires. so later that night when i got back to my car, i let myself succumb to the urges i'd created. teehee, i'm sure i could have waited until i was home, but something about sitting in the parking lot as i fingered myself to completion just felt so sensual and naughty. ๐Ÿ˜‡
  10. no real reason, but i kinda started playing with myself during the movie. its just one of the fun things you can do in a skirt. ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜‡
  11. puddyls


    haha. thanks. ๐Ÿ˜‡ truth be told, i was sooo nervous. i'm just glad no one seemed to mind, which let me enjoy the exhilaration of it, too.
  12. even though i'm getting up there in years, i'm still daddy's little girl. โ˜ฎ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿป and wearing a pair of kiddy briefs was my own secret way of celebrating his day. so for all you dads, happy father's day!๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ง
  13. and we totally appreciate when you're not the creepy guy. like seriously, it shouldn't be all that difficult to be a decent human. even in my most risquรฉ shenanigans, i'm never asking for it. also, i know how fun it can be to fantasize, but consent is sexy y'all.
  14. puddyls


    teehee. thanks! well i technically wet them after. or that it happened somewhere between the 4th and 5th pix, rather. but yeah. ๐Ÿ˜‡
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